2015/046 (W&T) / PRESENT
Councillor Zaman [Chair] and Councillors Westerman, Akhtar (Ex-Officio), S Ahmed, Dermondy, T Mahmood, Anyat, Corkindale, Hussain.
Observing –Councillor A Ahmed (until 7.05)
Inspector Sue Sanderson – West Yorkshire Police
Safia Kauser – ActingTown Clerk/RFO
Dianne Duckworth – Minute Secretary
2015/047 (W&T) /
Apologies were received from Jonathan Hayes, Keighley Area Co-ordinator.2015/048 (W&T) /
Cllr Akhtar, S Ahmed and Cllr Hussain declared an interest on minute ref:2015/056 (W&T) – Public Transport.Cllr Corkindale declared an interest on minute ref: 2015/058 (W&T) – Oakworth Contact Point.
2015/049 (W&T) /
The Acting Town Clerk notified the committee that the Oakworth Contact Point Co-ordinator declared an interest on minute ref: 2015/058 (W&T) – Oakworth Contact Point.2015/050 (W&T) / MINUTES
To approve the minutes of the Watch & Transport committee meeting held on 07 September 2015.
Proposed by Councillor Dermondy and seconded by Councillor Westerman, and
RESOLVED: - That the draft Minutes of the meeting of the Watch & Transport Committee held on 07 September 2015 be confirmed as a true record of the proceedings and signed by the Chair with amendment that Councillor Westerman was present at the meeting.
2015/051 (W&T) /
To receive a report from the local neighbourhood policing team.Inspector Sanderson provided an update and crime figures for the local area and circulated a Tactical Assessment to all members. Over-all crime figures are higher on last year due to the way crime is recorded across the district. All crime is recorded as it comes into the call centre having a huge impact on crime figures nationally.
Keighley crime figures in its entirety are slightly lower, however real gains are in relation to violence and domestic related incidences.Operational Crime around the night time economy. A team of officers deployed to the city centre Friday and Saturday nights resulting in a significant decrease.
Burglary – arrests have been made and an individual is currently in custody resulting in a significant difference.Theft from vehicle – Crime figures relatively lower. Incidences of vehicles left insecure and items on show.
Darker Nights initiative – the Police have accessed funding to increase patrols and to work in partnership with the Fire Service and BDMC. Plans are in place to the run up to Bonfire night.
Members put the following questions and concerns to the Inspector.
Members Questions and concerns
Q. Has the Spate of ‘Cash for Crash’ incidentsimpacted on the increased number of burnt out cars in the area.
A. No it has not. These are deliberate car fires and for totally different reasons such as stolen from burglary, joy riders and relating to ongoing investigations.
Q. How many officers are there in Keighley wards?
A. Insp. Sanderson explained that as Inspector she is responsible for 6 wards and PCSOs are split across the wards however, more officers are designated to central ward. She is responsible for 105 members of staff incorporating officers and PCSOs with over lapping shift patterns working out of Keighley Police Station plus Road Traffic Officer and other special officers. Between 2pm to 9pm is the biggest demand to service.
Q. How many Officers there are covering the Police Station at night.
A. There is no front desk public enquiry counter between the hours of midnight and 8am, however there is a phone on the wall that connects to the control room. All others officers are out patrolling the streets.
A member had received a call from a person who had taken his children to DevonshirePark play area and found needles and allsorts of paraphernalia. A request was made for more patrols in the park.
Concerns rasied by Friends of Utley Cemetery concerning misuse of substances and needles being found in the cemetery, also incidences of damage to grave stones. BDMC has been contacted to request needle box who suggested Project6; they only offer them to users. The Friends of group requests more Policing at night.
2015/052 (W&T) /
To discuss the dog fouling issues in the parish and consider any necessary action to be taken in conjunction with the Area Co-ordinator’s Office. Dog fouling issues are dealt with, by the Warden Service under the care of the Keighley Area Co-ordinator’s Office.BMDC Officer had been invited to attend the meeting. Jonathan Hayes, Keighley Area Co-ordinator gave his apologies and would be happy to attend next time.
The committee agreed to defer this item until the next meeting.
2015/053 (W&T) /
To receive an update via the Clerk from the Area Co-ordinator’s Office in the recent installation of surveillance cameras on Cartmel Road/Victoria Mews.The Clerk had received an update from Liz Horn, Keighley Ward officer in regards to the lighting columns on Cartmel Road/Victoria Mews. It was confirmed that the column is a new one paid for by the committee that replaces the old concrete one. LundPark was not a new column but the mast was extended to increase line of sight. The committee funded the camera not the column.
