Burscough Parish Council Minutes
BURSCOUGH PARISH COUNCILMinutes of an Ordinary Meeting of the Council held on 13th May2015 at the Grove.
Present: CllrsBullen, Taylor, Warrilow, Mackrell, Hardisty, Atherton, Crawford, Bell, Makin, Kennedy
In attendance: Tess Reddington, Clerk
- Apologies: were received from CllrSutherland (meeting)
- Disclosure of Pecuniary and Non Pecuniary Interests: There were no disclosures.
- Resignation:
- The resignation of Cllr Shirley Ashton was noted. It was unanimously resolved that the Parish Council thank Cllr Ashton for her time on the Council and for the valuable contribution she has made, particularly in the production of the Newsletter and in her work on community projects, and that the Parish Council wish her well in her future life.
- It was resolved that a vacancy be declared for Red Cat Ward.
- Minutes of Previous Meeting:It was resolved that minutes of the ordinary meeting held on 8th April 2015be approved and signed as a true record.
- Residents’ Points of Interest: There were no residents’ comments
- It was agreed that consideration of a grant application for Mere Court be brought forward.
- Mere Court Residents’: It was resolved that,in accordance with the Local Government Act, 1972 Section 137,a grant of £500 be made to Mere Court Residents Association.
- Police Report: PCSO Morley provided a report on policing in Burscough during April.
- County Councillor’s Report: County Councillor Dereli provided a verbal report.
- Planning and Footpaths Committee:
- The minutes of the Planning and Footpaths Committee Meeting were noted.
- It was resolved that in order to be prepared in the eventuality of further submissions being required, this committee recommend that arrangements are put in place to engage a planning consultant if required and that authority to buy consultancy up to £1000 be delegated to the Clerk in consultation with Chair of Planning and Chairman of the Council
- 2015/0378/FUL School House Farm, Tollgate Road, L40 8LD: It was resolved that no objeection be made.
- Neighbourhood Planning: The minutes and recommendations of the Neighbourhood Planning Management Group were noted and approved.
- Finance:
- The notes of the meeting of the Finance Group held on 27th April 2015 were noted.
- End of Year Accounts: It was resolved that the bank reconciliation and variance report for the year to 31st march 2015 be accepted.
- Audit:
- It was resolved that the internal auditors report be noted.
- It was resolved that Parts 1 and 2 of the Annual return were approved, completed and signed by the Chairman of the Parish Council.
- Request for Grant funding:
- Burscough Outreach Trust: Cllr Atherton declared a non-pecuniary interest. It was resolved that, in accordance with the Local Government Act, 1972 Section 137, Burscough Outreach Trust be awarded a grant of £2,000.
- Alt Crossens Intermediate Drainage Group: It was resolved that, the item be deferred until constitution and banking arrangements were in place.
- The Grove: It was resolved that, in accordance with the Local Government Act, 1972 Section 137, a grant in the form of a subsidy of £5 per day per child attending (those living in Burscough only) be awarded, to a maximum of £4,000, paid on evidence of attendance. Voting was recorded as follows: In favour 6, Against 2, Abstensions 3.
- Insurance: It was resolved that insurance for the year to 31st May 2016, be renewed with Zurich at £987.40.
- The Parish Council confirmed the total sum awarded to Nifty fifties was £2178.
- It was resolved that the following items be approved for payment:
Employee 2 / Salary / £298..27
Employee 5 / Salary / £1,343.54
HMRC / Tax and NI / £380.74
Ray Wilkins / Contract retained hours / £124.68
Burscough Hub / Grant / £350.00
NRE Surveyors / Rent / £306.66
Champion / Distribution of newsletter / £134.40
LCC / 2 Signs / £460.54
St Johns Church / Room Hire / £27.00
W V Mcennerney-Whittle / Internal Audit / £195.80
CPRE / Membership / £36.00
B Bailey / Mileage / £11.64
EdanGardending / Maintenance of Planters / £100.00
Edward Taylor / Planning Consultancy / £1,000.00
HMRC / Adjustment Yr end 31/3/15 / £0.20
- The notes of the Street Scene Working Group were noted.
- The recommendations of the Street Scene Working Group were approved as follows:
- That the Parish Council fund provision of directional signs for Abbey Lane Industrial Estate, and Platts Lane Industrial Estate as per LCC quotation
- That the purchase of two additional SPIDS, and submission of grant application towards cost, be delegated to Clerk in consultation with Cllr Taylor.
- Purchase of Hanging Baskets/watering and soft landscaping for 2015. Members of the public were excluded during this discussion because it included commercially sensitive information. It was resolved that 78 hanging baskets be purchased from Plantscape at £30.00 per basket, and that expenditure of a further sum of £1500 be delegated to the Clerk in consultation with the Chair of Streetscene, for further summer displays and barrier baskets.
- It was resolved that arrangements for watering, including renegotiating current contracts was delegated to the Clerk.
- It was resolved that expenditure on footpath maintenance within budget available for 2015/16 of £1000 plus income from footpath maintenance be delegated to the Clerk.
- SPID It was agreed that arrangements for siting of SPID(s) (within budget) to the Clerk.
- It was resolved that, as it was not possible to relocated most of the brackets on lamp poststo suit Hanging Baskets that the contract for watering and putting up and taking down hanging baskets remain with the two contractors used last year.
- Interchange: A report was received relating to a meeting with Cllr Marcus Johnston.
- It was agreed that the Parish Council will take part in Priory High/Burscough Outreach Trust Community Day, 17th July 2015.
- To consider adoption of Equality and Diversity Policy: Deferred
- Nominations for 2015 Design Awards: It was resolved that Burscough Parish Council nominate landscaping at Merlin Business Park for an award.
- Neighbourhood Planning: It was agreed that the Parish Council seek tenders for the final stage of the Neighbourhood Planning process.
- To consider building Parish Council capacity for future growth: It was agreed that this be considered at a special meeting in the future.
- Correspondence
- A letter of thanks from Nifty Fifties re grant fundingwas noted
- Members asked for further information regarding Alt/Crossens Catchment Partnership, Sceptic tank project
- An email from LALC regarding War Memorials was noted.
- Outside Committees: There were no reports from outside committees.
- It was agreed to defer a decision to renew membership pending further information about the benefits
- Spring Conference 6th June 2015: to consider attendance: deferred pending outcome of above.
- Training: to consider attendance training courses:
- Managing Meetings, Cllrs Taylor, Crawford, Mackrell and Bell (subject to check) will attend.
- Annual Parish Meeting: it was noted that the Annual Parish Meeting will be held on 27th May at 7 pm.
- Annual Report: The Annual Report as circulated was approved.
- Clerk’s Report: The Clerks report was noted.
- Next Meeting: The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Weds 10th June at 7 pm.
Signed as a true record by………………………………………….. Chairman, Date ……………………………………