MINUTES OF A MEETING OF CLYST ST GEORGE PARISH COUNCILon14thSeptember 2016 at 8pm Held in the Village Hall, Clyst St George

PRESENT: Cllr. M. Ackland-Smith (MA(1S) Cllr. J.Manser (JM), Cllr. P. Bragg (PB), Cllr A. Meechan (AM), Cllr R. Horner (RH), Cllr M. Howe (MH) Mrs. C. Newbery (CN).10 Members of the Public.

Prior to the Meeting, the Chairman reported that she wished to record the sad death of Tom Broom recently. She said that Mr. Broom was a well known and respected farmer in Clyst St George and throughout the South West. He was involved in many aspects of farming including the County Show for many years. When he retired from farming his son Philip took over, and Philip also served on the Parish Council for ten years.

Tom will be sadly missed by us all.

  1. Apologies for absence–none
  2. Minutes to Meeting 13 July – unanimous approval and duly signed.
  3. Declarations of interest- none
  4. Open Forum

(1)Member of public 1 - stated that at the recent rugby match the car parking was much worse than last year. There were more than 70 cars, Clyst Road was being used as a rat run and speeding and it became quite violent with bottles being thrown and abuse. The Blue Ball had put out bollards to stop parking there. MAS confirmed that she had spoken to two residents, and there were Enforcement Officers there.

(2)Member of public 2 – have we organised speed cameras yet? MAS replied that we had.

(3)Member of public 3 – Site Contruction Plan – had this been received. Cllr Howe replied that it had not yet been signed off, when that had happened, it would be published. Member of public 3 responded saying that the building work should not have commenced until the Plan had been signed off.

(4)Member of public 4 – how is the five year land supply monitored – if it slips it could be open for more development. Cllr Howe replied that it is monitored twice a year.

  1. Correspondence – Clerk Report

a)Ragwort –several complaints received regarding ragwort on dual carriageway. Reported to Devon County Council Highways, their reply is again, due to Government cuts this is not included in their duties. They suggest that if ragwort on own land, it is pulled, but made no mention of suggestions of ragwort growing on public land. There had also been complaints regarding the grass cutting, and the Devon County Council had reiterated their stance that due to cut backs this was not now being completed.

b)Hedges in Ebford Lane – this has also been reported to Devon Highways now, due to the owner of the property involved failing to undertake work to cut back his hedge.

c)Flyposting in Ebford – complaint received – this has been addressed.

d)Abandoned car in Ebford Lane, reported to EDDC for matter to be dealt with.

e)Dog Bin in Clyst St George – complaint had been received and has now been attended to.

f)Letter received from Burrington Estates – this is on the Agenda for discussion.

g)Two complaints regarding excessive dust from Burrington Estates – this has been taken up with the Site Manager, and the matter addressed.

h)Accidents on the dual carriageway – we are in correspondence with Highways, and are awaiting their response.

i)Complaint re Hedge on Ebford Court – this has been reported and being dealt with.

j)Correspondence with Alison Smith regarding whether we can appeal regarding the public pathways.

k)Report of incident in Clyst Road, where a member of the public walking along the road with a child on his shoulders was clipped, sending him into the hedge. This has been reported to the Police and also the Highways Department.

l)Letter from Burrington Estates regarding the lighting. Agenda item.

m)Report of broken Old Ebford Lane sign. This has been reported to EDDC.

  1. County Councillor’s Report– none available
  1. District Councillor’s Report

Cllr Howe confirmed that due to the summer recess there was little to report, other than he had met with the Cricket Club about the netting.

  1. Police Report

No crimes have been reported for the past month.

  1. Finance: Clerk to Report

The accounts for the months of July and August had been circulated. Lloyds Bank had now approved the internet banking for the clerk. The second instalment of precept had been received in early September from East Devon District Council. Cllr Dearsley noted that it would be beneficial to have the Neighbourhood Plan funds separate and the clerk would explore opening an account for this purpose and report to the next meeting.

Vote on Accounts – Unanimous.

