Minutes of a Meeting of the Board of Seaview Marina Ltd
Held on Thursday 21 September 2017 at 11:00amin the Seaview Marina Office
Present:Brian Walshe(Chair)(BW)
Chris Milne (Director)(CM)
Peter Steel (Director)(PS)
In Attendance:Brent Kibblewhite (CFO Hutt City Council)(BK)
Suzanne Willis (Marina Administrator)(SW)
Tracey Alexander (Marina Administrator)(TA)
Discussion/Actions / Action Points1.BOARD ONLY SESSION
Deferred until October 2017 board meeting.
Alan McLellan (CEO, Seaview Marina)
BK requested the following amendment be made to the register of interest:
‘SML has’ provided indemnification to previous (retired), current and future Directors and employees of SML subsidiary companies.
SML and its subsidiary companies have provided indemnification to previous (retired), current and future Directors and employees of SML.
That the Minutes of the Board meeting held on Thursday 17 August 2017
are accepted as a true and accurate record.
Moved: Brian Walshe/Seconded: Peter Steel
Deed of Indemnity
BW noted that the Deed of Indemnity has not been emailed to the board as noted in the action list. SW to follow up. / SW to email the Deed of Indemnity to the board.
The financial report for the month ended 31 August 2017 was included with the board papers. BK outlined key points in the report.
BK has met with Price Waterhouse Coopers. They will prepare a scoping document and terms of engagement with SML and arrange a meeting with AM and/or the SML board.
The IT issue with the server capacity was discussed. SW spoke to this and will follow up with AM on his return. BK offered to assist if there are any difficulties. Possible solutions include a HCC hosted service. Board agreed that the system must be updated urgently.
BK queried coding of some expenditure items to capital rather than maintenance – in particular the scoping work for the dock way extension.
Debtor Report
The Debtor Report for the month ending 31 August was included with the Board papers. SW outlined key issues.
That the Board notes and receives the Financial Report for the month of August 2017.
Moved: Brian Walshe/Seconded: Peter Steel / URGENT - SW to follow up with AM and HCC IT on HCC progress in resolving IT issue with C Drive storage capacity.
AM to discuss coding of capital expenditure relating to the dock way extension project with BK.
Article in newsletter re sewage pump-out facility
This article was included with the September newsletter. PS noted good article but queried what perception of potential usage would be. SW noted that the pump does not have a universal connection for all holding tanks. PS suggested that an audit of liveaboard vessels be done to establish which are currently able to use the facility. Ongoing agenda issue.
Floating apartment Meeting
AM has meet with the apartment developers. The Board asked that AM update them on the meeting.
Diesel in Marina
SW reported on diesel pollution from the outflow on the eastern side of marina.
Council and GWRC have been called 3 times by SML staff during the past week.
The drain was previously bunded but this was removed a long time ago. CM requested copies of emails between AM and HCC and GWRC relating to this issue.
The board noted the additional risk of fire hazard if leak is not resolved and asked that it be dealt with urgently. They requested the following action:
- SML price out placing boom around outflow pipe and installation timeframes.
- Marina staff to collect a sample of pollution each time issue presents.
- SW to follow up with harbour master again today and ask what the maximum fine for such pollution is.
- SW to contact Seaview Marina Business Group and advise that this issue is happening and is being investigated.
- Provide feedback to issue to Dan Bishop – liveaboard who reported the issue to news media.
There were no other matters arising. / TK/MC to audit all liveaboard vessels to establish how many have the appropriate fittings to usethe sewage pump-out machine.
AM to update board on meeting with apartment developers.
AM to provide board with copies of correspondence with HCC and GWRC re diesel pollution issue.
SW to follow up on reporting of spill to HCC and GWRC with urgency. Other board actions as outlined to be progressed.
The Client Service Report for the month of August 2017 was included with the Board papers. SW outlined key issues in the report.
The Health and Safety Report for the month of August 2017 prepared by Tony Kelly was included with the Board papers.
VHF Radio use
AM covered use of VHF radio at the 6 September staff meeting. AM is the only staff member who has completed formal VHF radio training, however SW, MC and TK are competent in the use of VHF radio.