It was reported that BMDC are replacing all concrete posts with new ones as part of their ‘Programmable of Works’ which brings to questioned whether the committee should have funded £1,040 for a new column.
The Acting Clerk to contact Keighley Area Co-ordinator’s Office to ask if the lighting column would have been included into their Programmable of works.
2015/054 (W&T) /
To receive an update from the Chair on the recent meeting with the P&CC at Bob Cryer House.Mark Burns-Williamson, Police and Crime Commissioner at a meeting gave reassurances that there are no plans to close Keighley Police Station; however it will not remain where it is at the moment. The committee discussed the possibility of the Police Station relocating to the Civic Centre as there is room and sufficient car parking space.
2015/055 (W&T) /
2015/055.1 - To consider the installation of a grit bin at Alder Avenue, Long Lee inclusive of any costs for the installation and filling (as quoted by the contractor at the last meeting). Cllr Westerman to report on the site visit undertaken since the last meeting.Cllr Westerman, Zaman, Hussain, Akhtar, Dermondy and Ahmed made a site visit at Alder Avenue, Long Lee after the last meeting and all agreed that this location did not warrant a grit bin due to the gradient not being particularly steep.
2015/055.2 - To consider any other issues brought forward relating to grit bins
A grit bin on St John’s Way was set on fire last week and a request was made for a replacement bin.
Proposed by Councillor Westerman and seconded by Councillor Dermondy, and
RESOLVED: That the Watch & Transport Committee agrees for a small grit bin to be installed and filled by the contractor on Alder Avenue, Long Lee.
An approach had been made by residents with regards to installing a grit bin at the bottom of Fell Brig Avenue. As there is a day centre there and a lot of elderly live in this cul-de-sac.The nursing home on Fell Brig Ave should have Category 1 status and therefore be serviced by BMDC which was discussed by the committee.
Proposed by Councillor Anyat and seconded by Councillor Westerman, and
RESOLVED:That the Watch & Transport Committee agrees for a medium grit bin to be installed and filled by the contractor on Fell Brig Avenue.
A discussion ensued around a ‘Grit Policy’ and that there is no clarity, guidelines or framework to follow requests made for grit bins. The Clerk recommended that the matter be referred to P&G Committee to look at a ‘Grit Policy’ to encompass all aspects of grit and grit bins.
Proposed by Councillor Corkindale and seconded by Councillor Dermondy, and
RECOMMENDED:That the Watch & Transport Committee refers the matter to P&G Committee to draw up a ‘Grit Policy’ with the input from Cllr Corkindale and Cllr Dermondy.
2015/055.3 - To review and adopt the grit bin audit carried recently out by the Chair
The Chair carried out a grit bin audit but the list he received was incorrect. This is in the process of being updated.
Proposed by Councillor Dermondy and seconded by Councillor S Ahmed, and
RESOLVED: That the grit bin audit be adopted by the Watch & Transport Committee once it has been amended and referred onto the Clerk.
2015/056 (W&T) /
To consider any public transport/taxis issues relating to the community and public transport services. Any recommendations must be made to the Council for action.A member has received numerous complaints from taxi drivers with regards to the lack of response from the Police and that the feeling is they are not being listened to and being treated unfairly. Issues are of customers not paying and running off and the Police not attending when contacted. Taxi drivers want reassurances from the Police. The Chair of Keighley Public Transport Watch, Michael Westerman offered to take this up and to hold an extra one off meeting. It was also suggested contacting Hackney Carriage Dept at Bradford and taxi operators to work collectively with the Police on this.
Insp. Sanderson explained that calls are graded and such issues would not warrant an immediate quick response but Officers would make an appointment at a later to take details to investigate if they felt there was a need.It was agreed for Cllr Hussain to liaise with Keighley Public Transport Watch and Neighbourhood Policing Team to deal to take the matter further.
2015/057 (W&T) /
To consider the installation of a defibrillator in the Town Centre. Any recommendations must be made to Council as required.Cllr Dermondy provided an update and explained that after the last meeting he has been in discussions with the NHS who are looking to install 6 defibrillators at various locations within Keighley district. It was acknowledged that there are no defibrillators in any mosqueeven though it is recognised that there is a higher number of cardiac arrests within the Muslim community. This would bring National recognition to Keighley. The Committee fully support Cllr Dermondy to continue liaising with the NHS. The Chair thanked Cllr Dermondy on behalf of the committee for all his hard work done.
