Minutes of AGM meeting held at Crown Court Newton Rd, Tilbury
Thursday 7th April 2016
Present: Apologies:
R I Barnard-Hill Annie O’Brien Debbie Quick Anne Barnard-Hill Cllr Liddiard G Hammond Terry Brown Jack Doodes
Ray Smith Chris Talbot Cllr Liddiard
Colin Elliott Roger Brown Cllr Worrall
Jane Yeowell Lorraine Bromage Kate Williams S Quick Keith Cottis
Rita Copeman M Mcgregor
J Mcgregor Lionel Harris
Nicola Dean Vince Offord
1.Welcomes and apologies- Welcomes and apologies noted.
2. Speaker- Matthew Brown from the Tilbury Regeneration Team had attended the meeting and introduce himself to residents and Forum Members. Unfortunately, due to the timing of the upcoming Council Elections Matthew was unable to give any additions to the details already given at the previous Consultation and also the recent Health Meeting on plans for Civic Square but will attend a future meeting to give updates.
3. Minutes of AGM 2014– Barney asked if the Minutes from the AGM 2015 could be read and recorded as accurate. The minutes were proposed and seconded on mass as an accurate account.
4. Chairs Report– Please see attached document from Barney.
5. Treasurers Report–Please see attached figures and documentation from Terry.
6. Stand down and Nomination of Officers/Members-The current Officer positions are as follows:
Chair - R.I Barnard-Hill
Vice Chair – Ray Smith
Treasurer – Terry Brown
Secretary – Debbie Quick
Those currently in the Officer positions reported that they were happy to stand for another year. No further nominations were put forward for the Officer positions. A vote was taken on mass for the positions above which were carried unanimously with no objections.
A vote was then taken for those wishing to remain or become Members of the Forum. A number of Members had sent apologies but not expressed that they no longer wished to be members therefore a vote was taken for, Steve Quick, Annie O’Brien, Colin Elliott, Rita Copeman, Anne Barnard-Hill, George Hammond, and Jack Doodes to remain members which was carried unanimously with no votes against.
7. Any other business –Barney raised the issue of recent Legislation regarding Dog Micro chipping. Nicola reported that the Dogs Trust will be running sessions soon and these will be advertised.
Debbie gave updates on the Tilbury Station Planting that was implemented by Tilbury Spirit, a collaboration of the Forum, Tilbury Riverside Project, One Community and the Anchor Church. Further funds had been needed for the 2016/17 planting and after approaching the Port John Speakman has agreed to the Port donating £1000 for this years planting with a further £500 for the 2017/18 and 2018/19 planting which was much appreciated and thanks have been given.
At last months meeting residents from Lansbury Gardens had submitted a funding application for Garden furniture. Costings have now been obtained, dependent on current offers, of up to £450. A vote was taken and this was agreed. Lansbury residents will liase with Terry regarding payment and receipts.
Residents reported that the Changing rooms on the Daisy Field have still not been demolished and the Forum was given a date of 3rd March.
Action: Debbie to e mail Cllr Baldwin and cc to remaining Cllrs.
Colin asked about Shin rails being put in around the Triangle Field opposite the Anchor Field.
Action: Debbie to e mail Cllr Worrall and cc to Nicola for follow up.
Colin also asked about the repair of Pot Holes that had been discussed last month.
Action: Debbie to e mail Highways Department.
Resident raised concern regarding Lassa Tyres, a business operating in the area of the Car Park at the rear of Church and Ellerman Roads. This issue had been raised at one of the Labour Office Surgery sessions but unsure of the follow up.
Action: Debbie to e mail Tilbury Cllrs, Housing Office and Highways for an update.
George reported that although signs have been put up vehicles are still parking on the pavement around St Chads and Gainsborough Roads.
Action: Debbie to e mail Cllrs and Highways also requesting an update on the Consultation regarding Commuter Parking issues.
Nicola reported that Enforcement Officers have been active in the Dock Road area over the last couple of weeks and this has been effective.
Terry gave an update on the Bus Shelter at Orsett Hospital which should be completed in the next two weeks. Issues also being followed up are the Bus Stop in St Chads Road by the Gym and a Bus stop near Shakespeare Ave and Parkside.
Colin asked if there was any update regarding the Play area on the Anchor Field. Nicola reported that she has contacted the Parks Dept regarding this.
Colin and Vince raised concerns regarding Litter and Fly tipping.
Action: Debbie to e mail Highways/Housing for an update.
Vince suggested that if residents wish to follow this up individually the best option would be to contact Cllr Gerard Rice.
Chris asked if there was any update regarding the closure of the Lay bys on the 1089.
Action: Debbie to e mail Highways and the Port about this.
Barney reported that he had been approached regarding the condition and postion of the Flags in Civic Square. Vince suggested that Lynn Gittins at the Council would be the best person to contact.
Vince also reported that at the start up of the Community Forums they were all issued with lap tops which are now out of date. However, they are being recalled as to be stripped and used as Word Processors in the Hubs. Debbie will pass the Tilbury lap top on to Vince for it to be re used.
Next Meeting-Thursday5th May 20167pm Crown Court Newton RdTilbury