Grant Cycle and Report Due Dates:
This report is a requirement of receiving a grant from Greater Worcester Community Foundation. The Foundation will use your report to understand what your organization is accomplishing, and to learn, along with you, about variances and challenges impacting your work. The total report should be no more than two pages. This report must be submitted before future funding will be considered.
- If you are reapplying to the same grant cycle (either for the same or a different program), you will need to print your completed progress report and upload it to your new online application.
- If you are not reapplying to the same grant cycle, you will need to print your completed progress report and email it to:.
Organization Name:
Program Name:
Contact Name/Email:
Grant Amount:$Award Date:/ (mo/yr)
Total Program Cost:$
- Organizational Changes in Recent Months? Describe any significant changes in your organization or its operating environment sine you submitted your application for this grant. (If there has been no change, type “NA”.)
- Program Changes in Recent Months? Good programming is response to changing conditions and opportunities. If, since receive this grant, you made change to how you implemented the program, describe why and how. (If no changes occurred, type “NA”.)
- Program Changes in the Year Ahead? If, based on what you learned delivering the program in the last year, you intend to make changes in how you will implement the program in the year ahead, describe why and how. (If no changes are planned, type “NA”.)
- Outcomes Review. Based on your declared outcomes and indicators from your application, describe program performance results since receiving the grant, quantifying wherever appropriate. (If you do not have access to the application you submitted, contact a Program Officer who can provide you with a copy.)