Franklin Regional Middle School PTO
Meeting Minutes
March 15, 20179:30 AM- Cafeteria
Members Present: Barb Henry, Wendy Lindeman, Amy Orzechowski, Susanna Choi, Andrew Leviski, Jill Hopkins, Amy Popies, Paula Fetsko, Meg Keim
I. Call to Order: Barb Henry 9:37 AM
II. Welcome and Introduction ofMembers (Barb Henry)
III. Vice-President’s Report (Wendy Lindeman)
A. Josh and Gab–4/28/17, just Gab b/c Josh hurt his back and needs to take time off
B. John PritikinAssembly -3/23/17 2pm, 6th and 7thgrades
IV. Secretary’s Report (Susanna Choi)
A. Discuss/Approve1/18/17 Meeting Minutes – motion to approve by Amy Orzechowski, second by Wendy Lindeman
B. Correspondence - none
V. Treasurer’s Report (Amy Orzechowski)
A. Budget review, income
1. Magazine sale did well, over budget
2. Activity nights did well over budget
3. Book fair over budget
4. Target last check from the program $328.64
B. Expenses
1. $570 is for Josh and Gab assembly
2. $4000 teacher grants
3. Nurse’s fund will be kept in safe for easy access
VI. Administrative Report (Mr. Leviski)
A. PSSA :4/3-5 for English/ LA; last week in April math; 1st week of Mayscience for 8th grade
B. Algebra 1 Keystone exam in May
C..Last Town Hall meeting March 27 6 pm @ high school
D. Discussion of visits to South Fayette, Moon, Quaker Valley schools
E. Samples of medals designed and made by students using the laser engraver
VII. Upcoming Events
A. May 11 and 12 8th grade musical – Shrek Junior
B. Chorus and band concerts
VIII. Committee Reports
- Activity Nights (Barb Henry for Laura Pasqualini, Shannon Talarico)- have gone well, more dads chaperoning
- Backpacks-to-Go (Meg Keim, Jill Hopkins, Lisa Pint not present)
1. About 75 kids
2. End of year gift card donation drive to help families over summer.
3. Consider donations for upcoming concerts
- Book Fair (Barb Henry for Kris Snow, Kate Sell) – nothing to report
- Coffee Sale (Amy Popies, Debby Rhea – not present)
1. Do taste testing at Open House for parents, videorunning on a computer, provide order forms
2. Assembly before open house– show kids they are helping the villagers in Nicaragua
3. Advertising, hang posters, have visual thermometer of donations
- Hospitality & Welcoming (Barb Henry for Chris Sadoski) – nothing to report
F. Magazine Fundraiser (Barb Henry for Jessica Alexander)
1. New board will decide if this will continue
- Premiums Programs/Box Tops (Paula Fetsko)
1. Bonus boxtop app
2. Sweepstakes through April 9 on website
3. Motivation – what is the specific thing Boxtops $ is buying for the kids?
- Volley Ball Tournament (Barb Henry for Mary Rose McGivern)
1. Mr. Leviski thought it went
2. Girls High school VB came to referee and assist
I. Website (Barb Henry for Jenna Heberle) – nothing to report
IX. Old Business
- New PTO positions
1. All Board positions need to be filled
2. Need additional new co-chair for Activity Nights
3. New fundraiser (instead of Magazine sales) and Chair
- Teacher Grants
1. Needs to be something that benefits all the students
2. Consider using form that teachers can submit for grant $
X. New Business- none
XI. Adjournment 11:06 AM
Next PTO Meeting
May 17, 2017 @ 9:30 AM -LGI