Minutes of Board Meeting………………………………………………………………………September 15, 2014

Attending: Howard Wilkison, Sue Fortman, Sharon Phillips, Tom Ogden, Ed Dodds, George Granholt, Vietta McKenzie, Dave Smith, Robert Barker, Teresa Kovacich and Dustin White, WTRE.

Minutes were read and approved on a motion made by Ed Dodds and seconded by Vietta McKenzie.

Claims were discussed and approved on a motion made by Vietta McKenzie and seconded by Sue Fortman.

New Business:

Bob Barker shared with the Board that we had received the Harpring Land Contract proposal for the next two years. The rent was increased by $10.00 per acre. The Board approved the new contract.

Following a meeting with the County Council to discuss the proposed 2015 budget, Bob was told to contact John Elsner about the County Park walk bridge which has been condemned for several years. Elsner was hired to tear out the old wood on the bridge and make the necessary repairs needed to get the bridge opened.

Sue Fortman inquired about the old volleyball standards that were dug up at New Point. She wanted to know if they belonged to the Parks Department and what plans that New Point might have for them. Bob said that he would contact Jeff Shouse to ask about them.

Letters of Communication:

A letter of thanks was read for the use of tables and chairs for their food booth during the fair.

The Special Olympics are continuing to use Kohler Park for practices and games on Wednesday evenings and Saturday morning.

Women’s volleyball is underway with ten teams participating while the men’s league has seven team playing in the league.

Mike Cornn has expressed interest in serving as the coordinator/director for the youth sports complex. He is preparing a proposal to present to Bob who will in turn present it to the Park Board at the next meeting.

We were told that the Nightmare Youth Football had been banned from their league for using ineligible players.

Our department recently participated in the annual United Fund Day of Caring. We were matched up with students from Greensburg High School. The students washed windows in the gym and removed brush from the Charles Buell Nature Walking Trails.

The Decatur County Youth Soccer League is currently underway at Shriver Field. Practices are held during the week with games being played on Saturdays.

The new walking trail has now been completed from the Oddfellows Rebekah Park to the Carousel Day Care. New benches and a bike rack have been installed at the start of the trail by the restrooms. Work is underway to complete the trail to the Decatur County Schools Administration Building (formerly the Greensburg Moose/A to Z Occasions).

Bob reported to the Board that former Park Board member, Barbara Manus, passed away. A sympathy card was sent to the family.

With no further business to discuss, Tom Ogden made a motion to adjourn. Dave Smith seconded the motion.