Minutes of an Ordinary Meeting held at Stoneleigh Village Hall, Stoneleigh at 7.30 p.m. on the 9th September 2010.
PRESENT: Councillor H. Baker (Chairman),CouncillorsD. Botterill, D. Ellwood, Mrs J. Mackenzie, G. Williams, Ms S. Woolf, I de Worringham, County Councillor M. Doody and District CouncillorB. Mackay.
APOLOGIES: Councillors G. Gatward, Ms T. Grant, D. Persaud,A. Taylor, Mrs L. Thrift, County Councillor J. Whitehouse.
There weretwo members of the public present.
The Chairman Cllr H. Baker welcomed Cllr B. Mackay to the meeting as Chairman of Warwick District Council.
45. Chairman Warwick District Council
Cllr B. Mackay said he was pleased to be at the meeting as Chairman of Warwick District Council.
- One of his aims is to focus on the importance of the rural situation. The villages in this Parish Council are not as obvious as other villages in Warwickshire.
- He recently attended the launch of the London Rural Challenge which involves six organisations to monitor the situation. As soon as he receives a copy of this paper he will distribute it to all Councillors. Warwick District Council will be considering the rural situation in the 21st century.
- He thought the rural communities may be adversely affected with the budget cuts from the Coalition Government. He plans to contact as many farmers as possible in his area to see if there is anything that can be done to help. The NFU will contact the farmers directly but if anyone knows of any farmers they should let him know.
- There are 4 Town Councils and 19 Parish Councils and he will have attended all of these except for two by the end of this year.
46. Minutes
The Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 8th July 2010 were circulated andwere signed by theChairman.
47. Co-option of Councillor for Burton Green Ward
There was one nomination for the vacancy for Burton Green Ward; Mr Vaughan Owen.
Cllr G. Williams proposed his co-option; this was seconded by Cllr I. de Worringham and unanimously agreed by all present.
48. Matters Arising from Minutes
Granite Kerb Stones- Stoneleigh
These have now been repaired by Warwickshire County Council (WCC) and they have made an awful mess of them. Cllr S. Woolf has taken some photographs of this work and they have recently been sent both to Tom Mannion WCC and a copy to Cllr M. Doody. Cllr M. Doody said he received this email this evening and was appalled at the standard of this work. He intends taking this up with Gerald Brooks and Tom Mannion of WCC tomorrow.
49. Public Session
A member of the public Mr Martin Innocent thanked the Council for not objecting to his recent planning application to the building of a store and potting shed on his land at The Orchard, Coventry Road, and Stoneleigh. He now wishes to build a house on this land and would appreciate the comments of the Parish Council before he proceeds any further. He produced a plan of a proposed 4 bedroom dwelling which is annexed as page35.
He said that the land has Japanese knotweed but he has managed to eradicate 95% of this at present.
Several questions were asked by the Councillors including the flood plain and the space for the parking of cars. It was agreed that the Councillors would consider this and they would notify him in writing of their comments in the next few days.
50. Reports
Police Report
The following report was received from the Police:
- Between 30th July and 3rd August unknown offenders attempted to break into a number of rooms in one of the Business School buildings. Nothing was taken.
- A room at a residence on the Heronbank site of Warwick University was burgled on the 19th August and a laptop and camera were stolen.
County Councillor M. Doody
Cllr M. Doody gave the following report:
- There is now a revised route for the High Speed Rail Link 2 . On Saturday morning he intends to walk the proposed path from Offchurch to Ufton. He is totally opposed to the scheme. The cost at the moment is £30 billion which he feels is extortionate. He cannot understand the necessity for the shorter rail journey to London from Birmingham when video conferencing is so advanced. He cannot understand why the route is planning to go into Euston and to Birmingham Curzon Street and not the centre of Birmingham. The width of the railway will be 75 metres to allow for repairs to be carried out . He cannot see the advantages for the Midlands.
- It has been agreed that Warwick Fire Station will be closed. It is possible that Leamington Fire Station could be moved to a better position, south of the river.
- Advantage West Midlands will be closing soon. Grants will then come through Warwick and Coventry Local Enterprise Panel.
- On the 20th October the Government will set out the payments to Local Authorities. There could be a reduction of 6 ½ % each year for several years but it is likely that the reduction in the first year could be as much as 15 – 20%.
- Flooding is now the responsibility of the County Council.
He was asked what would happen to the ownership of the land at the Showground that is currently owned by Advantage West Midlands. He did not know at present.
County Councillor J. Whitehouse
Cllr J. Whitehousesent in the following report:
- High Speed Rail (HS2) – as Councillor for one of the eight county divisions affected by the current preferred route, I am closely involved with ongoing discussions with officers and with HS2 action group representatives. I would like WCC to take a more proactive stance against HS2 than the administration is willing to do at present. The business case for HS2 does not stand up to detailed scrutiny, as some excellent work done by the HS2 action alliance has demonstrated convincingly in my view. I have recently been appointed Chairman of the newly formed WCC Communities Overview & Scrutiny Committee, and have arranged that the Committee will debate HS2 and WCC’s response at its meeting on 3rd November.
