Minutes of AGM of Winchester CTC
Date: Wednesday 12th October 2016, 19.30 hrs.
Venue: Baptist Hall, Swan Lane, Winchester, SO23 7AA
Attendance:Sue Coles, Stephen Harrison, John Spiers, Malcolm McKendry, Kerstin Bonau, Tobias Bauer, Bryce Mansfield, David Foster, Paul Howard, Ian Douglas, Gary Dickinson, John Walker, Robin Williams, Paul Montgomery, Leon Kuzmicz, Steve Cherry, Rob Jordan, Caroline Maynard, Mark Richardson, Martyn Wilson
Item 1 Apologies: Paul Byers, Julie Byers, Jackie Weston, Sue Reeves, Brian Whalley, Peter Hawker, Tim Stannard, Marian Speakman, Don Anderson, Rosie Gamble
Item 2: Minutes of AGM
The Minutes of the 2015AGM had been posted on the Winchester CTC and were circulated at the meeting. Acceptance was proposed by Bryce Mansfield and seconded by Stephen Harrison and the minutes were signed by the Chairman.
Matters arising from 2015 AGM
The Secretary reported that the issue of a tangible recognition of the efforts of volunteer leaders was still pending. The Committee had agreed to purchase buffs in the club colours with the next order for cycle clothing. However, there had been insufficient demand for a new order and so this AGM decision was still outstanding.
Item 3 Annual Report
The Annual Report 2015-2016 had been posted on the Winchester CTC website and was available at the meeting. The Secretary gave a brief summary of the main points of the report and in particular the conclusion that to remain successful, the Club needed new ideas and new volunteers.
The Annual Report was approved.
Item 4 Treasurer’s Report
The accounts had been posted on the Winchester CTC website and were circulated at the meeting. The summary spreadsheet had been examined and approved by Robin Williams, the account examiner. Attention was drawn to the profit on the Christmas Social and it was suggested that given the healthy balance, the Club could make a greater contribution to the cost in future.
The Accounts were approved.
Item 5 Motions
Motion No. 1proposed by the Committee
“Election of officers and committee”
“Officers (mandatory and obligatory) shall be elected to the Committee of Winchester CTC for one year, but shall be eligible for re-election. No officer shall be entitled to stand for more than three consecutive years unless no nomination is received for a particular officer position. In this case, the period of tenure for that officer may be extended by one further year”.
Proposer: Sue Coles
Seconder: John Spiers
The proposer indicated that the aim of the motion was to encourage members to volunteer for officer positions and contribute to the running of the club. If tenure is limited, potential officers might be more willing to volunteer, knowing that they will not be required to remain on the committee almost indefinitely. It may also help to ensure that existing members don’t feel that they are committed indefinitely to the committee.
Ian Douglas proposed an amendment to the motion and this was seconded by Paul Howard.
“Officers (mandatory and obligatory) shall be elected to the Committee of Winchester CTC for one year, but shall be eligible for re-election. No officer shall be entitled to stand for re-election at more than three consecutive AGMs unless no nomination is received for a particular officer position. In this case, the period of tenure for that officer may be extended by one further year”.
Ian in proposing the amendment said that the original motion as drafted could result in the club being without certain officers if AGMs were held later or earlier in individual years.
A vote was taken on the amendment and passed unanimously. A vote on the new motion was then taken and passed unanimously.
The new wording would be incorporated into the Winchester CTC rules and would take effect from the 2016 AGM.
Motion 2 – proposed by the Committee
“CTC re-branded itself in April 2016 and is now known as Cycling UK. Where the word “CTC” appears in the current version of the Winchester CTC rules this term shall also encompass Cycling UK”.
Proposer: Sue Coles
Seconder: John Spiers
Following the re-branding exercise, the CTC Policy Handbook is now called the Policy Handbook for Cycling UK Groups. Our rules currently have multiple references to CTC and although the CTC still exists, it seems sensible to add this paragraph to our rules with effect from October 2016.
This motion was passed unanimously. The wording will be incorporated into our rules.
Motion 3 proposed by the Committee
“The AGM instructs the Committee to research options for the future of Winchester CTC as a result of changes within Cycling UK/CTC and present the results and recommendations to the membership within 6 months”
Proposer: Andy Key
Seconder: John Spiers
In the absence of the proposer, John Spiers proposed the motion.
If the motion were adopted, it would mean that the Committee would research the various options and make recommendations to the membership. It would not automatically mean any change to Winchester CTC but would provide an opportunity to acquaint members with the respective benefits and disadvantages.
The motion provoked a wide-ranging discussion it was subsequently passed with a substantial majority.
The Winchester CTC committee is, therefore, mandated to investigated and report back to the membership within 6 months.
Item 6 Election of Officers and Committee
The following were elected as officers and committee for the year 2016-2017:
Chairman:John Spiers Proposer Martyn Wilson Seconder Ian Douglas
Secretary:Sue Coles Proposer Malcolm McKendry Seconder Leon Kuzmicz
Treasurer:Rosie Gamble Proposer Robin Williams Seconder Bryce Mansfield
Welfare:Bryce MansfieldProposer Rob Jordan Seconder Paul Howard
Publicity:Ian DouglasProposer Sue Coles Seconder David Foster
Registration:Marian SpeakmanProposer Martyn Wilson Seconder Ian Douglas
The following were appointed:
Clothing officer: John Walker
Webmaster:Jeremy Mortimer
Account examiner: Robin Williams
Appointment of the remaining ride coordinators was delegated to the Committee.
The Committee would also discuss the Facebook coordinator and update the list accordingly.
Reference was made to the wish to separate out some of the Secretary’s duties. It was agreed that the Committee should actively pursue this idea.
Item 7 Club Clothing
Following the re-branding, the old CTC logo had been replaced with the Winged Wheel. However, the lack of demand for a new order meant that no order had been placed and in the light of Motion 3, it was agreed to defer any future orders until after the research was completed.
Item 8 Activities for 2015/2016:
In terms of regular rides, the main development was the increase in support for mid-week rides.
The meeting also discussed open events.
Already programmed were the Watership Down in January and the Early Season 50 in February.
No decision had yet been taken on Winchester 150/75km.
It was agreed to run the Pace Judging/Freewheeling event
The Chairman raised the possibility of a French trip to Normandy or Brittany. This would be investigated.
Item 9 AOB
The Chairman reported on the compensation received by Alex Mcwhirter following his injury caused by a highway defect. He reminded members that it was very important to get good quality photographs after any such incident
Bryce Mansfield asked whether it would be possible to include the Midweek Fellowship information in the Events Programme. The Secretary advised that it had removed because of a lack of space. It might be possible to include it if there were space. Bryce was asked to provide the relevant details.
This concluded the meeting. Members continued chatting over refreshments.