Minutes of Bualnaluib Parent Council Meeting

Wednesday 1 November 2017, 3.15pm

Present: Jean, Penny, Jo, Michelle, Emily, Mel, Christine, Jennifer, Kate, Fiona, Gill.

Apologies: Linda, Mike

Minutes of last meeting – these were accepted as a true record of the meeting 6/9/17

Proposed Christine, seconded Jennifer

Appointment of office bearers: Secretary update – Fiona had notified parent Council by text that she would change roles to fill in the secretary position this year. Proposed Christine, seconded Jennifer.

Matters arising from minutes

Staffing – support staff allocation of 3.5hours fortnightly, to be covered by existing staff (week about JC/ER) to allow for continuity of experience. Supply staff to provide classroom cover for this.


There is a need for more people to be able to drive the minibus. This would involve volunteers taking the MIDAS test at Murray Fiddes (longman, Inverness) which is 1.5 days. 5 hour course and 45 mins test on following day. Cost is £85 which would be covered by school funds. Initially staff will be trained, hopefully to be followed by parent volunteers. ONGOING – parents to let Jean know if they are interested.

School fund

£2167, includes generous anonymous donation £500 for school, £500 for nursery.

Parent Council £1334.68, includes £110.60 from phone book sales

Diary - December

Badminton Festival P4-7 Monday 4th

Christmas Experience Gairloch Church of Scotland Wednesday 6th

Parents Evening from 3 pm (10-15 min slots) Thursday 7th

School production Jack and the Beanstalk thursday 14th

Christmas party in school Action Christine to ask Richard …...... !!

Christmas Play -Jack and the Beanstalk

Gill suggested after school Props Club to help with backdrop/props etc


Fiona to put out permissions slip/volunteer request for this (dates Wednesday 8th,15th,22nd,29th,6th .

Request for Cardboard, Giant props (toothpaste tube), clouds, fairy tale character costumes (red riding hood, sleeping beauty, wolf, robin hood, ginger bread man,etc)

Gill to find out what size and number of additional black fruit of the loom t-shirts need ordering – give details to Christine to order

Gill to ask Caroline for size of calico needed for backdrop

Jennifer to ask Gordon for Emulsion paint

PC to source spot lights

Christine to ask if Richard can record show

Gill to ask WCA about stageing

Beetle Drive

Set up at 3:30, drop off baking at hall. Jo to get 6 books of raffle tickets, kate to organise float.

After school Clubs – Diane is coaching short tennis on friday 2:30 – 3:30 from now until 8thdecember for P3-7, in the new year for P1+2.

Woodland Project: Fiona gave an update, Aultbea Estates have given permission for tree planting, Andrew Ross is quoting for stock fencing the area (deer fence deemed too obtrusive and expensive). Fiona is to go ahead with Tesco bags of help grant application.

Gairloch ASG schools management update – A summary of the latest meeting has been emailed to all, it's worth keeping updated by reading it Norma Young and Don Esson (Highland Council) will be meeting with schools individually before christmas, keep and eye out for notice of meeting.

Blysthwoodbosex will be collected on Monday

DONM: Wed 17thJan, 2018

Meeting finished at 4.40pm