- Connect2Kenilworth- the project faces the axe because of proposed WCC capital spending cuts. At the Cabinet meeting this afternoon it was agreed to carry on for a further two months. To lose the project now would be a massive blow to local people, who voted for the scheme in their thousands in the national big lottery prize competition in 2007 and who have given great support to it since. Two years hard work by lots of people, and quite a bit of money already spent would be largely wasted. WCC needs to spend another £270,000 to complete the scheme as planned, with the larger part of the remaining funding coming from Sustrans/Big Lottery. Without the WCC spend however the matched funding will not happen, and the whole project will stop. The overall WCC capital expenditure programme is nearly £600 million. I hope to persuade WCC that this project is a special case and that it must not throw the baby out with the bath water.
- Project Transform – A decision on the future of the £1 billion project has been further delayed probably to the end of September. The new Coventry City Council administration and their Solihull partners are reviewing the option of a major refurbishment of the existing Whitley incinerator to extend its life for at least another ten years. I have argued consistently against the whole basis of Project Transform and want Warwickshire to put far more effort and resources into further improvements in recycling so we have even less residual waste for disposal. Extending the life of the current incinerator would provide the breathing space for this and save local taxpayers a lot of money. In the meantime, Project Transform continues to cost £25,000 every week.
District Councillor B. Mackay
Cllr B. Mackay gave the following report:
- The Council Tax increase for 2011/12 will be zero.
- The Regional Spatial Strategy target for new houses was 10,800 which have now disappeared. The Government want to localise the situation. Developers may try and bring forward planning applications. Warwick District Council has written to the Government asking specific questions but as yet no response has been received.
- Coventry Airport is starting to consider passenger services as they believe that it is the only way to make the airport profitable. Passenger flights would be at least 2 years away. The Fire Service at the airport is only up to level 2 and it needs to go to level 9 but he thought that they would not be able to afford to upgrade to the required level. There would be no night flights.
- There is to be a display at the airport on the 26th September for Help the Heroes. There will be a Vulcan bomber flying over at 11.00 a.m. and lots of things happening on the ground.
- He thought it would be difficult at attract new airlines as there are 800k fewer per annum passengers at Birmingham Airport and 33m less passengers in the country. Some of the freight has moved from Coventry to Birmingham.
- He felt that the new owner of Coventry Airport, Sir Peter Rigby, is different from previous operators. Their operating hours are Monday to Friday 07.00 to 21.00 and Saturday and Sunday 09.00 to 21.00. He has also resurrected the monthly liaison meetings and intends to improve certain of the existing buildings.
Cllr D. Ellwood was concerned about the reinstating of low flying aircraft over properties in Stoneleigh village and how will he recognise the difference between the two operators. Cllr B. MacKay responded by saying that he cannot give guarantees but on the new owner’s reputation at his other airports that he will be more sympathetic. Cllr D. Ellwood still had concerns as last time things did not happen as he was told and secondly he accepts what Cllr B. Mackay is telling him but what happens when it is sold off again. Cllr D. Ellwood thought that opposition to the airport seems to be evaporating although the run way is still a constraint so the aircraft may be smaller and less noisy.
He also asked for details of the flight paths and landings. Cllr B. Mackay said he would find out how to obtain a copy. In the past flight paths were not always where they should have been
Cllr J. Mackenzie said she would be opposed to any passenger aircraft at Coventry. Why is it necessary when we have Birmingham International Airport just 20 miles away. It would be additional pollution in the environment.Also if they couldn’t afford to upgrade the Fire service to the required level it was not our job to make a private business profitable.
Cllr H. Baker commented that there was no infrastructure in place to support passenger aircraft.
Cllr H. Baker asked about the Local Plan 2011. He responded that a list of policies that WDC wanted saved have been sent to the Government and they have come back with them all rubberstamped until such time as a new Core Strategy is formed.
District Councillor G. Illingworth
No report received from Cllr G. Illingworth.
51. Finance
a) Income/Expenditure
Income as shown in minute 39aBank Interest
Less Expenditure 31st August 10 / £19,915.69
b) Bank Reconciliation
At Co-operative Bank plc, Birmingham
A/C 6101168500 (Current)£473.03
A/C 6101168550 (Instant Access)£31.18
A/C 6101168556 (14 Day Deposit)£12,788.80
c) Cheques for Authorisation
On the proposition of Councillor S. Woolf, seconded by Councillor G. Williams, the accounts listed below were authorised for payment.
300809¼ Phone Bill£36.02
300810 PA Maddison (Sal July, Stat,Trav etc)£523.37
300811Trevor Iles Ltd£280.83
300812Clement Keys£158.63
300813 PA Maddison (Sal Aug, Stat,Trav etc)£499.08
d) External Auditor’s Certificate and Option Certificate
52. Planning
New Planning Applications
WCC-Kenilworth Common, Forge Road/Common Lane, Kenilworth
Construction of a shared footpath/cycle way through Kenilworth Common, Crackley and on the dismantled Railway from Common Lane, Crackley to the proposed bridge crossing over the A429 Coventry Road, Crackley.
