Minutes of Board Meeting ofLLTNP Community Partnership

Held on10 April 2014at Carrochan, Balloch

Celia Burn (Chair)
Kate Sankey (Vice Chair)
Elizabeth Bain (Treasurer)
Owen McKee (Director)
Peter Galliard (Director)
Jo Wright (NP Sustainable Development Officer)
Marie Harvey (Community Partnership - Support Officer)
Iain MacInnes (Director)
Clara Walker (Development Officer)
Ronald MacDonald (Director)
Carol Hemfrey (Director)
Joyce Russell(Director)
Gordon Donaldson (Co-opted Director)
Alan Smailes (Director)
Sheila Winstone (Co-opted Director)

Celia Burn in the Chair. The meeting started at: 11.40

Agenda Item / Narrative
  1. Introduction and Apologies
/ 1.1Welcome
Celia welcomed all the Board and forwarded on apologiesreceivedfrom Gordon Donaldson, Joyce Russell, Alan Smailes and Sheila Winstone.
  1. Approval of minutes of Board Meeting, 30th January 14
/ 2.1 Accuracy:Celia confirmed that the previous minutes had been circulated. Celia asked the board if they agreed that all items of the last meeting were true. The Board agreed.
The minutes were accepted and proposed: Elizabeth Seconded: Kate
2.2 Matters arising from minutes. The status of closed actions was noted. Updates were given on actions as follows:
Item 1.2 – Finance Sub Group to include item at the next Finance Sub Group meeting to discuss and review the succession of Community Partnership Directors and office bearers. Action ongoing.
Item 4.1– Marie to circulate new staff details and working arrangements to CP Board. Marie to resend information.
Item 8.1 – Date of Board Meetings for 2014/15. Marie and Clara to set dates in place. Board to be circulated with updated calendar. Action complete, next Board Meeting scheduled for 17th July.
  1. Opening Remarks
/ 3.1 Chair’s Report
Celia reflected on the hard work carried out by the Community Partnership (CP) over 2013 and highlighted the need for the CP organisation to refocus on what it can do to bring communities together and respond to cross-cutting themes and priorities for 2014. Celia reflected that in this final year of the CP’s current SLA with the National Park Authority itwould bean opportunity to review the CP organisation financially andto put in place a financial strategy for all its CP core business and projects. Celia closed her end of year report by addressing the CP’s current financial position and advised that as an organisation responsible for a growing workforce it had a legal obligation and therefore needs to ensure that all its policies and procedures are in place. Celia asked for the final point to be included on the agenda for the forthcoming CP July Away day and workshop.
Adding to this last point, Clara updated the board that the CP’s first away day would be held in Cowal and would include in addition to a shorter Board meeting visiting a range of community and heritage venues local to that area. Clara added the benefits of also inviting along a speaker from SCVO to provide guidance on the governance and responsibilities of organisations in the third sector, and for the CP to look at similar organisations for synergy and other options how it can operate. Kate agreed that this would be very beneficial and to look at the associated costs. Clara suggested inviting along Argyll & Bute Council for the Boardto find out more about what resources they have available. The Board discussed the options to extend an open invite for community members to attend. Celia added that the away day would be best used as an opportunity to invite along more key people from local Community Development Trusts over the lunch period to discuss matters of interest.
Action: Clara asked Elizabeth to identify someone suitable to come along from SCVO.
Action: Jo to research quotes for an alternative externalspeaker/organisation for away day.
The Board discussed the itinerary of the away day, and agreed following Iain’s suggestion to hold the Board meeting at a set time during the dayto allow a couple of hours either side in the morning and afternoon for site visits.
For the remaining board meetings for 2014/15 the Board unanimously agreed to change the 11.30am starting time back to the usual time of 2.30pm.
  1. Local Development Plan
/ 4.1 National Park Authority (NPA) – Local Development Plan (LDP) presentation
Stuart Mearns (Forward Planning Manager) from the NPA provided the background behind the MIR (Main Issues Report) consultation coming up in July. Stuart shared details about the community process and opportunities for the CP to provide feedback on the best methods to offer consultation and engage a wider audience. The CP agreed it would be happy to offer any support to circulate information to its members. Stuart explained the ‘LIVE - Park’ brand describing its strong emphasis on younger people and working familiesanddiscussed what are the key areas of the Local Development Plan that need updating. Stuart advised the board that the consultation programme will be going ahead from the 28thApril until end of July and will include an update at the next Cowal Area Network (CAN) on 21st May. Stuart went on to talk about the ‘Young Place-makers’ initiative which will train up to 6young people to learn more about the planning process. Celia added that there is potential to link this initiative with a potential CP ‘Youth Partnership’project which will be more focussed on community issues, rather than just planning.
Kate asked Stuart if the Community Partnership could follow these young people beyond the Place-maker initiative. Stuart agreed this would be worth pursuing and suggested this be discussed after today’s meeting.
