Christian Veterinary Mission

Missions PreceptorshipApplication

CVM’s Missions Preceptorship Program is a unique opportunity available to mission-minded veterinary students in their 3rd or 4th year of veterinary school.The focus of this program is to provide students with one-on-one mentoring and hands-on training with CVM fieldworkers as students seek to pursue God’s calling to serve long-term through veterinary missions.

Through private donors, CVM is pleased to offer a financial “matching” program forstudents who are accepted for a Missions Preceptorship. This will provide preceptorship participants with financial assistance (up to $2000/trip), as agreed upon by the selection committee (details below).

While there are many opportunities for vet students of all levels to serve through our short-term mission program, the following criteria are requiredfor students interested inapplying for an International Externship:

  • Must be a veterinary student who feels a call to serve through long-term/career missions
  • Currently enrolled in an accredited veterinary school in the US, or an affiliated private university in the Caribbean (Ross, St. George’s or St. Matthew’s).
  • Must be a 3rd or 4thyear student, or a recent graduate (within 3 months after graduation) at the time of the externship.
  • Minimum of 4 weeks must becommitted to serve on the field during this externship.
  • Application and references must be received by CVM no later than October 1, 2012 to be eligible for consideration during the 2013-2014 academic year.


Student requests will be handled on a case-by-case basis, and every attempt will be made to match students with their primary area/region of interest. However, safety concerns, fieldworkers’ schedules, or other events may prevent a location from being available during the times requested. Sites in Asia, Africa, Haiti, and Latin America should be available during the 2013-2014 academic year.

Application process:

Students interested a Missions Preceptorshipmust complete and submit the Short-term missions application (below), 2 references, and a one-time $50 application fee (standard for all students applying for their first short-term trip with CVM) prior to October 1st, 2012. Additionally, you will need to complete the “Long-term Mission Interest Assessment” form.

Note: By turning in the short-term missions application, you will begin the process toward acceptance into our short-term missions volunteer pool. Once we get your references, we will contact you. The one-time$50 non-refundable application fee covers a portion of the administrative costs associated with the short-term missions program. This fee helps to cover the cost of application processing, establishing outreach locations, sending e-mail notices about short-term opportunities, development of training materials, etc.

If you are already part of CVM’s Short-term Pool you do not need to fill out the Short-term missions application again, nor send an application fee; however, you will still need to submit the “Long-term Mission Interest Assessment.”

Up to 2 students each year may be selected for this externship program. After all applications and references have been submitted, students may be contacted in December for a phone interview. Final selection of student externs will be determined by a ministry committee within CVM. Students will be notified of their status in early January.


All of CVM’s short-term and long-term mission candidates are responsible for raising support for their work through their church, family, friends, and other contacts. However, those students accepted into CVM’s Missions Preceptorship program are eligible to receive matching funding from private donors, up to the amount of $2000, as agreed upon by the CVM selection committee.

The matching program works as follows:

  • Students are responsible for raising 50% or more of their financial supportfor the preceptorship.
  • Depending on travel cost and estimated daily expenses of the externship, students may receive a maximum of $2000(not to exceed 50% of total costs) in matching funding toward their trip. These funds will be allocated based on what each student raises. For example:
  • If a student raises $1500 in their short-term account for a trip estimated at $3000, they can be matched with $1500 by CVM.
  • If a student raises funding beyond what is needed for the externship, less funding will be received from CVM. For example: If a trip is estimated to cost $4000, and CVM has offered to match $2000, but the student ends up raising $3000 in their account, CVM will contribute $1000. The remaining $1000from CVM will be placed back into the International Externship Account to support other student candidates.
  • Students will only be “matched” on what is raised in their short-term account with CVM. If you raise support that is not deposited into your short-term CVM account, these donations will not qualify for matching funding.
  • All receipts/expenses must be submitted following the preceptorship in order to receive reimbursement.
  • A maximum of 2 students will be selected for this program during the 2012 calendar year as the availability of funding and missionary host sites is limited.

Each student who participates in a short-term mission trip through CVM, includingPreceptors, will also be required to submit a trip services fee ($200) one month prior to departure. This fee helps provide accounting and receipting of funds raised and expenses incurred, discounted prices on evacuation insurance, and other administrative costs. Further trip details will be provided for those applicants who are accepted for a preceptorship.

If you have further questions about applying for a Missions Preceptorship with CVM, please feel free to contact Dave Curtiss (US Ministry Director) at , or call (206) 546-7577.

