Minutes of a Planning Committee Meeting held at 7.00pm on Monday 6th February2012 in the Parish Council MeetingRoom

1. Present: Mr A Evans, Mr D Price, Ms D Scott, Mr M Narborough,

Mr B Clapham,Mrs T Cornwell (Clerk)and Mrs M Kirby (Assistant Clerk).

Apologies: Mr D Steward-Brown,Mrs D Gottsand Mr D Gerrard.

2. To confirm the Minutes of the last Meeting on 23rd January 2012: Thesewere proposed as a correct record by MrEvans, seconded by Ms Scott with all membersagreed, they were signed by the Chairman.

3. To record declarations of any interests: None

4.To receive questions from the public: None present.

5. To discuss Planning Applications received:


Avondale, 44 Avon Road, South Wootton.

Demolition of outbuildings and construction of single storey extension.

Decision – Support the Application


33 Sandy Lane, South Wootton.

Bay window extension to front of dwelling.

Decision – Support the Application

The Borough Council has APPROVED Planning Permission for the following Application:

No 11/02082/F

19 The Boltons, South Wootton.

Extension & Alterations

6. To discuss the Incinerator Objections:

Mr Price informed members that he had attended a meeting on Monday 30th January 2012 which had been arranged by the Environment Agency. He explained that the meeting was held to explain the procedures and steps in granting a permit for the proposed Incinerator.

Mr Price said that during the meeting it was discussed how to hold the second stage meeting. It was explained that the last consultation took place at the Dukes Head Hotel, but people felt that future meetings should be held at South Lynn either at the school or at the Community Centre. It was also felt that the sessions should be held in groups over perhaps one or two days, to give people more opportunity to ask questions.

Mr Price informed members that he came away with a pack providing details of what the Environment Agency does and what it can and can’t do. He said that the handout provided details of the steps and procedures.

Mr Price said that if further objections are received, the matter would have to go back for discussion, however if there are no objections, the permit would be issued.

Mrs Cornwell informed members that a letter had been received from Norfolk County Council, along with three large ring binders of information. She confirmed that the Parish Council has been given 28 days to submit its comments. Mrs Cornwell explained that at a recent meeting, Borough Councillor Nockolds had stressed the importance of putting forward the Parish Councils comments again. Mrs Cornwell referred to the Planning Committee minutes of the 4th July 2011 and read out the list of 10 objections which were submitted at that time. Mrs Cornwell asked if members wished to add any further comments.

Mr Price suggested that an additional comment should be made, He said that the decision to provide PFI credits was dependant on Norfolk County Council providing broad consensus to the proposed Incinerator. Mr Price confirmed that Norfolk County Council has not proved that. Members agreed that this comment should be added.

Mr Price went on to explain the he had attended a further meeting with regards to the Local Development Framework. He stated that at the meeting Mr Paul Clark from Bidwells had confirmed that further information may be submitted and that the deadline of 18th February 2012 is not final.

Mr Price confirmed that there are a number of reports, for example flood risk, ecology, infrastructure which may be added and confirmed that Mr John Smallwood had provided an excellent report regarding Archaeology.

Mr Price expressed his concern regarding the costs which may be involved in producing the reports and stated that Mr Clark would be issuing a letter outlining the estimated costs to the Chairman of South Wootton, North Wootton and Castle Rising Parish Councils. Mr Price confirmed that a payment has already been made to Bidwells forthe work involved producing South Wootton Parish Council’s report and the share of the joint report with the other two Parish Councils. Mrs Cornwell said that it is hoped that the letter would be received prior to the next full Parish Council meeting to be held on 14th February 2012, when a decision can be made whether to proceed further. It was confirmed that £1,000 has been set aside in the Precept for future LDF costs.

Mr Price spoke regarding the Olympic Torch Relay and stated that both the Junior School and the Infant school were planning a number of things. He confirmed that on the actual day of the relay, the children would be lining the road and that nothing else is planned so far.

Mr Price said that Mr Roger Pearson who is organizing the event, had asked if the Parish Council would be holding its own event. Members felt that the Parish Council would advertise the event in its next Newsletter.

Mrs Cornwell commented regarding an e-mail she had received from Mr David Goddard regarding the Diamond Jubilee on 4th June 2012. Mrs Cornwell read out the letter and explained that both North Wootton and Castle Rising Parish Councils hope to hold an event at Knights Hill involving the lighting of a Beacon as well as a family picnic. Mrs Cornwell asked if there were any comments. Mr Price felt that it would be nice to get involved with the Beacon, however comments were made that a great deal of work and effort has already been put into the Picnic on the Park scheduled for the 2nd June 2012.

Members felt happy to advertise the Beacon event, but felt that more information should be obtained before consideration is given to contributing financially. It was agreed to remind Mr Goddard about the Picnic in the Park and to provide him with Anita Howard’s details so that he may liaise with her.


Mrs Cornwell commented regarding the Burger Van which is trading at the ASDA Car Park, she confirmed that the necessary form had been filled in and that the Borough Council would investigate the matter accordingly.

Mrs Cornwell informed members that she had recently spoken to Mr Marrow regarding the ongoing traffic problems down Hall Lane. Mrs Cornwell confirmed that recently the traffic had been exceptionally bad.

Mrs Cornwell stated that Mr Marrow had contacted Norfolk County Council regarding the problems and was informed that any requests for double yellow lines would need to be made by the Parish Council.

Mrs Cornwell informed members that on 16th March 2011, a meeting was held at the Parish Office, she said the Highways Department, the Police, the Head teachers of the two schools aswell as herself and Mr Marrow met to discuss the problems. At that time it was agreed that unless the double yellow lines are policed they would serve no particular purpose.

At the meeting it was suggested that expansion of the existing lay-by may improve the situation, however it was explained that there was insufficient funding at that time. Members felt that this idea could be raised again and it was agreed that it should be discussed at the next full Governors meeting.

Mrs Cornwell informed members that the new PCSO had been seen recently issuing Parking tickets in Hall Lane. After further discussion it was agreed that the Parish Council should push for an extension to the existing lay-by outside the Junior School and for a 20 mph limit for Hall Lane and Church Lane.

Comment was made regarding the faded white arrows on the bumps outside the schools. Mrs Cornwell stated that she would report the matter and request that they are repainted.

Mr Narborough stated that he had recently seen cars parking along Common Lane at school times. Mrs Cornwell said that she would send an e-mail to the Safer Neighbourhood Team to request that they keep an eye on the area.

Finally, comment was made that the inclusion of Hall Lane and Church Lane in the Gritting Routes had made a great difference.

There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 7.45pm.

9. Next meeting: To be held on Monday 20th February at 7pm in the Parish Office Meeting Room.

20th February 2012Chairman