Iain questioned the consultation’s tight timescale allowing community councils to respond. Stuart advised that the Planning team would be willing to relax the end date for any consultation concerned with commercial businesses. Stuart advised that in addition to appearing at the CAN and the Drymen Show on the 31ST May the MIR will be on permanent display at the Callander Youth Project (CYP) and Three Villages Hall in Arrochar.Owen reassured the Board that this will be the first round of consultation and that a draft plan will be issued ahead of a further consultation round in 2015.
  1. Administration
/ 5.1End of Year Report 2013/14
Celia referred to and provided highlights from the End of Year Report previously circulated. Clara summed up activity for 2013 discussing the challenges ahead, advising that the CP have tracked and learnt lessons throughout the year. Clara advised the implication on CP resources has resulted in some projects not moving forward, adding that the CP needs to be more resourceful and to not rely completely on its SLA with the NPA. Clara asked the Board to discuss what they felt the CP should be looking at for 2014/15 and to ask whether the CP isaddressing itsmember’s needs. Clara added that if the Board can agree on the latter, to look at what our partners can bring to the table to reduce the CP’s costs and overheads to run them. Closing the end of year report, Clara added that the CP would need to look at the future of its area networks. Clara made some suggestions how the area networks could be developed and asked the Board to consider taking these forward.
5.2 End of Year Accounts 2013/14
The accounts up to the 31st March 2014 were presented and accepted by the board. Approved: Ronnie Seconded: Owen
Elizabeth provided a review of the accounts, and an update regarding the current claim to be processed by LEADER for the Skills Partnership which is currently outstanding. Kate reassured the Board that LEADER had assured that they are processing the CP’s second claim. Elizabeth advised that under these circumstances, the NPA have kindly agreed to bring their SLA payment forward in order to meet the ongoing salary commitments for April. Celia discussed the current facility that has been put in place as an impact of the current cash flow situation, and explained the challenges and obstacles of the LEADER application and claims process that the CP have had to overcome. Clara advised the Board that the LEADER process has had significant and proportionate costs to the CP in terms of both time and money.
Elizabeth raised her concerns by adding that the audited end of year accounts for 2014 submitted to Companies House will not include the income that was expected to have been received from LEADER to offset the expenditure for the Skills Partnership project. Clara added that this could have an impact when applying to other funders. Jo reassured the board that in situations similar to this,most funding bodies will accept a covering letter from an existing funder forecasting any income that is due/overdue.
Under ‘Summary of Movements’ Kate asked for Elizabeth to make some amendments to the costs headings:
-Amend ‘Apprenticeship Scheme Phase 2’ to read ‘Skills Partnership’
-Amend ‘Apprenticeship Scheme Phase 1’ – remove ‘Phase 1’ to read ‘Apprenticeship Scheme’[1]
Action: Elizabeth to amend cost headings as advised above.
5.3 Finance Report update for 2013/14
No discussion. Financial report to be circulated.
Action: Circulate Financial Report
5.4 Proposed Budget 2014/15
Clara provided a verbal update and discussed the proposed budget for 14/15 advising that at present there is a current stop on spending to allow for all ongoing operating costs to be honoured. Clara added that there were funds still remaining in the CFGG budget and asked the Board for ideas on the best way for this to be spent. Clara suggested two potential projects, one being a Feasibility Study to investigate a park wide project looking at a ‘Cycle hub’ or non vehicular/transportation around the park; alternatively to offerit up to communities to develop sustainable energy projects.
Elizabeth suggested reallocating the surplus funds from the CFGG project to spend by the Skills Partnership projectuntil such times all LEADER claims are processed.
Clara added that the SLA and funding for ‘Paths in the Park’ requires a review.
Clara added that the CP staff will be working alongside Jo to identify potential funding opportunities. The Skills Partnership team have so far applied to the Princes Foundation and are currently looking at developing an application to the Lottery fund in collaboration with theRoyal Highland Education Trust (RHET). A separate funding application to the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) has also been submitted to funda joint ‘WW1 Heritage Showcase’ at this year’s Gathering. Celia advised that the proposed budget should be seen alongside the Corporate Plan (with figures) which will form the basis for any future funding bids.
Clara reflected on the importance and need of the existing Finance Sub Group thanking its members for their invaluable support that they have given to overcome some of the issues that the CP has faced this year. Clara added that each sub group is vital to supporting and steering CP staff and overall developing the organisation.
Action: Clara to circulate proposed budget for 2014/15
5.5 Service Level Agreement – Update/Review
Celia acknowledged how much the CP’s SLA represents elements of the National Parks aims, reinforcing the importance of both organisations working together and supporting each other.
5.6 CP Website – progress update
Clara provided a short update. The CP website is currently being handed over to the new website developers at Weesleekit, and a holding page will be put in place until it goes live at the end of May.During the domain’s transferral there were some initial problems concerning registration, however this has been resolved and the URL for the CP website will remain as