CVM is a non-profit organization that exists on the donations of people like you. Your fees and donations to the Short-Term Mission program allow CVM to maintain the support structure that not only allows you to serve, but enables 30 long-term fieldworker familiesaround the world to see lives transformed by the Gospel through veterinary medicine. Your involvement through short-term missions and through giving, praying for and sending others is a vital part of CVM. Thank you for serving with us!

This form is an application to become an official volunteer in the Volunteer Pool of Christian Veterinary Mission (CVM). Once accepted, you will receive notices about short-term mission opportunities via email. All outreaches with CVM are self-funded. This application will not be used for employment purposes nor is it an implied contract with CVM/CRISTA Ministries.

Dr. Mr. Mrs. Miss. Ms. Gender: M FBirthdate (mo/day/yr):

Address: / City: / State/Zip:
H Phone: / W Phone: / Cell Phone
Permanent Address(students – please list parents address or other permanent address if different from above):
Single Married - Spouse:
Children names/ages:

Emergency Contact:

Name: / Phone:
Address: / Relationship:

Address:Education Profile:

Schools / Major / Degree / Grad Year
C Vet school:
U Undergrad:

Current Occupation: DVM Veterinary Student, Graduation year:

Veterinary TechnicianOther:

Circle or check species you have experience with and/or would be willing to work or train on for a mission outreach:
Avian Avian-poultry Beef Dairy Equine Exotic–pets Exotic-Wildlife Fish farming Human
Porcine Small animal Small Ruminants Non-species specialty:
Please list Board Specialty(ies) you have or are working toward:
Circle or check current employment type:
Clinical practice–employee Clinical practice–owner College/Univ. Government/military Industry Retired Not employed Other:
Other Vocational Skills(carpentry, computer, plumbing, automotive, hobbies, etc.):

Christian Commitment:

Do you agree with the CRISTA doctrinal statement? (See page 6): Yes No

If no, from which statement(s) do your personal beliefs differ?

Because CVM is an interdenominational organization, are you willing to work in cooperation with different denominational mission organizations? Yes No

Do you, as an adult, confess and acknowledge Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? Yes No

Please describe your salvation, baptism, and current relationship with the Lord:

HomeChurch(where you currently attend church):

Pastor: / Address: / Phone:
City: / State/Zip: / Denomination:
Describe your involvement:

Employment Record: List current position first:

Name of Organizations / Date From / Date To / Position Held

Mission Interest:

Country/Region / Dates availability: / How long? / Other locations
Yes No

Team Member:

If you are applying as part of a team, please indicate team leader’s name and/or trip location:

Please share why you are interested in CVM’s short-term missions program:

Medical Information:

Do you have any health problems or disabilities that may affect your work in remote, frequently stressful conditions, with limited access to health care? No Yes - please explain:

Food or drug allergies:

References: You will be asked to submit forms to your references. See attached.

For Christian Commitment - please give name of a person in leadership or a mentor who knows you and your involvement- does not have to be a pastor.

Christian Commitment / Name / Relationship
Pastor/ Mr./ Mrs./Ms.
(No family members, please)
Vet Profession / Name / Relationship
Dr. / Mr. / Mrs. / Ms
(No family members, please)

All information on this questionnaire must be completed in order for this application to be considered.

I confirm that all of the information given is true and accurate. I hereby authorize the release of all personal information relevant to the mission.


Thanks for sending this application with a $50 feemade out to CVM. We are excited about your desire to serve through this growing ministry, and look forward to serving alongside you in veterinary missions!

NOTE: The application fee can be paid ONLINE for your convenience.

Go to
Click the "Donate" at the top of the page; fill out the Amount portion
Find "Application – ST Missions" in the pulldown menuunder "Designation" (pulldown menu items are not in alphabetical order); in the "Comment" box,type in UCVSTM1061

Complete the form from there and click "Donate Now"

If you choose the online option to pay this fee, please mention this in the email

or include a note when you mail your application. Thank you!

Short-Term Missions Program

OBJECTIVE: The objective of CVM Short-Term Missions is to provide opportunities for veterinarians, technicians and vet students to use their skills, faith and abilities in Christian service alongside national leaders and missionaries in ministries with similar values, partnering with them in the long-term goals and vision for their communities.


CVM’s mission is to challenge, empower, and facilitate veterinarians to serve others through their profession, living out their Christian faith. CVM also provides education and encouragement for those who desire to minister through service, prayer, relationship building, and modeling Christ’s love.

CRISTA: CRISTA is Christianity in Action – conveying Christ’s love by meeting people’s needs and helping them find new life and more abundant life in Christ, through unity of purpose and diversity of methods.


1. We believe in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament as verbally inspired by God, and inerrant in the original writings, and that they are of supreme and final authority in faith and life.