No Observations.
W10/0773 –Gable End, 9 Hob Lane, Burton Green
Erection of a replacement barn.
No Observations.
W10/0891 –16 Stoneleigh Close, Stoneleigh
Cllr S. Woolf declared an interest and took no part in the discussions or decisions.
Addition of first floor front extension and increase in roof height to form two additional first floor bedrooms. Addition of a two storey rear extension and a single storey front extension.
No Observations in principle but have reservations about the height of the extension.
WCC – Burton Green C of E Primary School, Hob Lane, Burton Green
Extension to the rear of the school to create a classroom for the reception class currently accommodated in a temporary classroom. Temporary building to be removed once extension completed.
No Observations.
W10/0954 –Land adjacent 170 Kenilworth Road, Coventry
Storage of equipment building for cultivation and maintenance of field adjacent to 170 Kenilworth Road.
Stoneleigh Parish Council requests refusal of this application on the following grounds: it is inappropriate and unnecessary to build in the green belt area; the HS2 preferred route proposal runs directly across the location; proposed access to the site represents a danger to passing pedestrians/cyclists; there is existing adequate space within the cartilage of the house for storage buildings.
W10/1088LB & 87 –Grove Farm House, Grove Farm Road, Ashow
Erection of single storey rear extension; conversion of outbuildings; part demolition and conversion of pig run and laundrette.
No Observations.
W10/1093 –19 Stoneleigh Close, Stoneleigh
Cllr S. Woolf declared an interest and took no part in the discussions or decisions.
Erection of proposed single storey rear extension with first floor side extension.
W10/1114 –Popinjay, Hob Lane, Burton Green
Erection of a first floor side extension, rear conservatory and pitched roof over existing garage.
No Observations.
W10/0759 –Bericote Fields Farm, Stoneleigh Road, Blackdown
Erection of two storey side extension after demolition of existing single storey element.
No Observations.
W10/0847 –163 Cromwell Lane, Burton Green
Alterations to shop frontage and creation of entrance/lobby area; change of use of residential entrance to form part of retail area.
No Observations.
Progress of Planning Applications
W10/0052 –217A Cromwell Lane, Burton Green
Conversion of redundant water tower into a single dwelling.
Planning Permission is Granted.
W10/0698 –Land adjacent to Agriculture House, NAC, Stoneleigh
Construction of a two way, two lane 7.3m wide private road to enable access to the proposed/approved development.
Planning Permission is Granted.
W10/0670 –land adjoining Bericote Cottage, Bericote Road. APPEAL
Football and cricket pitches, new access, closure of existing access, car parking, facilities building, tree plantation, hedges and landscaping.
The Appeal was Dismissed.
W10/0346 –The Orchard, Coventry Road, Stoneleigh
Demolition and replacement garage/store.
Planning Permission is Granted.
WCC – Burton Green C of E Primary School, Hob Lane, Burton Green
Extension to the rear of the school to create a classroom for the reception class currently accommodated in a temporary classroom. Temporary building to be removed once extension completed.
Planning Permission is Granted.
53. Correspondence
BTCV Warwickshire
Warwick District Council – Leadership Model
WALC – 3 Consultations,1) Local referendums to veto excessive council tax increases, 2)Warwickshire County Council Localities Review,3) Government proposals to End Default Retirement Age.
Standing Orders were suspended at 9.00 p.m.to allow members of the public to participate in the discussions.
Standing Orders were reinstated at 9.05 p.m.
Noted. Parish Council’s response to number one; would not support anything that would increase the costs and we would not like to see a Cap on the precept.
Cllr D. Ellwood to draft response on item 3.
Launch of Exceptional Hardship Scheme
Warwickshire County Council –Warwick Rural East Community Forum agenda item on Public Services and Budget Cuts.
Noted. Councillors were concerned that the Community Forums are a duplication of the existing Parish Council structure. Cllr J. Mackenzie to draft response.
Warwickshire County Council – Concessionary Travel Consultation
NALC – Changes to Big Lottery Grant Funding
NALC – Local Government Pay 2010/2011 and 2011/2012
NALC – Local Parish and Town Council Elections 2011
54. Questions to Chairman
Cllr S. WoolfStated that the Stoneleigh Action Group for HS2 have been busy the last few months in behind the scenes consultation. They have been meeting different action groups. The change of route has happened following meetings with these action groups. Straightening the route from Cubbington to Burton Green means that Stareton is no longer affected but the Showground is more involved. A representative from the Alliance met with representatives fromthe HS1 action groups. It seems that planning permission was not needed for all the access roads. The Government minister intends to walk the proposed line but has not done so at present. The Action Group is totally opposed to the scheme.
55. Meetings
The next Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council will be held at 7.30 p.m. on the 21st October 2010at J. Arthur Rank Centre, Stoneleigh Showground.
56. Closure
The business having been completed the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.55p.m.