Royal Navy Association Torrevieja branch November 2nd 2016

Minutes of a meeting at El Paraiso Restaurante Urb del Mar

Committee Paul Edwards

Vice Chairman Membership Secy Danny Kay

Secretary Margaret Forshaw

Treasurer John Forshaw

P R O Rose Lyon

Welfare Co-Ordinator John Langford

Welfare Volunteers Robin Hargrave

Pam Cluney

Cathy Brown

Gillian Burden

In Attendance: 31 full Members 17 Associate Members

1 Visitor.

Apologies Received from P & C Thorley, S Conway, T Stangeland

C & L Ramscar, L Haig, S Kane, F & H Goodman.

The Chairman opened the meeting and welcomed members and visitors. Members stood for the Shipmate’s prayer, a period of silence was observed for those who had fallen since our last meeting. The Chairman asked if everyone had read the minutes if there were any comments or amendments. He asked that they be accepted . This was proposed by Vic Cluney and seconded by Robin Hargrave. There were no matters arising, they were then accepted unanimously.

Chairman’s Report: The Chairman had not a lot to report. He was at Benidorm for the launch of the R B L poppy appeal, He also said Trafalgar night had gone well and thanked all involved.

Vice Chairman’s Report: Your standard was paraded on 14th October at R B L poppy day launch in Benidorm, also at the Codex Belex, unfortunately we did not have a great turn out, but we were the biggest contributor to the parade as far as the British contingents were concerned. Thank you to Terry for the organisation, another good day in Murcia.

Your standard will be paraded on the 11th/13th November at the two Remembrance services, organised by the two R B L the first is at La Siesta,the second at Mil Palmeras, both start at 1045 hrs BUT get there early to get a seat. After the service on the 11th you are invited to Hoggies bar for some light refreshments which will be free. Thank you to Ian our Standard bearer for his efforts.

We had 44 members out of 74 which attended Trafalgar night on 21st November, hope you all had a great night (I did). I would like to thank Cathy and Len and all their helpers for organising the evening. There is a list on the table for the menu Del dia at Paco’s on the 15th Nov, this has been organised by Carol, the list will close today €12 pp.

Christmas party here on the 7th December. All those who attended Trafalgar night go free if you were unable to attend but wish to go to the party the cost is 5euros pp. A show of hand was taken for approx numbers. Any member who is not at this meeting and wish to attend please let me know A.S.A.P. after you receive the minutes. It should start after the December meeting approx 1830/1900hrs.

Note for next year the R M A wish to challenge you to a Quiz after our meeting on the 1st February, details to follow, so start learning stuff, it is our turn to win.

Membership Report: it is that time of year again(nearly) that membership fees are due, if you will not be here at start of year and wish to pay your fees see me at stand easy, same price as last year €10, for those of you who are not required to pay can you let me know your intentions to remain a member so that you do not get missed of my lists, thereby missing out on your 2017 membership sticker.

Secretary’s Report: I received an email from Gerry Lynch Chairman of the Torrevieja branch of the R B L he gave details of the service which will commence at 1045 on 11th November. This has been promulgated but if for any reason you have not read it I have a copy on the desk.

There are two copies of the Homeport magazine on the desk, please feel free to take one or to read at stand easy, there are a couple of items our R M A members might like to read.

Shipmate Alex McCallum’s obituary is in this month’s Navy News.

Nothing of particular interest to the branch in the Semaphore circular, as always a list of re-unions. Sadly the South Gloucestershire branch is de commissioning. Those members who have commented on our entry in the Euro Weekly will be pleased to note the contact details for the branch have now been updated, I telephoned them before I went to Edinburgh and it was done at long last. Finally for those interested in Naval history on this day in1918 the last two British merchant vessels to be sunk were torpedoed of Port Said.

Treasurer’s Report: John gave as usual a full account of our funds General, Charity and Shipmate’s fun fund. Any member wishing to see the books see John. Members were once again reminded the buffet at Hoggies is free.

Welfare report : nobody has been reported as sick to John. Jean Turrall was back in hospital after the accident to her foot John had no details ,he spoke to Bill who is still the same.

P R O: Rose informed members she is still submitting photographs to the papers, this includes The R T N the Leader and Focus magazine, some of these have printed our outings and she has submitted pictures from Trafalgar night.

Paul once again reminded members the importance of filling in a C V card should it be necessary to submit an obituary to the Navy News or an eulogy.

Any Other business: At the Codex Belex in Murcia organised by Terry Watson he presented the Spanish hosts with an R N A plaque, we in turn received a certificate from them. The members were reminded next month to bring any donations of dry good etc for giving to the Alimentos Solidarios (soup kitchen) as we have done in previous years this enables them to give the less fortunate a mid day meal. Shipmate Eileen McKenzie also made an appeal on behalf of the Reach Out organisation, which we have also donated to in previous years. Eileen gave a full account of all reach out does plus they have to pay all their own overheads. They also enable people to have a shower ,change of clothes . Eileen asked for items toiletries dried milk baby food and size 4 nappies, When this is brought in to the meeting it is delivered as soon as possible to the two organisations.

Dick again told members he would be doing his parachute jump on 12th November at Albacete (day after Hoggies) all monies will be divided between Alzheimer assoc and Cancer research. He will give details of this at the next meeting.

Elizabeth Mccallum said she had taken Alex’s ashes back to Scotland a service was held in Taynuilt which was his home village and his ashes were scattered in a spot he had picked years ago. There was €400 collected in Spain which she has given to the Italian earthquake victims and £260 which was collected in Scotland was given to Erskine Hospital for ex military.

Mike Enwright told us he had lunch with Mike and Ruth Wright they are still doing up their house but hope to visit us next year.

We were reminded of the R M A raffle.

The meeting was closed at 1755 the next one being here December 7th at 1700.

After close of meeting Bill Nixon asked that we buy raffle tickets and invited everyone to their Christmas draw. This is on December 2nd at the Sports bar Playa Flamenca 1900 for 1930 hot and cold buffet €10 pp but he needs numbers so please see Bill if interested.