Minutes of CMA (NSW) Committee Meeting
held on Feb 13th 2010 at 36 Pitt Town Rd, Kenthurst.
Present: Roy Breyley (Chair), Richard Kimball (Vice), Lisa Clarke (Sec), Ian Dodd (Treas), Terry Beavan, Aaron Little, Wayne Witchard (Area Co-ordinators), Mick Davie (memb rep),
Graham Bertram (memb).
1420hrs Opening prayer and encouragement by Roy (Chairman) from 1 Cor 3: 1-9
No previous minutes available to be read
Roy advised he would speak with Barry Day re being Riverina Co-ordinator
Secretary advised she has sent two letters of thanks to:
1. Terry and Pam Beavan for use of their house for AGM and Terry’s organising of weekend
2. Illawarra Christian School for the accommodation during AGM weekend.
Church Raid for following day, Feb 14th, discussed: Terry to do testimony and Roy the blurb on CMA.
Calender discussed and dates set plus dates for potential CMA involvement as following
Feb 21st Communion on Cliff
March 12th Nowra Crossroads (Sth Coast CMA)
13th Silverwater Show (Brotherhood) (Ian)
21st Communion on Cliff
21st Biker’s Church (Brotherhood)
20th-22nd Ride North taking in 2 motorcycle museums at Tamworth and Nabiac (Roy)
April 18th Communion on Cliff
18th Blue Ribbon Ride: “Mean Fiddler”, Windsor Rd (Terry)
16th-18th Ridge Crest Auto Camp ($130 pp or $250 couple) (Roy)
May 1st-2nd Mudgee Weekend (Wayne W)
Committee meeting at Mudgee
16th Communion on cliff
June 5th Combined Christian Clubs Gathering TBA (Lisa)
12th-14th Tri-states gathering (CMA)
20th Communion on Cliff
20th Bikers Church (Brotherhood)
July 18th Communion on Cliff
Aug 6th-8th King’s Rally (Ambassadors)
14th Committer Meeting (Kenthurst)
15th Communion on Cliff
Sep 11th St Luke’s Car and Bike Show (Ambassadors)
12th Remembrance Ride (Brotherhood)
18th Medowie Bike Show (Longriders)
19th Communion on Cliff
Oct 8th-12th CMA National Run
17th Communion on Cliff
24th Pink Ribbon Ride
30th-31st CMA AGM and Teaching weekend
Nov 5-7th Snowy Ride (The Disciples)
21st Communion on Cliff
Dec 12th Bikers’ Carols (Brotherhood)
19th Communion on Cliff
Kimbo offered his house for stopover on Ride North and Lisa to check out possibility of Scone Nurse’s home for accommodation. Final decision pending.
Wayne W. looking at accommodation for Mudgee weekend: likely to be local hall or caravan park.
Discussion re venue for AGM/Teaching weekend. Possibility of Sandy Hollow or Wellington. TBA
Treasurer’s Report
Total $6342.15
Disposable $3837.80
Bike (Africa) allocated $2404.35
Discussion re donations $100 Illawarra Christian School
$250-$1000 CMA SA for bibles dependent on whether still printing: Ian will investigate
$100 Refund to Ketterwell for CMA UK donation
Discussion re Blue Ribbon Ride: Decided that individuals could raise money for same and CMA donations be allocated for Christian purposes.
Membership List: discussion of lapsed members and people allocated to contact those lapsed by 3 years or less.
Discussion of ideas for CMA NSW promotional flyer
Discussion of need and cost of CMA female apparel.
Decision to leave until next print order.
Reminder about New Hope Church Raid tomorrow.
Roy extended thanks to everyone present for coming.
1610hrs Meeting closed with corporate prayer.