Minutes of Angus Cardiac Group Committee Meeting held at

Montrose Cricket & Rugby Club,Montrose on 5 November 2014

Chairman Gordon Snedden welcomed all to the meeting and introduced new committee member John Wilkie who is fromthe Carnoustie group.

Members present: Jean Cook (minutes), Agnes Mitchell, Sam Connelly, Shona Wallace,Bob Wallace, Maria Clark, Jean Carcary, Kathleen Ferrier, Edith Sherriff, David Taylor,Jennifer McArtney,Anne Allen, Keith Robertson,KenFenwick,John Wilkie.

Apologies: Jennifer Hedge, John Dean,Laura Deacon, Stan Eggie, Karen Fletcher.

Matters arising from previous minutes.

Water bottles. Gordon reminded everyone that the water bottles are not dishwasher proof.

Medicine cards –another 2000 have been ordered by the project along with cards which can record pulse and blood pressure. These items have been extremely popular.

The annual accounts were audited by Wendy Baillie prior to the AGM. The cost was £150.00. Kathleen stated that Wendy has said her future charge for this job will be £100.00.

The visit to the Mud House has now been arranged for 3 December as only 1 person wanted the 10 December. So far there are 18 people on the list but as Joe can accommodate up to 35 more names can be taken. Shona to confirm the time with Joe and let Jean Carcary know. Jean now has the list of those attending as Bob and Shona will not be here at that time.

Talks – Stan had suggested a dietician at the last meeting. This person was not willing to talk but had tried in vain to obtain another speaker from within the NHS. Jean has now obtained a speaker for a future meeting through a name provided by Karen Fletcher.

A pharmacist (George Gardiner) has also agreed to talk to the Forfar Group – the date for this talk is being discussed with him.

Health Fairs – the recent Health Fair at the Reid Hall was very successful. Gordon thanked those volunteers who helped. The next one takes place on 23 April 2015.ACG will have a table and once again volunteers will be required for this.

The Pilates and Yoga demonstrations held in Arbroath were well supported.

Annual Dinner Dance

Agnes showed everyone the necklace which had been obtained from a local jeweller to present to Jean Stevenson. All agreed that this was a lovely item. Agnes will get a basket of flowers and these will be presented to Jean during the evening.

Maria stated that everything was booked and in order for the dance.

They will get a table organized for the cheque presentations and order large cheques from the Bank which Sam will write. Maria has also

organized a photographer.

So far only 71 menus from members and 15 from guests have been returned. Gordon will follow up those guests who have not yet replied and also make enquiries regarding an unsigned cheque which had been returned to the sender.

Agnes asked if monies could be used to put orchids and miniatures on the tables. This was agreed.

There was a great deal of discussion around the membership list which Maria had stated was far from up to date – in spite of an exercise carried out by the Vice Chairmen to check on their own areas.

Various suggestions as to how this situation could be better managed were mooted. Eventually Bob Wallace suggested that a sub group be set up to take this forward and report back to the committee.

Discussion also centred around the use of e-mail to notify members of future events.David suggested that letters with the new membership cards go to everyone. This would also be looked at by the sub group.

Shona Wallace volunteered to chair this group which would also consist of John Wilkie, Linda Brown, Jennifer McArtney, Kathleen Ferrier and Maria Clark (since withdrawn).

Gordon mentioned that there had been some complaints regarding the cost of postage for this year’s invitations. He pointed out that we had been given a donation by Forfar Rotary Club to cover these costs but that next year this would be approached differently.

Gordon will contact the printers to ascertain a cost for printing new, larger membership cards.

ACG property

The Chairman reminded the members that the group have many things available for use within the group and for promotional events. These items include a BBQ,gazebo, projector and associated equipment. Also available are carrier bags, pens, bookmarks and wristbands.

Attendance at Meetings

Agnes, who had attended the monthly evening meeting in Forfar in September, stated she was disappointed at the small numbers attending as Montrose always have a much bigger turnout.

Gordon said that there are many meetings which ACG ought to be represented at and asked for additional volunteers to attend the Angus Self-management network group meetings especially since we did not have a representative at the last meeting. Several people volunteered for this task to supplement those who already attend.

Treasurer’s report

Kathleen gave a short report on the current financial situation.Recent income comprised £29.50 from the sale of tee shirts and a £50.00 donation from Gordon Snedden.

Expenditure included AGM expenses of £140.00, postage for dance invites (£159.00), £27.00 to Music Connex for the Forfar group meeting, £150 to the auditor and £149.00 for hire of the Guide Hall and the Columba Hall. The cost of the gift for Jean Stevenson was £65.00 and £140 was paid to Morag Dalgarno (exercise instructor at Montrose).

At this point Agnes mentioned that the Montrose group had raised almost £2000.00 during the period June to September 2014.

Theatre Trip

A volunteer to organize a theatre trip was required. Bob Wallace said he was prepared to undertake this.


The Arbroath/Carnoustie group has a Scottish Country dancing session at the Carnoustie Leisure Centre on 26 November at 2.30pm. All welcome.

Pedometers – Jennifer McArtney will set up a world walking group for this project.

Jean Cook said she wished to nominate Gordon Webster from Forfar to the committee. Gordon has agreed to stand. Anne Allen seconded this and he was co-opted on to the committee.

Gordon S produced cardiac rehab exercise DVD’s which can be purchased for £5.00 (if 200 are ordered)and then resold to members. There was some uncertainty as to whether members would want to buy a copy for themselves. It was agreed to find out what the response to this was from the Phase 4 classes prior to making any decision.

Date of the next meeting

The next meeting was arranged for Wednesday 21 January 2015 at 10.30am.This will take place in Forfar. Gordon will book a room and inform the committee of the venue (Room B at St Margaret’s House now booked).