Risk Management
BW asked if all emergency processes, especially relating to earthquakes,are documented clearly and communicated to the appropriate people. He requested that SML continue to repeat emergency messages to customers via the newsletter and other appropriate channels.
BW also requested that SML investigate options for marina customers to move to higher ground in the event of an earthquake i.e. via the track up the hill at the corner of Port Road and Eastern Bays Marine Drive. SML to look at the state of the track, check ownership and possibly signpost, grade and have a map made.
CM suggested SML write to council and liaise with the Seaview Marina Business group, GWRC and SMCG about an evacuation plan. BW asked that SML ‘own’ the issue.
National hazard review summary
PS asked for feedback re use of marina for residential purposes. Discussion about ground rising and Wellington faultline versus Wairarapa faultline. / TK to provide update to emergency procedures for October meeting especially relating to earthquakes and ensure procedures are communicatedregularly to customers.
AM to establish the ownership and suitability for an earthquake evacuation route of the hill track at the corner of Eastern Bays Marine Drive and Port Road
AM to provide feedback to the board on the potential issues should there be residential development in the marina.
The Management Report for the month of August 2017 was included with the Board papers. The report was taken as read.
The cost of providing WiFiwas discussed. The board asked that AM provide feedback to the next meeting on progress with this issue.
Wellington Boat Show
No report as a meeting did not take place this week.
Dock way Proposal
PS requested that this project be separated into two projects and cost benefits be thoroughly investigated:
- Dock way widening.
- Cradle transporter.
Hauraki Marine
Bruce MacLeod CEO of Hauraki Marine has requested a variation to his tenancy. The board asked that AM engage Craig Walton to assist with this issue from the start.
The board discussed whether SML was required to provide air conditioning for tenancies if requested. AM to check and report back.
Brand Review and Development
In AM’s absence, discussion was deferred until October meeting.
BW noted that a strategy for marketing the commercial development should be included in the marketing plusa focus on improving the public profile of the marina.
The board requested that AM other reports included with the board papers and not discussed or resolved because of AM’s absence from the meeting. These would be held over for discussion at the October Board meeting.
That the Board notes and receives the CEO’s Report for the month of August 2017.
Moved: Brian Walshe/Seconded: Chris Milne / AM to provide feedback on progress with provision of WiFi.
AM to put together a business case detailing viability of both dock way and cradle transporter projects.
AM to engage Craig Walton to assist with negotiations with B MacLeod re variations to Hauraki Marine tenancy.
AM to bring to next meeting proposals for marketing commercial development and increasing public profile of the marina.
Sea Level Diagram – Annual MSL at Wellington relative to WVD-53 (1900-2016)
Included with the board papers - page 19.
PS noted that the marina breakwaters are designed to be overtopped, however should the trend in sea level rise continue action will be required.
Annual General Meeting
PS tabled his apologies for the 2017 AGM and October board meeting. The Board approved and adopted the annual report for the 2017/2018 year as submitted together with the proposed amendments as discussed.
Annual Report
The Annual Report was tabled for signing. The document was circulated to the board prior to the meeting and changes advised and actioned.
BK noted changes made to the report as requested.
That the Board approves and adopts the Annual Report 2017-18 with amendments.
Moved: Brian Walshe/Seconded: Chris Milne
Marina Loan
BK advised the marina loan has been rolled over to 30 June 2018 and the intention is to roll over again.
Lowry Bay Yacht Club
The board asked for confirmation of the lease renewal date.
There were no further items of General Business.
With no further business the meeting closed at 12:10pm / AM to continue to monitor future MSL reports annually and add to action list.
AM to confirm the lease renewal date for LBYC.
Next Meeting Dates:
Annual General Meeting
Tuesday 17 October 2017 at 3pm
at Urban Plus Ltd, Level 1, Russell Keown House,
Cnr Laings Road & Queens Drive, Hutt City
October Board Meeting
Thursday19 October11:30am in the Marina Office.
Signed:Brian Walshe, ChairDated:
Seaview Marina Board Minutes 21 September 2017