Air Leagues Hall, Jubilee Lane, Parramatta, N.S.W.

Meeting opened 8.10 pm.

Present:B Hoffmann, B Eather, J McIntyre, R Armstrong, P Turner, R Towell.

Apologies:J M McIntyre, D. Keyssecker.

Minutes of Previous Meeting.

Raised by B Hoffmann on behalf of people not present that a matter concerning F Battam’s application to be included on a judging panel and discussed at the previous meeting was not in the minutes. To be referred to Hon. Secretary upon her return from overseas.

Moved P Turner and seconded R Towell that minutes be accepted. Carried.

Business Arising from Previous Minutes.

Carried forward to General Business by consensus.



Receipt for registrations – various.

Membership cards – various.

Invoices for payments totalling $3,630.

Advice in respect to matters relating to the passing of Warren Shurmer.

Update page for Manual of Procedures.

Advice of reappointment of J M McIntyre to chairmanship of control line sub committee

Advice of new Federal Treasurer details.

Minutes of May Executive Teleconference.

From Other Parties.

Letter from P Barclay re State Championships (overlooked by Asst. Secretary in tabling correspondence – to be tabled at next meeting).

Letter from D Harvison.

Invoice from R Boyd $118.80 for website.

Invoice Hon. Secretary envelopes, stamps etc $31.90.

Racing results from State Championships.

Responses re rule definitions thoughts.

World Championship bid document from W.A.

Query re fee payment for W. Shurmer from B Hoffmann.


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Correspondence contd.

Airflow Magazine.

MAAA conference report from Hon. Secretary.

Results from State Championships.

Result of Team Trial.

ACLN No. 155.


Responses to comment of rule definition, B Hoffmann and D Simons.

Advice to members re the passing of Warren Shurmer.

Advice to MAAA re Warren Shurmer.

Member registrations to MAAA – various.

Payment of MAAA invoices $60.

Payment of invoice Air Leagues Hall $330.

Response to question raised re Warren Shurmer’s fee payment.

Minutes of previous meeting and president’s report.

Request for voting on proposal to keep CLAS fees at level of last year.

Advice re CLAS fees for 2011/2012.

Advice of the possibility of some events not being run at State Championships.

Request for State Championship and Team Trial results.

(In the event that anyone is interested a copy of correspondence items may be obtained from Hon. Secretary).

Business Arising from Correspondence.

Transferred to General Business by consensus.

Treasurer’s Report.

Balance brought forward$46,043.26

Income 1,185.17

Expenditure 1,200.00

Balance carried forward$46,028.43

Moved R Towell and seconded P Turner that report be accepted. Carried.


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Vintage Competition

B Eather tabled a letter received from P Barclay in respect to vintage competition in that he is in favour of more activity in the discipline. (The letter is in line with the letter to CLAS listed in Correspondence, which was overlooked by Asst. Secretary, and will be tabled for discussion at next meeting).

State Championships

B Eather raised the matter of possible rescheduling the State Championships to later in the year due to the June long weekend weather being inclement over the past few years. Suggested the October long weekend and in consequence Blacktown Council to be contacted in respect to the availability of Whalan Reserve at that time.

National F2B Team Trial.

Noted that result had been received from coordinator but no reference whatsoever in respect to reserves. General discussion ensued and it was decided that B Hoffmann would communicate with the coordinator to resolve the matter. It was noted also that the information is required to be passed on to MAAA.

The subject of payment to team members was also raised. After some discussion it was moved B Hoffmann and seconded R Towell that payment be made upon production of evidence of airline ticket purchase. The amount to be received by team members has not yet been determined.

State Championships

P Turner advised the meeting that there were 51 individual competitors and at date just 3 competitors have not paid entry fees. They are being followed up.

Gross entry fees totalled $1,660. There are still payments to be made including ground hire for which to date no invoice has been received.

The canteen netted $327.25 which was a considerable improvement over recent years and evidenced better control over collecting money and would have been even better had the inclement weather not impacted adversely on the sale of cold drinks.

Electric Motors.

R. Armstrong raised serious concerns in respect to the safety aspect of electric motors and the practice of some users. General discussion ensued and a number of potentially dangerous incidents, from their own experiences, were related by some members.

Bob, an Electronics Engineer by profession will prepare a discussion paper for tabling at the next CLAS meeting.


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Meeting closed 10.10 pm.

J. McIntyre

Hon. Asst. Secretary.

Please be advised that the Annual General Meeting is scheduled for 8.00pm 12/09/11 at Air Leagues Hall, Jubilee Lane, Parramatta. N.S.W.


Thunderbolt Glo Plugs (4 stroke $7.00, with idlebar also $7.00)

Nitro Methane $20.00 per litre.

Non shrink dope $20.00 per litre.

Tinplate 0.0008’ 500x300 $10.00.

Synthetic Oil (VP Nitro Glide Plus) $45.00 for 4 litres.

For further information contact Brian Eather ph9802 4934