2. We believe in one God, eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

3. We believe that Jesus Christ was begotten by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary, and is true God and true man.

4. We believe that man was created in the image of God; that he sinned, and thereby incurred, not only physical death, but also that spiritual death which is separation from God; and that all human beings are born with a sinful nature.

5. We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, as a representative and substitutionary sacrifice; and all that truly repent of their sins and believe in Him are justified on the grounds of His shed blood.

6. We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a Godly life.

7. We believe in the resurrection of the crucified body of our Lord, and His ascension into heaven and in His present life there for us, as High Priest and Advocate.

8. We believe in that blessed hope, the personal, bodily return of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Qualified applicants receive consideration on the basis of qualifications of the position without regard to race, color, sex, age, national origin, marital status or handicap except as provided by law. CHRISTIAN VETERINARY MISSION is part of CRISTA Ministries (a non-profit Christian Service organization under Internal Revenue Code 501 (c) (3)).

Please send your application to Fax 206-546-7458 or mail to:

Christian Veterinary Mission

Attn: Short-term Missions Coordinator

19303 Fremont Ave N

Seattle, WA98133


Instructions for Reference Forms

Before submitting forms to the people you have chosen as your references:

1)Put a stamp on two blank envelopes and fill them out with CVM’s address:

Christian Veterinary Mission

Short-Term Missions Coordinator

19303 Fremont Avenue North

Seattle, WA 98133

2)Attach the envelopes to the forms.

3)The person who acts as your reference for “Christian Commitment” needs to be an active believer in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Please do not use a family member as your reference.

4)The person who acts as your reference for “Vet Profession” needs to be someone you have worked with in the practice of veterinary medicine, or the education process, either in a university setting, a private practice, or other appropriate situation. Please do not use a family member as your reference.

5)Call or talk to your references in person, telling them why you are submitting your application to CVM. If they agree to act as your reference, please ask them to submit this form to CVM at their earliest convenience.

If you don’t hear from CVM within one month after submitting your application, please contact us. We may not have received your completed reference forms, in which case we will ask you to contact your references again.

Questions: Call or email Dave Curtiss (US Ministry Director), ; 206-546-7577.



Christian Commitment Reference Form

Date Submitted to Reference: ______

Christian Commitment Reference Name & Address:





(Applicant’s Name) ______has applied for a position with our short-term missions program. You are receiving this form because s/he has listed you as a reference. We are asking you to please assist us in evaluating the applicant’s qualifications by completing the following form. Pass over any items that may be outside your range of knowledge. We are grateful for your cooperation and will treat your reply confidentially. This reference form should be returned directly to Christian Veterinary Mission by fax (206-546-7458) or regular mail using the enclosed envelope. If you have any questions, please contact the STM Coordinator at or call 206-546-7472. Thank you!

1. How long have you known the Applicant? And how well do you know Applicant?

2. Are you aware of the participant’s involvement in a local church? If so, please list the church and the denomination.

3. In what capacity has the participant been involved in his/her local church?

4. Please describe the Applicant’s relationship with Jesus Christ.

5. Is Applicant’s lifestyle consistent with Biblical standards? Please comment.

6. Is Applicant healthy enough to serve overseas?

7. Would you say the Applicant is well balanced emotionally?

8. [If single]: How well does Applicant handle singleness, including relating to the opposite sex?

9. [If married]: Are Applicant’s spouse and children in agreement about serving overseas?

10. How well does Applicant interact with other people?

11. Would you say the Applicant would work better in a team or independently?

12. How would you say the Applicant relates to authority (church or job)?

13. Do you feel the Applicant has a calling to overseas ministry?

14. Is Applicant ready now? If not, when?

15. How do you rate the Applicant’s possible success in international service?


Above Average


Below Average

Should be discouraged

If you have any other comments or concerns you would like to discuss with us, or if you would like to know more about CVM, please feel free to call at any time.

Not Known
Below Average
Above Average


Consideration of others
Poise (social)
Neatness of person
Willingness to apologize
Willingness to forgive
Discreet to opposite sex
Marital harmony
Discipline of children
Attitudes towards those of another race

Comment on any of the above:

Not Known
Below Average
Above Average



Emotional stability
Patience (control of temper)

Comment on any of the above:

Not Known
Below Average
Above Average


Spiritual maturity
Knowledge of the Word
Faithfulness in Christian work
Personal witness
Moral Character

Comment on any of the above:

Not Known
Below Average
Above Average


Ability to formulate, execute, and carry plans to conclusion
Teach ability
Clarity of expression
Carefulness in speech
Alertness to new ideas
Maturity for age

Comments on any of the above:

Not Known
Below Average
Above Average