  1. Telephone Box Conversion

This matter to be put on next Agenda.

  1. Burrington Estates update

The Chairman reported that Burrington Estates suggested the Parish Council to act on their behalf and the Parish Council had taken a firm stance on that. They were advised to approach Cllr Howe. They have now applied for planning permission for the nets. When this is approved, the variation will then be considered by East Devon District Council. The Chairman reported that a letter had also been received regarding the lighting. It was pointed out that Clyst St George was not a ‘dark village’ there were fourteen lights already in the village which were switched off late at night. After discussion about the lux level of lights, Cllr Howe confirmed that the lux levels were not for adjustment. The Chairman requested a vote to write to Burrington Estates confirming that the Parish Council would not be responsible for the lighting . Cllr Dearsley requested the letters be published on the website.

Vote : Unanimous to write to Burrington Estates as Chairman’s request

Unanimous that letters be published on website.

  1. Exe Valley CLT – Report on Public Meeting

The Chairman confirmed that four members of the Parish Council attended the Public Meeting to observe the public’s reaction to the Group and listen to the presentation. There were approximately 35 public in attendance. The Group gave a short presentation of their aspirations. Their ideas were still in their infancy, and they did not appear to have a definite plan of action. To date, despite our requests, no further details have been forthcoming. The general mood of the public at the meeting was against any further development in Clyst St George, the public felt the 25 houses already under construction were too many. It was difficult to hear clearly the questions or answers. The Chairman stated that that the Parish Council had not discussed matters with the organisation. It was suggested to the Group that they seriously consider how their plans would fit in with the Local Plan, the fact that Clyst St George was classed as being in open countryside and affordable housing already over catered for, and most importantly, they should listen to local opinion. The Group would also benefit from discussing their ideas with the Planners at East Devon District Council who will explain the implications of the Local Plan which is in operation. Cllr Horner confirmed he considered this was a fair resume of the Public Meeting, the CLT were clearly not prepared for the meeting. Cllrs Baker and Manser also agreed with the report.

  1. Planning
  2. Councillors Reports

Cllr Horner reported that fly tipping had occurred in Clyst St George, and commented on the litter on Clyst St George dual carriageway. Cllr Bragg noted that he had occasionally seen rubbish being cleared.

Cllr Manser reported that there was a Neighbourhood Plan meeting next week. The draft plan was being prepared. He reported that after the comments of last meeting reference The Pound, he had contacted Plandscape. He had contacted Highways who confirmed there was no more work being carried out this year. In these circumstances, he suggested the costs of extra cuts would have to be included in the next Precept application.

The Chairman confirmed that Highways were only now carrying out work on the splays for safety reasons, and agreed that this must be borne in mind when applying for Precept. Cllr Manser confirmed he now had the sign and would be cleaning it, and the new posts were being installed. The sign would be in place very shortly.

Cllr Baker reported on the hedges at Rosario. The Chairman said those, and at Ebford Court had been reported to Highways, who would be dealing with the matter.

Cllr Dearsley suggested Carol Hayman at Devon County Council Complaints Procedure would take the matter up.

Cllr Meechan reported she considered the mud emanating from Rosario where there was no hedge was very dangerous.

Cllr Dearsley reported that the hedge and brambles at Redlands were out in the road, and needed to be cut back.

The Chairman reported regarding the speeding on the A376. She had contacted the Police and Cllrs Bowden and Howe who were both supportive of taking this matter further. Highways have stated that until there was a problem with the road, ie its camber etc they cannot act. The matter has now been referred by our PCSO to two other Police Officers who will be in contact with us. The same will happen with the problems in Clyst Road.

Cllr Bragg requested an update on the VAS situation. It was confirmed that Highways are now happy with our paperwork and the matter will be put in hand shortly.

  1. Date of next meeting – Wednesday 12thOctober 2016.

PLANNING (plus any Applications arising before the Meeting)

  1. 16/1792/FUL Juali, Clyst Road, Topsham, EX3 0DB -Construction of two storey and single storey extension and first floor window in side elevation of existing property.

