Present: Cllr P Matthews, Mayor of Wilton

Cllr Mrs C Blackman, Deputy Mayor of Wilton

Cllr Mrs P Church

Cllr Ms J Dunford

Cllr Ms B Perry

Cllr Mrs T Taylor

Cllr T Batchelder

Cllr P Edge

Cllr J Rhind-Tutt

Cllr I Seviour

Mrs A C Purves Town Clerk

Mr H Abel Minute Secretary

Also Present: Mrs Felicity Smith, Mrs Sue Nunn, Messrs John Cutland, Stuart Freeman, Ken Gory and Gary Nunn and PC Ian Pedliham

1. To Receive Apologies

None were received.

2. To approve the Minutes of the Annual Town Meeting held on 1st April 2014

The minutes were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. (Prop Cllr Mrs Blackman, sec Cllr Seviour – nem con)

3. Matters Arising

None arose

4. Report of the Year

The Mayor of Wilton, Cllr P Matthews presented the Council’s Report of the Year.

“When I first sat down to write this report, I thought that again, this year had been quiet in terms of Council activity. However, it is clear that this is not the case, and once again, outside events have kept the Council busy.

The Council said goodbye to another two members of the Council, James Howitt and Andy Kinsey, and we thank them for all their hard work and input on behalf of the Council. James Howitt was eventually replaced by Julie Dunford, who is warmly welcomed to the Council table, whilst at the time of writing, the vacancy created by Andy Kinsey’s departure has yet to be filled.

Continuing the Civic theme, the first Town Council Civic Awards scheme was held last April, when presentations were given to Mrs Elaine Harrison, William Hewlett and Marion Powell. Former Wilton mayors were invited, and a very pleasant Sunday afternoon was spent catching up with friends old and new. A second event will be held later this month.

The 70th anniversary of the D-Day landings was marked by a Civic Reception in the Council Chamber, and the 100th anniversary of the start of the First World War was remembered by a small commemoration service held at the War Memorial. The Christmas Tree Lighting event goes from strength to strength, and with new and additional lighting, attracted record numbers last December.

West Street and Shaftesbury Road were finally resurfaced this year, starting after the cycle race in May, but not finishing until long after the intended completion date, which caused considerable disruption and frustration to local businesses, residents and road users alike. Continuing its support for Wilton’s businesses, the Town Council complained bitterly to Wiltshire Council, and enquired about the payment of compensation for affected businesses, but the answer, when it was finally received, was not at all helpful, suggesting that it was unlawful for Wiltshire Council to do so.

The Council also supported the “Wilton Event”, a showcase for Wilton businesses and entrepreneurs which was held again in September last year. Although only in its second year, it is growing rapidly in popularity, and was again located at the Wilton Shopping Village. The Shopping Village also hosted the 2014 Carnival again followed by The Big Lunch. These were huge successes, with many Wiltshire Mayors joining the reinstated Procession, and credit and thanks must go to the Gary Nunn and his indefatigable Committee and team of volunteers who work so hard to organise such wonderful community events.

We learnt in March that Lloyds Bank is reducing its hours of opening from June this year, and the Town Council has placed on record its firm opposition to this, as it may ultimately result in the only bank in Wilton being closed. Be assured that the Town Council will keep a close watch on this.

The recreation ground and Sports Pavilion at Castle Meadow are now both well used, with football being played again during the winter, and a welcome return given to Wilton Cricket club who were very pleased to use the renewed artificial wicket. The Sports Pavilion is also being hired out during the week, with two regular long term bookings now confirmed.

Four new pieces of play equipment were installed in Minster Street play area, which, with a general tidy up and repainting on the existing swings and slide, is now looking its best.

The UKLF site developers Redrow have agreed to the Town Council’s request, and funding is now available to build a skate board park and the Town Council is actively engaged in identifying a suitable site for this. The tennis courts will also be refurbished, with new surfaces, nets, posts and fencing.

The Town Council has applied for the transfer of the Sheep Fair Field back into the ownership of the Town Council, but as yet, the Council has not received a response one way or the other. The Town Council has also applied for the Bear Inn on West Street to be listed as a community asset, which means that should The Bear ever be sold, the community has six months in which to put together a bid to buy the asset, and save it for the long term benefit of the community.

The Town Council has also taken on the responsibility of the Youth Centre based at the Hollows, enabling it to remain open, and to continue to provide much needed services and support to the young people of the Town and surrounding villages. This building will ultimately be sold to the Thistledown Trust, after which the Town Council will enter into a formal lease arrangement. The Town Council is very grateful to the Trust in its support for this project.

Following on from the dreadful wet winter of 2013/14, the Town Council has drawn up a draft Flood Plan. Those residents affected will be invited to attend a consultation evening, to be held at the Sports Pavilion later in April, when their comments and suggestions will be sought on the Plan.

The Council has continued to send representatives to the South West Wilts Area Board, and the Community Area Transport Group meetings, where matters concerning Wilton have been promoted.

The Town is also represented at the regular Wiltshire Market Towns meetings, and indeed, hosted this event in the Michael Herbert Hall in January. This is one of the ways in which the Council continues to support the business community in Wilton. Another is the continued activity of the Town Team, a working group of the Town Council and comprised of town councillors and various businesses and community group representatives in Wilton. The Team undertook a second benchmarking exercise in September last year, and together with the Town Council, is now actively pursuing the possibility of the re-opening of Wilton railway station, which seems more likely in the next five years than at any time in the last thirty. A representative of the Town Council also sits on the Wilton & District Business Chamber’s Executive Committee.

Looking to the future, the Town Council has begun to develop the Neighbourhood Plan, which will ultimately have a huge influence on the location of any future development in Wilton. There is no further news about the new cemetery, but in connection with the proposed development at Fugglestone Red, outside the parish boundary, the Town Council has voiced its concern about the impact of the increased number of residents on the local infrastructure, not least on the schools in the area. The Town Council is of the firm opinion that any new primary school should be in Wilton, not outside it. The Town Council is also aware that more facilities and services will be transferred to our sector from Wiltshire Council, thus increasing the possibility that the precept will have to rise, but as always, councillors will keep a close eye on this, and will continue to endeavour, as always, to give the Wilton council tax payer the best value for money.

I should like to thank the various employees who work on behalf of the Town Council – our Clerk, Catherine Purves, our Minute Secretary Hugh Abel, our Sports Pavilion Cleaner & Litter Picker, Tim Laishley and our Office Cleaner, Maureen Hopkins, all of whom contribute so much to the smooth running and efficiency of the Council.

I must also thank Pete Edge, who in addition to being a Town Councillor is also Wilton’s Unitary Councillor, and we know he works hard fighting Wilton’s corner in Trowbridge.

Finally, I should like to thank all the Town Councillors for the work they do in connection with the Town Council – it is much appreciated. With the wealth and diversity of talent at the table, together with the experience of longer serving members and the enthusiasm of the newer ones, I feel the Town Council is well placed to rise to the challenges of the future.

5. Any Other Wilton Town Business

Mr Gary Nunn told the meeting that the Town’s community web site was now “live”.

Mr Stuart Freeman asked about ownership of the Sheep Fair Field. The Mayor, Cllr Matthews, explained that its ownership had been transferred to Salisbury District Council (SDC) in 1974 with the re-organisation of local government at that time. In 2009, with the dissolution of SDC, ownership had been transferred to Wiltshire Council.

6. To Close the Meeting

There being no further business, the Mayor closed the meeting at 7.11pm

Wilton Town Council – ANNUAL TOWN MEETING – Tuesday 7th April 2015