Minutes of a Planning Committee Meeting held at 7.00pm on Monday 27thApril2015 in the Parish Council MeetingRoom

1. Present:Mr A Evans, Mr B Clapham,Mr D Price, Mrs D Gotts,Mr D Gerrard, Mr M Narborough, Mr D Steward-Brown, Mrs T Cornwell (Clerk) and Mrs M Kirby (Assistant Clerk).


2. To confirm the Minutes of the last Meeting held on 30th March2015: Thesewere proposed as a correct record by MrEvans, seconded by MrPrice, with allmembersin favour they were signed by the Chairman.

3. To record declarations of any interests:Mr Gerrard declared an interest as he knows the owners of 61 Nursery Lane.

4.To receive questions from the public:None present

5. To discuss Planning Applications received and notifications of the Borough Council Applications for Grant or Refusal:


61 Nursery Lane, South Wootton.

Single storey extension with pitched roof to utility and garage.

Decision: Support the application


26Stody Drive, South Wootton.

Lawful Development Certificate, Conversion of garage and associated extension.

Decision: Support the application


52 Ullswater Avenue, South Wootton

Extension to dwelling.

Decision: Support the application


51 Sandy Lane, South Wootton

Side, porch and roof infill extensions

Decision: Support the application


8 The Boltons, South Wootton

Orangery and Utility area

Decision: Support the application


172 Grimston Road, South Wootton.

New extension to side and rear of property, internal alterations and demolition of garage.

Decision: Support the application


Sylvan House, 116 Nursery Lane, South Wootton

Removal of a Sycamore Tree and Ash Tree

Decision: The Parish Council acknowledged that this is a matter dealt with under delegated powers, however the Parish Council wished to ask if the Borough Councils Tree Inspector feels in their opinion, on inspection, is it necessary to remove both trees altogether rather than to have them trimmed.

Clayland Estates:Mrs Cornwell informed members that on 8th April 2015, she had spoken to Mr Chris Tilley from Clayland Estates.

Mr Tilley confirmed that prior to submitting a Planning Application; he would like to come and talk to the Parish Council and hold a full Public Consultation.

Mr Tilley confirmed that a full Archaeological Survey had been carried out at the site; an Ecology Survey is also being carried out along with Phase 1&2 of a Contamination Report.

It was said that Clayland Estates had been working with Zurich and Januarys to look at a Master plan. It was confirmed that there would be no through road from the Clayland site to the other adjacent development areas.

Mr Tilley indicated that it would be between 4-6 weeks before plans for the site would be ready, it was said that the development will be for around 70 to 80 dwellings and would include planting schemes and hedges.


Mr Price spoke regarding the letter he had written as South Wootton Parish Council’s response to the consultation.

He confirmed that the letter had been sent to Norfolk County Counciland a reply had now been received.

Mr Price read out the County Councils response which confirmed that Mineral Safeguarding Assessments had been carried out in the Knights Hill area and no Silica Sand has been found.

9 Acre Field, Nursery Lane: Mr Priceinformed members that since the last meeting, Mr David Allberry, the owner of the 9 acre field at Nursery Lane had sent adraft Memorandum of Understanding regarding the area of land to be gifted free of charge in perpetuity to the Parish Council.

All members read through the draft document.

After discussion it was agreed that the Parish Council would seek Legal Advice before the matter is discussed further by the full Parish Council.

The Borough Council has GRANTED Planning Permission for the following Applications:

No 15/00293/F

Stone House, 31 Grimston Road, South Wootton

Proposed construction of two detached dwellings and formation of new vehicular access

No 15/00291/F

5 Furness Close, South Wootton

Two storey side extension to dwelling

No 15/00141/F

Felbrigg, Nursery Lane, North Wootton

Extension to rear, conversion of garage, construction of new garage/store

No 15/00231/F

37 Ullswater Avenue, South Wootton

Two storey extension and garden shed

No 15/00121/F

The Dene, 5 Bramble Drive, South Wootton

Extension to front of dwelling

No 15/00018/F

ASDA, Unit 5 Rainbow Centre, Langley Road, South Wootton

Construction of home shopping pod and van canopy and relocation of a smoking shelter

No 15/00226/F

Village Hall, 22 Church Lane, South Wootton

Insertion of two windows to existing toilets

Mrs Cornwell informed members that an application for 31 Castle Rising Road, South Wootton for a proposed first floor extension has been sent for appeal to the Secretary of State.

The appeal is against the decision made by the Borough Planning Authority to refuse planning permission for the development.

6. To discuss Highways issues:

Road Safety – Castle Rising Road:Mrs Cornwell informed members that an email had been received from a resident regarding ways to improve road safety at Castle Rising Road.

Mrs Cornwell read out the email, which suggested various traffic calming measures.

Members acknowledged the points raised and said that several of the suggestions had been put forward to the County Councils Highways department by the Parish Council before.

After discussion it was felt that the resident should be referred to the County Councils Highways Department who are ultimately responsible for roads.

Request for Lighting Column in Meadow Road: Mrs Cornwell informed members that a request had been received for a new lighting column to be sited at the end of Meadow Road.

After brief discussion, members agreed that the matter should be looked at further and discussed again at the next meeting.

Temporary Suspension of Parking and the Temporary Creation of an Urban Clearway – Nursery Lane, South Wootton:Mrs Cornwell informed members that a S16A order had been received for the Temporary Suspension of Parking and the Temporary Creation of an Urban Clearway at Nursery Lane, South Wootton on Saturday 13th June 2015 for the South Wootton Village Fete.

Post Office Relocation Update: Mr Price informed members that he had recently been to see Ms Jo Wright the owner of Talking Heads to find out the progress of the Post Office relocation.

It was confirmed that Talking Heads have recently purchased the Ground Rents lease at Auction.

Mr Price stated that Ms Wright hopes that the opening of the Post Office within her premises will take place on Monday 13th July 2015.

There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 7.45pm.

7. NEXT MEETING: Monday, 11thMay 2015, in the Parish Council Meeting Room, South Wootton.

11thMay2015 Chairman