Cllr Baker considered this was a reasonable extension. He said that one recently had been refused, and was also refused on Appeal. Cllr Bragg confirmed he considered it quite acceptable. The Chairman had spoken to both neighbours who had no complaints. Cllr Baker proposed it be supported. Vote : Unanimous

  1. 16/1891/FUL Bronte Residential Care Home, Lower Lane, Ebford, EX3 0QT - Single storey extension.

Cllr Baker confirmed this application was for a modest single storey extension, well below ridgeline, for storage of records. There were no objections. Vote: Support with no comments.

  1. 16/1448/LBC Ebford Manor, Old Ebford Lane, Ebford EX3 0QR-Installation of Gates and construction of support pillars.

Cllr Baker confirmed we had responded saying we had no objections.These plans respond to comments made by the Conservation Officer. Vote: Support subject to Conservation Officer’s decision.

  1. 16/1447/FUL Ebford Manor, Old Ebford Lane, Ebford EX3 0QR- Creation of garden access to highway and installation of gates and construction of support pillars

Vote: Support subject to Conservation Officer’s decision.

  1. 16/1772/TRE Ebford Manor, Old Ebford Lane, Ebford EX3 0QR -TG01 3 x Ash 1 xSycamore - Reduce height to 11m; T131 Monterey Cypress remove hanging branches from south side of the tree. T132 & 133 Yew - Reduce radial spread to 1.8-2.0m T135 Sycamore - Fell to favour T136. T136 Hornbeam - reduce primary NW branch to a height of 14m making a target pruning cut to a dominant tertiary branch, raise crown to a height of 5m, removing only tertiary branches originating or falling below that height. T137 Turkey Oak - fell. T139 Monterey Cypress - Raise crown to 5m

Cllr Baker confirmed that the Tree Officer will have the final decision. Vote: Support subject to Tree Officer’s decision.

  1. 16/1587/LBC Marianne Pool Farm, Clyst St George EX3 0NZ – works to convert formerstables to wine tasting room.

The Chairman confirmed that the stables were not being used as such. Cllr Meechan reported that the works were already under way. Cllr Bragg said that the bottom half had been started, but the roof not yet completed, this was acceptable. Vote: Support subject to the Conservation Officer’s decision.

  1. 16/2088/FUL Land West of Woodbury Road, Clyst St George – Installation of removable cricket safety netting (Late Entry)

Cllr Baker confirmed that this was a Section 106 matter. The management will be responsible for putting up the nets prior to a cricket match and taking them down when match over. A representative of the Cricket Club was present at the meeting and confirmed the net will be fit for purpose and the Cricket Club would support it. Cllr Howe confirmed the management company would be responsible for the maintenance of the net. The Chairman queried whether the Cricket Club insurance company were satisfied with the situation. Cllr Howe suggested the Cricket Club Officers provide a report on this. Vote: All support with the proviso the nets will go up for each match and taken down after the match; provided the report supports. Agreed Cllr Baker would do the report on this.

Chairman any questions :

Member of public 1 – requested that the website was updated on the Neighbourhood Plan. Cllr Manser explained that only reports were made public. Cllr Dearsley confirmed that movement was slow due to working with volunteers, but that it was hoped that the first draft in October.

Member of public 2 – queried who was driving the plan through, should it be someone from the Parish and not an outsider? What were the considerations for planning applications. MAS replied that the website had all the details dealing with the routine from when an application was received through to the meeting, and this was taken from the Parish Council Guidelines.

Member of public 3 – Asked whether a building can be used before planning permission is obtained – Cllr Howe responded saying that retrospective planning is allowed, the law does not stop this, but if the permission is refused then the work done has to be demolished.

Member of public 4 – asked whether it was not a legal requirement for Highways to carry out work. Cllr Manser replied that if it was a safety issue, then the work would be carried out, but if not, then no work would be done.


The Meeting closed at 9.45pm

The next Meeting will be held onWednesday, 12thOctober 2016 at 8pm