Minutes of a Planning Committee Meeting held at 7.00pm
OnMonday 4th July 2016 in the Parish Council MeetingRoom
- Present:Mr D Price,Mr A Evans, Mr D Steward-Brown, Mr K Reynolds, Mrs D Gotts, Mr P Bland,Mrs T Cornwell (Clerk)and Mrs M Kirby (Assistant Clerk).
Apologies: Mr M Narborough
2. To confirm the Minutes of the last Meeting held on23rd May2016: Thesewere proposed as a correct record by MrPrice, seconded by MrBland, with two abstentions all othermembers were in favour and they were signed by the Chairman.
3. To record declarations of any interests:None
4.To receive questions from the public:None
5. To discuss Planning Applications received and notifications of the Borough Council Applications for Grant or Refusal:
Hilltops, 85 Nursery Lane, South Wootton
Construction of new dwelling (plot 2)
Decision: Support the Application
Note: Planning Applications should conform to the Policies laid out in the South Wootton Neighbourhood Plan.
Hilltops, 85 Nursery Lane, South Wootton
RESERVED MATTERS: Site development proposal for two dwellings
Decision: Support the Application
Note: Planning Applications should conform to the Policies laid out in the South Wootton Neighbourhood Plan.
6 Furness Close, South Wootton
Decision: Support the Application
Note: Planning Applications should conform to the Policies laid out in the South Wootton Neighbourhood Plan.
48 St Benet’s Grove, South Wootton
Single storey rear extension to dwelling, construction of a porch and construction of new fence in revised position
Mrs Cornwell stated that the Borough Council has confirmed that the owners of 48 St Benet’s Grove have a Certificate of Ownership with regards to the area of former amenity land.
Decision: Support the Application
Note: Planning Applications should conform to the Policies laid out in the South Wootton Neighbourhood Plan.
7 Elm Close, South Wootton
Extension and new access to highway
Decision: Support the Application
Note: Planning Applications should conform to the Policies laid out in the South Wootton Neighbourhood Plan.
170 Grimston Road, South Wootton
Proposed single storey extension, garage conversion and internal alterations
Decision: Support the Application
Note: Planning Applications should conform to the Policies laid out in the South Wootton Neighbourhood Plan.
9 The Birches, South Wootton
Variation of Condition 2 attached to planning permission 14/01815/F to allow an amendment to the garage
Decision: Support the Application
Note: Planning Applications should conform to the Policies laid out in the South Wootton Neighbourhood Plan.
Jubilee House, 7A Elmhurst Drive, South Wootton
Proposed detached garage and home office
Decision: Support the Application
Note: Planning Applications should conform to the Policies laid out in the South Wootton Neighbourhood Plan.
Village Hall, 22 Church Lane, South Wootton
Insertion of new window into existing toilet
Decision: Support the Application
Note: Planning Applications should conform to the Policies laid out in the South Wootton Neighbourhood Plan.
The Borough Council has GRANTED Planning Permission for the following Applications:
29 Deas Road, South Wootton
Extension to the rear of the property
Land to the rear of Spreydon, 19 Nursery Lane, South Wootton
Variation of Condition 2 for Planning Permission 15/02077/F to make amendments to the drawings and the removal of conditions 4, 5, 6 and 7 as agreed with EHH.
South Wootton Opposing Over Development- SWOOD: Mr Price referred to the circulated notes which had been produced following the meeting arranged by Mr David Goddard on 6th June 2016.
Hesaid that the notes were a reasonable summary of the points raised and discussed during the meeting.
Mr Price said that the SWOOD Action Group had agreed to produce a dossier of the objections to the proposed development.
He said that when a Planning Application is submitted for the site, Mr Alflatt at Bidwell’s could be asked to produce a report on behalf of the Parish Council.
Mr Price said that a Planning Application is likely to be received later in the year.
9 Acre Field: Mr Price referred to previous correspondence with Mr Gascoyne following the Public Exhibition held on Wednesday 25th May 2016.
He confirmed that Mr Gascoyne who lives at Sylvan House had written to the Parish Council outlining his concerns regarding the proposed development and a response had been sent on behalf of the Parish Council.
Mr Price stated that Mr Gascoyne had been invited to the evenings meeting, however had declined the offer and asked if a site meeting could be arranged instead.
Mr Price asked if any members would be available to attend a site meeting during the week commencing 11th July 2016.
After discussion, Mr Price, Mr Bland, Mr Reynolds, Mrs Gotts and Mrs Kirby agreed to attend a meeting at 10:30am on Friday 15th July 2016 at the 9 acre field.
9 Acre Field– Public Exhibition: Mr Price informed members that following the Public Exhibition held on Wednesday 25th May 2016, a brief report of the event had been received from Engage Planning.
He stated that 128 people had attended the event and 70% of those had been supportive of the development in principle.
Mr Price confirmed that a full report of the Exhibition is expected at the end of the week.
Devolution Briefing: Mr Price spoke regarding the invitation which had been received for two members of the Parish Council to attend a presentation regarding Devolution on Tuesday 12th July at 7.00pm, at the Town Hall.
It was confirmed that this is the same evening as the next Parish Council meeting; however Mr Price requested that a member of the Parish Council should attend.
After discussion, Mr Evans kindly agreed to attend the Devolution Briefing.
Norfolk Coast Partnership – Community Representatives Election Results: Mrs Cornwell referred to correspondence received from the Norfolk Coast Communities Projects Officer and confirmed that following the recent Parish Council Elections the following people had been selected to represent the community on the Partnership Forum for the next five years:
Mike Wade (Sedgeford) -re-elected
Clive Wakes-Miller (Thornham) - new
Ian Shepherd (Letheringsett) – re-elected
Terry Brown (Trimingham) – new
Keith Harrison (Winterton) – re-elected
6. To discuss Highways Issues:
Temporary Traffic Order: Mrs Cornwell informed members that notification of a Temporary Traffic Order had been received for:
C76 Castle Rising Road from the junction with Oak Avenue to junction with Priory Lane, 415 metres northward because of replacing a manhole cover works.
The road will be temporarily closed (except for access) on 27th July 2016 from 08:00 to 16:00 for the duration of the works, expected to be about 8 hours.
Grimston Road Bus Shelters: Mr Reynolds enquired regarding the progress of the installation of Bus Shelters on Grimston Road. He said that two residents had asked him how they can make comment regarding the proposal.
Mrs Cornwell confirmed that any comments from residents should be made directly to the Parish Council Office.
Mrs Cornwellstated that the Parish Council hopes to apply for funding via the Parish Partnerships Scheme to help towards the cost of new Bus Shelters later in the year.
She said that she is currently in the process of obtaining quotes.
Gas Leak at Castle Rising Road/Grimston Road: Mr Reynolds spoke regarding the Gas works at Castle Rising Road/Grimston Road and said that some items, signage etc is still left at the site near to the Pumping Station along Grimston Road.
Mrs Cornwell stated that she would contact Simon Turner at Norfolk County Council to request that these are removed.
ASDA Hedge at Grimston Road: Mr Reynolds reported that part of the hedge which overhangs the cycle/footpath at Grimston Road needs to be trimmed back to the boundary again.
Mrs Cornwell confirmed that a letter had already been sent to the Manager at ASDA requesting that this is done.
Gooseberry Lane Footpath: Mr Bland spoke regarding the Gooseberry Lane footpath and said that it has recently become quite overgrown.
Mrs Cornwell stated that she would report this to Public Rights of Way.
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 7.40pm.
8. NEXT MEETING: Monday, 18thJuly2016, in the Parish Council Meeting Room, South Wootton.
18thJuly2016 Chairman