AA School of Architecture
Registration for PSA Supervision for Year Out
Attach Passport Photo Here / Name in Full:Nationality: / Date of Birth:
Are you subject to UK Border Agency visa requirements? / Yes / No / Expiry date of current visa (if applicable)
Awarded Part I on
(if applicable) / At (School):
OR ARB Part 1 exemption (if applicable) / Date:
I wish to register for PSASupervision.
- Registration entitles students to supervision of their ‘Year Out’ work experience and practical training by Alastair Robertson, the AA School’s Professional Studies Advisor (PSA), for a period of two years (from date of registration).
- The supervision of ‘Year Out’ work experience is a continuing process and typically will include quarterly tutorial reviews in the AA, arranged by appointment through Rob Sparrow the AA’s Professional practice Co-ordinator. Office visits, at the request of candidates, are also undertaken where this might be helpful. Advice and sign-off of PEDR records on a regular basis is included in the fee.
- Registration for ‘Year Out’ supervision does not infer any responsibility by the AA for a student’s visa arrangements with the UKBA. Please talk with the Professional Practice Co-ordinator if you have questions on this.
The fee payable on registration for PSA Supervision is £250.00and is non-refundable and non transferable.
* I enclose payment of £250.00
Address:Tel Home: / Tel Work:
Mobile: / Email:
Signed: / Date:
You can make card payments by phone or by completing details below / Date Payment Taken (office use)
Cheques should be made payable to ‘AA School of Architecture’ and sent to: Professional Practice, AA School of Architecture, 36 Bedford Square, London W1B 3ES / Cheque
Visa / Mastercard / American Express / Credit/ debit card
Card Number / Issue Date / Expiry Date / Issue No. / Security Code
(last 3 digits)
M / M / Y / Y / M / M / Y / Y
Architectural Association School of Architecture, 34-36 Bedford Square, London, WC1B 3ES, Tel: 020 7887 4000