Minutes of Parish CouncilMeeting held on Monday 5 Novemberat the Village Hall, Memorial Lane, Bletsoe


Cllrs Ann Gibbons (chairman), Edward Bean, PaulCaves, Matt Cox, Mary Laws,

Alison Field-Foster (Borough Councillor), and the Clerk were in attendance. There were two members of the public.

Apologies for Absence
Debbie Hall– the apologies were accepted
Declarations of interest
All members declared an interest in matters relating to Waiting to the Sun planning application – item 11 however dispensations have been granted to all members (with the exception of Cllr Laws) and therefore have the right to speak and vote on this item.
To approve the minutes of previous meeting held on 27 September 2012
Resolved:to accept the minutes as a true record of the meeting.
Matters arising from minutes
Football posts – outstanding – Cllr Gibbons to action
Hedges around Play Area this would be done in the Autumn – Cllr P Caves to action.
There were no other matters arising from the minutes. / Chairman
P Caves
Public Open Session
There were no questions from the public.
Bletsoe Parish Council and B.R.A.
Mr Lance Feaver addressed the council regarding the planning application for the Waiting for the Sun site on Rushden Road. An enforcement notice has already been served and the applicant is now out of time to appeal. This means this is an unauthorised site subject to enforcement. The second application for a stable block is awaiting a site visit although it is likely that planning permission will be granted. On the basis that no appeal can now be made, the planning issues at the Waiting for the Sun Site relate solely to enforcement, and the PC can liaise directly with the Borough on this. As a result there was little for BRA to do at this stage, although things may change. The North Beds Residents Association is progressing well with close collaboration between parishes facing similar issues to Bletsoe. B.R.A. feel that the Parish Council should take over from B.R.A. and ensure that enforcement action is taken and that B.R.A. although remain constituted are not active. The Chairman thanked the members of B.R.A. for all their work over the past few years and it was resolved that the council would continue to work with the Borough to ensure that enforcement action is taken regarding this site. However, if the situation changes it is hoped that B.R.A. would be willing to work in collaboration with the Parish Council to serve its residents.
To consider and adopt the revised Standing Orders
There followed a brief discussion and one further amendment was made to the revised standing orders. Paragraph 10 Rescission of Previous Resolutions was removed from the document. It was resolved: to adopt the Standing Orders and these would be reviewed on a yearly basis. / Clerk
To receive an update on the proposed Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) for Bletsoe
CllrCaves, Foster and two residents from the Parish have had an initial meeting. It is proposed to produce a joint plan with Thurleigh but it was felt that Bletsoe would also need its own NDP. There is a joint meeting on 20 November hosted by Bletsoe PC with Thurleigh, Milton Ernest and neighbouring parishes. Ideally the council would like more residents to join in the Bletsoe group and the first meeting would take place on 14 November.
Bedford Borough consultations
The Clerk had circulated details to all members regarding the current round of consultations circulated by Bedford Borough Council. Whilst the Council did not wish to respond Cllr Gibbons agreed to include details on the Parish website and also to include on a leaflet which would be circulated to all residents informing them where to find details of the consultations and how to respond as individuals. / Cllr Gibbons
To receive a verbal report on local/authority meetings attended by Bletsoe PC since the September meeting.
Cllrs Cox and Bean had attended the BATPC AGM. There was a unanimous vote in favour of the proposal to allow a change in the remit of the Local Government Ombudsman to allow town and parish councils to complain about the decisions of principal councils.
11 / Planning
The planning report was noted. One new application had been received for “Ronda” on Rushden Road – application no 12/02083/LDE. All members of the council reviewed the plans which were for a lawful development certificate application. However it was unclear whether the application was for the conversion of several outbuildings to be converted as residential accommodation. It was resolved to seek clarification from the Borough planning department. Once this information had been circulated members of the council would decide whether to call a planning application to discuss the application further. / Clerk
Cllr Laws
12 / Financial Reports
It was resolved: to approve the accounts for payment. In addition two additional payments were included – £17.00 The Poppy Appeal and £13.71 for Anglian Water.
The monthly payments against budget were noted.
Ch No / Payee / £ / Description
1202 / A Southern / 62.10 / Working from home allowance(July to Sept) and expenses
1203 / RBL Poppy Appeal / 20.00 / Civic Wreath
1204 / Bletsoe Village Hall / 10.00 / Village Hall hire
1205 / Eon UK / 62.47 / Street lighting maintenance
1206 / Eon UK / 2154.62 / Replacement street lanterns
1207 / The Poppy Appeal / 17.00 / Civic Wreath (to be kept for next year)
1208 / Anglian Water / 13.71 / Water bill allotments
Total / 2339.90
There followed a brief discussion regarding the current amount of earmarked reserves. It was resolved to allocate a further £2972 to the Drainage Fund.
(iii) To approve purchase of a wooden kissing gate using ward funding.
Prior to the meeting the Clerk had circulated two examples of the kissing gates available. All agreed they would prefer the wooden option and that providing sufficient funds were available to also purchase a new field gate. CllrCaves offered to help to install the new gates and would liaise with the Clerk. The Clerk would liaise with the Borough regarding the Ward funding.
(iv) To consider any new items for inclusion towards next year’s budget.
Some additional funding for the NDP would be necessary and if possible members of the working party would provide an approximate costing to the Clerk to assist with the budget.
In addition the council would like to see the street lamps on Memorial Lane replaced with the new style bulbs. These lamps were owned by the Borough and Cllr Bean offered to speak with the Borough to enquire if this work could be carried out as part of the Borough’s rolling programme of works. / Clerk
NDP Group
Cllr Bean
13 / Parish Concerns
It was noted that emails generating from the Clerk were sent from her personal account and Cllr Bean agreed to advise how this could be amended to show items as sent from Bletsoe parish council.
Trees at bottom of Memorial Lane on right hand side have some very large overhanging branches. There was concern that these may cause damage if they fell and could these lifted? In addition the tree opposite no 28 The Avenue also had low overhanging branches. It was resolved to ask the Borough to carry out the works as all the trees were on Borough Council land and therefore their responsibility. / Cllr Bean
19 / Date of Next Meeting – Monday 21 January 2013 at 7:30pm


Approved by Chairman 21 January2013


Bletsoe Parish Council, 5 November 2012 Page 1 of 4