Venue: P.J.Gallaghers Irish Pub, Parramatta. NSW
Meeting opened 8.15pm
Present: B.Hoffmann, B.Eather, J.M.McIntyre, R.Towell, P.Turner, G.Goodworth, D.Keyssecker
Apologies: R.Field.
Minutes of Previous Meeting:
Minutes of the previous meeting were circulated to all members. It was moved P.Turner and seconded R.Towell that the minutes be accepted. Carried.
Business Arising from Previous Minutes:
Moved to General Business by consensus.
Correspondence In.
Correspondence. In from MAAA.
MAAA Treasurer. Invoice for amounts owing. This has been queried as the accounts were paid by cheque and copies of the letters and cheques are held by the Secretary.
Details of Annual Conference.
Details of teleconference.
Secretary out of office.
Other than MAAA.
S.Bakac. Re card and Gold Wings. Emails to Fed. Secretary and ANSW Registrar.
KMFC. Member registration. Cheque for $85.00
NACA. Member registration. Cheque for $85.00
SAT. Member registration. Money paid directly into account.
Reeve Marsh. Details of final placements for World Championships teams. Confirmation of Dave Simons and Fiona Wilson as Team Manager and Assistant Team Manager.
Information for CLAS calendar from organisers of events.
NSWFFS. Re C/L involvement in Nationals.
Hon. Sec. Invoices for flowers and secretarial requirements. (stamps and ink cartridges). $114.95 and $78.98.
Twin Cities. Acknowledgement of payment.
Correspondence Out.
Twin Cities MAC. Payment of account for hire of hardstand area for State and Nationals events. ($708.00)
Forward of all relevant emails to members.
Drafts of Calendar sent out to organisers and Club Secretaries.
Acknowledgement of emails received.
Minutes of November meeting.
MAAA. Payment of invoices. $60.00
Moved G.Goodworth and seconded P.Turner that correspondence be accepted. Carried.
Business Arising from Correspondence.
To be moved to General Business by consensus.
Treasurer’s Report: November, 2017.
Opening Balance: $70,467.47
Income: 177.89
Expenditure: 768.00
Balance Carried Forward: 70,177.36
Hon. Treasurer advised the meeting of the status of the Term Deposits and will look at the financial benefits or otherwise of possibly merging these accounts.
It was moved D.Keyssecker and seconded G. Goodworth that the report be accepted. Carried.
A statement of account has been received from the MAAA, in relation to two cheques, from May and September. Cheques for the two separate invoices had been posted to the MAAA together with a covering letter, copies of which the Secretary had filed. Following phone calls and emails to clarify this situation, it was noted that one of theses cheques had been processed by the MAAA and the other for $11.00 had not gone through. It was agreed that another Cheque for $11.00 would be written and a letter sent to the MAAA Treasurer with these details and a copy of the Bank Statement. Secretary to attend.
The Secretary submitted a claim for reimbursement for the purchase of flowers, which were sent to Mrs. Sylvia Grinham, ($114.95) and for the purchase of stamps and ink cartridges ($78.98)
This was passed for payment and a cheque for the total amount was given to the Secretary.
CLAS Stickers and Badges.
Members should receive a CLAS sticker each year when they renew their membership, and it appears that there have been those who have missed out. The Secretary is happy to send these on to the Club Secretaries for distribution to those who did not receive them with their card. Also, if Clubs have new members this financial year, who did not receive a badge, please let the Secretary know and she will post these to the members.
CLAS Calendar for 2018.
Dates have now been provided and drafts have been sent out. There have been a number of changes and the addition of various events, and once these are put on the Calendar, the Secretary will send it on to Brian, who will format it and colour code the events. It is hoped that the Calendar will go out before Christmas.
2018 Nationals.
There was general discussion on the Nationals, to be held at West Wyalong next year and financial arrangements. Event co-ordinators need to be firmed up and Bruce will contact the various people in this regard. Questions were raised about possible assistance for those officials who were not flying in any events, and the various fields to be used for Control Line. Bruce will be in touch with the Free Flight folk to discuss any of the questions raised.
All Nationals accounts for 2017 appear to have been presented and paid and the Secretary will now send a letter to the VMAA, requesting reimbursement of those payments from the Nationals subsidy, received by the VMAA for the 2016 Nationals, of which the NSW Nationals were a part. Secretary to attend.
Bruce has been speaking with Tahn in relation to score sheets for all C/L disciplines. Gary has requested these. Bruce has also contacted folk regarding the possibility of acting as Event Co-ordinators. Robert Owen - Combat, Andrew Heath -Speed, Racing – to be decided, Aerobatics- Still undecided.
Report for MAAA.
Hon. Secretary will organise the Annual report, to be sent to the MAAA by early February.
There being no further business, the meeting was closed at 9.25 pm.
Joan McIntyre.
Hon. Secretary.
C.L.A.S.Website: www.control-line.org.au
Postal address of CLAS Secretary: Email:
19 Alston Drive,
Berowra Heights. NSW. 2082 Ph: 02 9456 1546 or Mob: 0408 92 1065
NOTE: The next CLAS meeting will be held on Monday, 12th February, 2018.
MERCHANDISE FOR SALE *** Please note changes.
Thunderbolt Glo Plugs (4 stroke $8.00, with idlebar also $8.00)
Nitro $20.00 per litre.
Shrink Non shrink dope $22.00 per litre.
Tinplate 0.0008 500 x 300 $10.00
Synthetic Oil (VP Nitro Glide Plus) $45.00 for 4 litres.
C.L.A.S. Badges $5.00 and C.L.A.S. Stickers $1.00. For these items, contact the Secretary.
Heavyweight Tissue $4.50 per sheet *** Please note the change in price.
Lightweight tissue $2.50 per sheet. Contact Brian for further details.
C.L.A.S. Cloth patches $5.00
For further information, contact Brian Eather Ph: 9602 4934