Present:Mr S. Marlow (Chairman)

Mr M Jarman

Mrs Y. Tookey

Mr P. Watler

Mrs W. Kitchener (Clerk)

Apologies: Mr L. Whitfield

1. Minutes of the last meeting. Theminutes of March 5thwere accepted as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. The minutes of March 19th (the Allotment Proposal) were accepted as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. Paul Watler required it to be minuted that the proposal could have been dealt with at tonight’s meeting without the interim meeting of March 19th.

2. Matters arising not elsewhere on the Agenda:Nothing to Report.

3. Correspondence: Available on request.


  • Current Parish Council Funds: The Councillors agreed to sign the cheques for the current monthexpenditure,proposed by Yvonne Tookey and seconded by Mark Jarman.The current monthly accounts were distributed at the meeting.

5. Planning:

  • Planning Application: 10/00398/1PUD4,High Street, Hinxworth, SG7 5HQ. Paul Watler declared an interest. No action is required by the Parish Council.
  • Planning: Application 09/01648/1HH: Corner Cottage, Chapel Street, Hinxworth, SG7 5HN. This planning application has been turned down by NHDC. The applicant intends to take the matter to appeal.

The Chairman is to write a formal letter supporting the application. Proposed by Simon Marlow seconded by

Yvonne Tookey. Simon Marlow to action.


  • The High Street:Some, but not all, of the potholes in the High Street which have been filled. The Parish Council are to monitor the on-going repair work. Hertfordshire Highways will be notified if necessary.
  • Bury End Pond: It is the intention of Hertfordshire Highways to build a gully under the road with a trap by the pond side to eliminate any flooding in the future.

7.Village Hall:

  • The Village Hall Car Park:Paul Watler has prepared the ground for planings to be spread when the weather permits. To date the ground is far too wet. The cost of approximately £1000.00 wasauthorised by the Councillors to complete the work. Proposed by Simon Marlow seconded by Mark Jarman.
  • Village Hall Windows: S.J. Murphy Ltd have now installed the windows in the kitchen and small toilet. It was agreed that payment will be made when the Chairman of the Village Hall Management Committee notifies the Council in writing that the work has been satisfactorily completed.
  1. Recreation Ground:Nothing to report.
  2. The Tennis Court::

Insurance Cover: Mark Jarman having obtained the necessary insurance cover breakdown figure is to contact Allianz Insurance to notify them of the correct analysis and amount of cover. Mark Jarman to action.

Moss Growth:There is considerable growth of moss on the Court. It was agreed that David Granger is to be asked to spray the area. Wendy Kitchener to action.

  1. Allotments:

Planning Application:The Parish Councillors agreed to make aPlanning Application for the allotments including car parking on the allotmentsite for a maximum of seven cars. The Parish Councillors are to approve the application plans and details prior to submission. The application cost of £85.00 was authorised. Proposed by Simon Marlow seconded by Mark Jarman.

Licence to the Allotmenteers: Various restrictions on the users of the allotments were discussed and how best to include these in the lease and/or licence, in particular the last paragraph of the March 19th minutes.

N.H.D.C.Letter: The letter agreed at the March 19th meeting will be sent to NHDC enquiring about NHDC’s plans for the retained part of the field, and reminding them that it will need to be properly maintained.

Simon Marlow is to action the above allotment items.

  1. Any Other Business:
  • May Meeting:First item on the agenda is to be the election of the incoming new Chairman.
  • Village of the Year: The Parish Council supports the project and hopes a team from the Village can be organised to implement this initiative.
  • Parish Statement :Draft to be circulated. Wendy Kitchener to action.
  • Risk Assessment: To be provided by all contractors as and when necessary.

12.Date of the Next Meeting:A.G.M. Thursday April 29th at 8.00pm in the Village Hall.The next Parish CouncilMeetingis on May 6th at 8.00pm in the Village Hall, this may be changed to May 5th if the General Election takes place on May 6th as the Village Hall will be in use for voting. The meeting closed at 9.30. p.m.