Minutes of Chedgrave Parish Council Meeting held Thursday 6 October 2016

Present: Chairman J Bircham, Cllrs R Wood, C Frosdick, C Frost, J Lurkins, J Riley & R Green.

1. / Apologies – County Cllr B Stone, Vice Chairman MH and Cllr C Gould. Cllr RG would be late.
2. / Minutes of meeting held on 1 September 2016 approved and signed. Proposed JL, seconded RW.
3. / Matters arising.
4. / Declarations of interest – None.
5. / To adjourn the meeting to allow public participation.
There were 4 members of the public present.
J Bir asked Mr Milner to speak about the proposed orchard at the allotments. Mr Milner outlined the proposal involving planting a selection of Norfolk Heritage apple varieties. He said he had a selection of quotes for the trees etc which he would pass on to the Clerk
6. / Reports :
County Cllr Stone’s report circulated before the meeting.
Police report received by the Clerk by e mail just before the meeting and read out. Details available from the Clerk.
Tree warden
JR said he was resigning as tree warden as he did not have sufficient time to offer. He reported that a resident in Pits Lane had discussed tree work with him (as at Item 17 on the agenda.)
J Bir thanked JR for all his efforts as tree warden.
MH reported via the Clerk that he and Mr Johnson would be meeting to set up the new Christmas lights at Beauchamp House.
JL said that street lamp No 4 on Langley road was on constantly. RW to report.
RW reported that the sign at the Langley Road end of Big Back Lane needed repairing. Clerk to inform Rangers.
J Bir had spoken to Centenary Fields regarding The Pits but the land needs to be registered to the Parish Council before any progress can be made.
7. / Clerk’s report.
Report circulated before the meeting.
Meeting at Police HQ on 20 October, J Bir to attend.
Broads Forum on integrated flood management, 3 November, CG to attend.
Planning decision - 2016/1517 – Extension, 29 Norwich Road, received after agenda was sent out. Approved with conditions.
Clerk had been contacted by a lady from Langley regarding grazing. JL proposed charging £100 per month and asking the lady if she wished to use The Common as well. Clerk to ask how many horses there would be.
8. / To discuss the budget 2017/18.
Clerk said she had begun a draft budget but that there were items of expenditure still to be agreed before it could be finalized.
There was a discussion regarding the church yard grass cutting and whether it is the responsibility of the Parish Council to pay for this. It was agreed that the Clerk should contact Reverend Owen to discuss this.
Budget to go on the agenda for November meeting.
10. / Item 9 was deferred until RG arrived.
To consider planting bulbs in the Parish.
JL said that many ideas had been tried with hanging baskets and been unsuccessful so he thought that planting bulbs along the verges in Langley Road might be an alternative. J Bir proposed buying as many bulbs as possible using the Chairman’s allowance, JL seconded.
It was decided to deal with Item 15, hanging baskets at this point.
J Bir said she was not prepared to plant baskets as they were not maintained/watered.
RG joined the meeting at this point.
It was agreed to offer to sell the baskets to the shop holders for a small charge.
9. / To discuss Grebe Drive play area including; the renewal of play bark and the removal or replacement of the damaged light bollard. To agree a course of action regarding the vandalism to the youth shelter.
RG said first that the proposal for “wrapping “ the Jubilee oak with Christmas lights was not viable. RG to go back to Loddon & District Business Association (LDBA) and suggest that they approach Mrs Vale with a view to “wrapping” the trees at Chedgrave shops.
RG said that the play bark at Grebe Drive needed replenishing. J Bir to obtain a quote for bark and rubber chips.
J Bir read out the quote from Pearce & Kemp for the works to the damaged bollard. After some discussion, it was agreed that the Clerk should write to Saffron Housing, telling them that the bollard is on PC land and needs repairing or removing as it is dangerous.
See the Difference had cleaned the graffiti from the black panels on the youth shelter but the Perspex needs replacing. Clerk awaiting quote from Monsterplay.
There was a discussion regarding the balance trail in The Pits. It was agreed that RG and JR would liaise and produce a list of equipment that RG has and let the Clerk have the list.
Clerk to contact Mr Marriott regarding an issue with a piece of equipment in The Pits that he was previously involved with.
11. / To discuss the allotments including; the request from Hardley Road Allotment Association (HRAA) for a permanent set down area and installation of another gate.
J Bir proposed agreeing the plan for the orchard as discussed in public participation above, RG seconded.
There was a discussion regarding the requests from HRAA and it was agreed that J Bir would speak to Mr Tabor and following that discussion, a decision would be made at the November meeting.
12. / To confirm arrangements for the next working group to update the Parish Plan.
The next meeting was planned for Thursday, 20 October 2016 at 7 pm but the room is unavailable. After some discussion, it was agreed to meet on Tuesday 18 October at 7 pm at The White Horse.
13. / To decide whether to respond to the Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) letter regarding new housing targets.
This was discussed and JL proposed that the Parish Council declined to respond, J Bir seconded.
14. / To discuss “adopting the BT phone box in the village.
It was agreed that the Parish Council did not wish to adopt the telephone box.
15. / See Item 10 above.
16. / To consider the quotes obtained for refurbishing the bus shelters.
JL had obtained a quote from Mr Snowling for £732 for refurbishing the large bus shelter. Clerk to obtain second quote and item to be put on December agenda for further discussion.
17. / Planning applications: 2016/2150 – works to trees in conservation area, Netherfield Cottage, Pits Lane. Previously agreed with tree warden.
18. / Planning decisions: None received by 30 September. (See Clerk’s report above).
19. / Payments.
Clerk salary
Postage / £ 256.52
£ 1.20
Chedgrave PCC room hire / £ 37.50
D Johnson for Christmas lights / £ 383.50
Paul Frost for waste bins / £ 48.00
Loddon Garden Centre for grass cutting / £ 528.00
Hags SMP for Viper installation / £ 9,624.00
Colin Snowling for village sign maintenance / £ 42.00
See the Difference for bus shelter cleaning / £ 102.00
S Raney for tree work, Jubilee oak / £ 500.00
Total / £ 11,522.72
Receipts : Precept £10,640.00
Approved :
Proposed J Bir, seconded RG.
20. / Items for next agenda – None further.
Date & time of next meeting: 7.30pm Thursday 3 November 2016 at The Church Rooms, All Saints Church, Chedgrave.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 9.25 pm.

Signed : Dated :