Cllr Dermondy to provide an update at the next meeting.
2015/058 (W&T) /
To review the Council’s involvement in all operational aspects of the Oakworth PCCP and consider any necessary action to take in view of the information received by the Clerk/RFO. The copy of the Constitution adopted on 15 June 2006 is enclosed. The financial aspect of the Council’s contribution does not comply with audit and financial regulations. Verbal report and correspondence from the Clerk/RFO to be provided to the committee members.
Insp. Sanderson provided her view as Inspector for the area. Oakworth Contact Point is an invaluable asset to Oakworth and the location offers local residents the ability to report matters and seek advice from volunteers. The Police lend their support to contact points both at Oakworth and Haworth but they are not in a position to be able to man them themselves. The Contact Points offer reassurances to the public and also has direct contact with the Police via IT systems. Insp. Sanderson would like to see it continue and offered her support.Proposed by Councillor Westerman and seconded by Councillor Hussain, and
RESOLVED:That in view of the (confidential) nature of the business about to be transacted, it is advisable in the public interest that the press and public be temporarily excluded and they are instructed to withdraw for reasons and matters appertaining to staff are of a confidential nature.
The Clerk provided a verbal report to committee members and brought members up to speed on the position KTC stands with regards to Oakworth Contact Point in terms of the financial aspects of the Council’s contribution that does not comply with audit and financial regulations. The Oakworth PCCP has a constitution that was adopted in 2006. The matter was discussed in depth by members and the correspondence received from the Oakworth Contact Point Co-ordinator including the accounts, was relayed to the committee. The two recommendations were made the Clerk which were agreed by committee members. The members agreed that the committee supports Oakworth Contact Point in principal.
Proposed by Councillor Anyat and seconded by Councillor S Ahmed, and
RESOLVED: That the Watch & Transport Committee terminates the current format of contribution to the Oakworth PCCP to comply with audit and financial regulations, and refers to the HR Committee to deal with any employment implications notice (if any) to be executed by 31 December 2015.
2 abstentions; Corkindale, Westerman
Proposed by Councillor Anyat and seconded by Councillor S Ahmed, and
RESOLVED: That the Watch & Transport Committee considers supporting the Oakworth PCCP from January 2016 onwards, that it’s management committee applies to Council for funding in accordance with the Council’s grant applications criteria.
2 abstentions; Corkindale, Westerman
The Committee asks the Clerk to write a letter on behalf of the W&T Committee to the Oakworth Contact Point Management Committee giving reasons why KTC have made these decisions and the way forward for applying for grant funding.
2015/059.1 - To approve the Watch & Transport committee payments for August 2015
Proposed by Councillor Westerman and seconded by Councillor Akhtar, and
RESOLVED: That the Watch & Transport Committee approves payments for August 2015.
2015/059.2 - To approve the Watch & Transport committee payments for September 2015 (schedule 186)
Proposed by Councillor Dermondy and seconded by Councillor Hussain, and
RESOLVED: That the Watch & Transport Committee approved payments for September 2015 (schedule 186).
2015/059.3 - To receive the monthly Watch & Transport financial committee report
The monthly Financial Committee report was received and noted by the Committee.
2015/060 (W&T) /
BUDGET 2016/17
To draft and submit a detailed committee budget in respect of revenue and capital income and expenditure for the following year to the Finance and Audit committee by 31 October. Month 6 financial committee report will be tabled to committee members.
Members discussed the budget and based on previous expenditure i.e. £6,000 for CCTV/crime prevention measures and £5,000 for grit plus the proposal from this committee to fund one camera per year in conjunction with the Police. Therefore, the committee recommends that £15,000 is a realistic figure based on previous projects and expenditure.Proposed by Councillor Anyat and seconded by Councillor Westerman, and
RECOMMENDED:That the Watch & Transport Committee requests a budget forfinancial year 2016/2017 of £15,000 based on previous expenditure.
- Dog fouling issues and signage
- Installation of a defibrillator
To note the date of the next committee meeting – Monday 02 November 2015, 6.00pm in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, Keighley.
There being no other issues raised therefore Councillor Zaman closed the meeting at 19.40pm.
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