Work Order Preparation Checklist – Consultant Contracts

CCNA and non CCNA

IMPORTANT! Always use the most current version of the work order form which is found on the Procurement Services intranet site.

  1. Identify the County Contract:

Contract # / Contract Title
Sub Discipline / Project Manager
Firm’s Name / Date

Note: If using contract # 13-6164 Fixed Term Engineering and Architectural Services, you must specify the sub-discipline that will be used.

  1. Determine if the contract can be used for the services (use CCNA continuing contract quick reference chart to determine if your project qualifies). If the project does not fall within the parameters for the use of a continuing contract under CCNA, a separate RFP must be issued.
  1. Select the type of work order(specify on the Work Order form):

______/ Lump sum.
______/ Time and materials based on contract hourly fee schedule.
______/ Combination lump sum and time and materials.
______/ Other (as allowed by contract).
  1. Estimated dollar amount of non-CCNA work order – Check contract to see Board threshold limits. Typically they fall within one of the following:

______/ Up to the maximum Board approval level (does not require Board approval prior to issuance).
______/ Greater than the Board approval level (require Board approval prior to issuance).

Project Manager Requirements:Prior to requesting proposal from consultant:

______/ List task(s) required.
______/ List deliverables for each task(s).
______/ Identify schedule for completion for each task. Use Internet date calculator ( to determine correct dates (this also applies for the NTP).
______/ Identify any special terms and conditions related to work order (cannot conflict with original contract).
______/ Identify types of personnel required and estimated hourly allocation for each task.

Consultant proposal requirements:Include the following items as the actual cost proposal page:

______/ Title of services to be provided.
______/ List required tasks.
______/ Provide brief (1-2 paragraphs) description for each task.
______/ List deliverables for each task.
______/ Provide schedule for completion of each task and related deliverable(s) IMPORTANT NOTE: If specific due dates are provided for each task on the Work Order, Finance will not pay for work done beyond the specified date. You must extend the completion date for the task prior to the original task due date.
______/ Identify costs associated with each task.
______/ Provide total dollar amount.

Include the following items to be submitted separately: These items must be included with the cost proposal that is sent to the Project Manager if all or some of the tasks are based on time and materials

______/ Breakdown of pricing for each task.
______/ Number of hours per personnel category per task based on hourly rate provided for in County contract* IMPORTANT: While an allotment of hours is a useful tool for a PM to decide if the resource allocation is reasonable and necessary for the project, this should NEVER be attached to any work order. Why? This is an estimate of the hours/personnel needed for a project. In real life, things change, and there needs to be flexibility to adjust those hours/resources as needed as long as the total dollar amount of the work order is not exceeded. Since the consultant must provide backup for each invoice, that establishes the basis for payment and allows proper auditing.
______/ If category of personnel is not specifically identified in County contract, provide hourly rate for that category* Note: Do not allow consultant to submit “new” personnel categories to circumvent the established hourly rates and personnel categories. Add categories only for specialty personnel.
______/ List of materials, equipment, etc. required for job.
______/ Estimate of allowable travel expenses per person per task (travel outside Lee and Collier County only.)
______/ Detailed costs for sub consultants’ services and deliverables (if any).
______/ Current insurance certificate (if not current per original contract).
______/ If applicable, list of allowable reimbursable items as provided in contract* (not applicable if using lump sum as basis for cost proposal)

NOTE: Consultants are not to submit any other terms and conditions, pages requiring a County signature, other fee schedules, or anything else that may be in conflict with the governing County contract.

Project Manager’s responsibilities following Consultant cost proposal submission and prior to issuance of Work order:

______/ Compare submitted cost proposal to budget requirements. Does it meet budget? ______Yes ______No
______/ Review allocation of personnel and resources for each task to ensure adequate performance on each task. Compare to original estimate as prepared by Project Manager. If they are not in agreement, discuss with Consultant to find out why. This is an important step and could be the key to a successful project outcome. Just meeting budget is not the most important consideration.
______/ Review hourly rates to be sure they are in compliance with contract.
______/ Review that there are no mark-ups on sub consultants’ services, materials or other items unless provided for in original contract document. Verify allowable mark-up rate in contract.
______/ Review travel expenses – (only for travel outside of Lee and Collier County) – should be as provided in Section 112.061, Florida Statutes.
______/ Review proposed schedule against requested schedule. If not in agreement, discuss with Consultant.
______/ Review reimbursable items (if applicable) for conformance to contract.
______/ Upon completion of all work order tasks, consultant evaluation form to be completed if work order is over $25,000.

If any of the above items are incorrect, request that the consultant revise their proposal and re-submit. Once above items have been completed, submit proposal attached to properly signed Work Order form as back up to Procurement Strategist for review BEFORE any department signatures are obtained. Once Procurement Strategist has approved the draft proposal and Work Order, obtain departmental signatures and attach to requisition in SAP to obtain Work Order/purchase order.

Project Manager: Changes to Work Orders


Consult contract modification matrix to choose correct instrument.

______/ Zero $ Change by Letter (must conform to specific limited uses) Use Contract Modification matrix to determine if appropriate.
______/ If required, use Change Order Form.

Project Manager / Consultant submittal and review of invoices per Finance requirements:Invoicing Checklist for Work Orders – Consultant Contracts, CCNA

Lump Sum

  1. Work Order/Purchase Order # - mandatory requirement
  2. Invoice Date
  3. Invoice #
  4. Total Contract Amount
  5. Service Period – mandatory requirement

If the proposal is broken down by Task then the Invoicing must be done in the same manner.

  • Total for each Task
  • Percent Complete for each Task
  • Total Completed To Date for each Task
  • Previously Paid for each Task
  • Current Amount Due for each Task
  • Total Due for Current Period (for all Tasks)

2. Time and Materials

  1. Work Order/Purchase Order # - mandatory requirement
  2. Invoice Date
  3. Invoice #
  4. Total Contract Amount
  5. Service Period – mandatory requirement

3. Combination Lump Sum & Time and Materials

Follow the information for each type above plus make sure to group all Lump Sum items together with total and then all Time & Materials items together with total then provide Total Due for the Current Period.

The Proposal is very important and invoicing should mirror proposal. Proposal Rate Schedule must match corresponding Rate Sheet so please make sure that correct titles are setup in Proposal & Rate Sheet prior to issuance of Work Order.

  • Total for each Task
  • Previously Paid for each Task
  • Current Amount Due for each Task
  • Title/Hours/Rate for personnel must match Rate Sheet
  • Total Due Current Period (for all Tasks)

Work Order Preparation Checklist

(Revised: 11/09/2015)