Julie Lester <>, Christine Anthony <>, Sara Bidner <>, Paul Goodwin <>, Tony Romano <>, Wendy Siegel <>, Rayma Harchar <>, Jackie Didier <>, Elizabeth Evans <>, Flo Winstead <>
NCATE Conceptual Framework Task Force Committee Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, October 5, 2004
_____ Welcome and Minutes from August 17, 2004, meeting
_____ September 7th meeting cancelled because of a long T&L faculty meeting; September 21st didn’t work for many; October meeting today!
_____ Review Conceptual Framework:
_____ Where we are now, changes, etc.…
_____ The graphic…
_____ Next steps…
_____ 2004-2005 Action Plan
_____ Finalize Conceptual Framework components/graphic/wording, etc.
_____ Set date to present to Steering Committee
_____ Set date to present to faculty/community/etc. **We agreed earlier that a short explanation of the components should accompany the new design—work on that today?
_____ Finalize wording for vision statement
_____ Finalize wording for mission statement
_____ **Assignments to write narrative for CF components: A brief overview and summaries from each department in the COEHD? (Note: Include Knowledge Base for each component with this task.)
_____ Establish a Knowledge Base for the CF: by departments…
_____ Next meeting—date/time/place
Vision: A shared sense of the future (or the desired future). Mission: What we are charged to do—our reason for being.
Conceptual Framework:A conceptual framework brings/provides coherence to the experiences in a teacher education program. Source: Erskine S. Dottin, 10/03
Present: Julie Lester <>, Christine Anthony <>, Sara Bidner <>, Tony Romano <>, Elizabeth Evans <
Absent: Paul Goodwin <>,Wendy Siegel <>, Rayma Harchar <>, Jackie Didier <>, Flo Winstead <
NCATE Conceptual Framework Task Force Committee Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, October 5, 2004
Review Minutes from August 17, 2004, meeting
Beth let us know the N: drive is no longer available for NCATE information and a website with a code for NCATE is being developed.
The Conceptual Framework graphic is in pretty good shape.
**We agreed earlier that a short explanation of the components should accompany the new design—work on that today? Didn’t get to work on this today.
We worked on wording for vision statement and the mission statement:
Vision: The Southeastern Louisiana University College of Education and Human Development consists of a first class faculty of diverse educators that prepare candidates to become effective professionals who will set the standards for excellence in a global society.
Mission: The Southeastern Louisiana University College of Education and Human Development exists to serve the regional, state, and national communities. The COEHD through innovative and progressive programs, will develop effective professionals.
Other wording: The faculty support this mission through teaching, research, service
Embedding diversity and technology throughout, global perspective
Next meeting—November 10th/1-3 p.m./TEC 236
We will continue working on the Vision and Mission statements and move toward narratives for the CF components.
Vision: A shared sense of the future (or the desired future). Mission: What we are charged to do—our reason for being.
Conceptual Framework:A conceptual framework brings/provides coherence to the experiences in a teacher education program. Source: Erskine S. Dottin, 10/03