  1. Membership & Membership Services
/ 6.1 The Gathering 2014
Marie provided a short update following the last sub group’s meeting held on 20th Marchwhich looked at exploringpossible themes for this year’s event. The group agreed that the venue for the Gathering will be held at the 3 Villages Hall, Arrochar on the 1st November. To mark the centenary of WW1, part of the Gathering programme will be looking at holding a joint WW1 Commemorate Showcase which will be one of several event’s in theCP’s 2014 Heritage programme. The Board agreed that the venue was ideally located for the event, and discussed some initial concerns regarding the venues limited parking space offering several solutions, including hiring out the Lochgoil Community Bus to ferry guests to and from the main public car park in Arrrochar. Marie handed over to Carol to talk more about the plans for the joint ‘WW1 Commemorative Showcase’.
Action: Marie to liaise with Elizabeth to look at option to hire the Lochgoil Community Bus.
6.2 Area Networks update
Discussion deferred.
  1. Projects
/ 7.1 Skills Partnership
Kate provided an update to the latest from the Skills Partnership project.
Kate described the positive links that have been developed with a range of partners in order to identify information and advice on offer and to facilitate support for businesses in skills development and training. Progress has been made on developing an innovative shared apprenticeship pilot funded by the Scottish Government, in partnership with the Sector Skills Council for Tourism and Hospitality, People 1st. Five local employers have been identified and the process of candidate selection has been established. The aim is to have up to 6 shared apprentices in place by May/June 2014.
Relationships have been developed and areas of shared working identified during meetings with a range of partners, including the National Park Tourism Destination Group, SDS National Training Partnership Manager, Callander Youth Project, Love Loch Lomond (tourism destination group), Forth Environment Link, LANTRA, STRAMASH and the Woodland Trust.
As part of the Modern Apprentice week and to mark the launch of the shared apprenticeship scheme with People 1st, Kate noted that the Skills Partnership would be hosting its own event on the 21st May inviting a range of micro businesses, training providers and agencies along to learn more about how they can get involved.
Clara added that during stakeholder consultation with the Princes Trust the lack of Rural Transport featured as a common issue/barrier for young people. Clara asked the board for suggestions, and appealed to anyone who may have had any experience in this area how the Skills Partnership could look at transport options for young people getting to and from work in rural areas.
7.2 CAP’S
Elizabeth provided the latest update of those communities undertaking the next round of Community Action plans, including Buchanan who had just gone ahead with their local Household survey.
Elizabeth advised that the CP Cap toolkit had now been signed off and communities would soon start to see the benefits. Clara added that in the long run the toolkit would save the CP money. Celia added that the CAP Toolkit branding had been used and given consistency to the new CP Website. Celia added that the CP could also look at expanding this new branding for other CP merchandise like pens and trolley Tokens etc.
Elizabeth advised with support from Jo, that the CP will be looking at applying for funding to produce a CAP outcomes report.
7.3 Heritage Programme 2014
Carol provided further background behind the planned joint ‘WW1 Commemorative Showcase’ at this year’s Gathering programme, which will form part of a wider CP Heritage programme over 2014/15. This will be the first joint project in several years involving up to 27 Heritage societies and groups located in and around the National Park with the CP acting as catalyst and enabler. Carol described the groundswell of enthusiasm and research that is currently taking place in communities to commemorate the centenary of WW1 and explained that blanket invitations to all these groups for them to register their interest to take part had been issued early on in the month. A further invite will go out to attend a smaller Heritage networking event in August, giving the CP an opportunity to assess and offer guidance.The programme will also feature a Culinary Competition for primary schools within the National Park to design a WW1 inspired menu to be served up at the Gathering. A meeting with Mary Haggarty from Arrochar, the host’s for this year’s Gathering is scheduled to discuss the CP’s ideas for the programme. Carol advised following further enquiries, that it looked like a possible conflicting and similar event to be held by the Royal British Legion at Inverarary Castle in September would not be going ahead. Carol advised the Board that the Heritage programme could potentially increase CP membership numbers.
  1. Any Other Business
/ 8.1 CP Newsletter (Spring/Summer 2014 edition)
Directors were issued with the first copies of this year’s CP Newsletter which will be shortly circulated out to all its members. Clara advised the Board that to produce a newsletter, and one of this size, is extremely time intensive and that to have this ready in time for Spring was a huge achievement.
  1. Date of next Board Meeting
/ Thursday 17th July2014 – CP Board and staff away day. Venue and itinerary to be confirmed.


Minutes Board MeetingCommunity Partnership

[1]Refers to ‘Business/Apprentice Support Project’