Minutes of a Finance and General Purposes Committee Meeting,
held in the Town Council Committee Room, Manor Offices,
Holsworthy, 10am Tuesday 25th April 2017
Present: Cllrs. P. Smith, J. Heaven, J. Hutchings, J. Allen, C. Punter and J Sanders.
In Attendance:Town Clerk (TC)
Cllr. H Taylor
891. Declarations of Interest
The Chairman requested that Cllrs. declare any interests as relevant matters arose.
Cllr. Hutchings declared an Interest and signed the DOI Book
892.Finance and General Purposes Meeting Minutes.
Cllr. Punter proposed that the minutes of the Meeting held on 21st March 2017 are to be signed as a true and accurate record, Cllr. Sanders seconded the proposal which was carried. (Vote 5 For, 0 Against, 1 Abstention)
893.Matters Arising
No matters arising.
894.Accounts due for Payment and Budget Review
The Tc went through the Accounts for Payment highlighting the receipt of the first Precept Payment from Torridge District Council and the second grant payment received from Sport England in respect of the Pavilion.
Cllr. Smith proposed the accounts be paid. Cllr. Allen seconded the proposal which was carried unanimously. (Vote 6 For. 0 Against. 0 Abstentions).
The TC went through the Budget Review Sheet and the Project Expenditure Sheets explaining that she had updated the format of the Budget sheets for 2017/2018. There were no further comments.
895.To discuss and agreed the Grant Allocations for the Financial Year 2017/18.
After lengthy discussions on each application.
Cllr. Allenproposed that the following Grant Allocations to be made for the financial year 2017/2018. Cllr. Smith seconded the proposal which was carried. (Vote 6 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstention)
Museum £300
Holsworthy Pre-School£200
Rural Transport Ring & Ride £200
Rural Transport Town Shuttle Bus £250
Macular Support £100
Bude Canal Trust £100
Twinning £250
Friends of Holsworthy Library £100
896.To discuss future purchases for the Sun lounge in Badock Gardens.
At present the Sun Lounge has no curtains or blinds of folding tables that could be used for meetings. Therefore, as agreed at the last Parks Committee, the TC will obtain some quotes for these items; the funds to come from the existing Earmarked Reserve for the Sun Lounge.
The TC to obtain some quotes.
897. To discuss and if appropriate agreed a donation of £1000 to the St Peters Fair Committee.
It was agreed that £500 be granted towards the cost of the entertainment and £500 for the hire of the stage in December as had been awarded in previous years.
Cllr. Heaven proposed that the sum of £1000 be awarded to the St Peters Fair Committee. Cllr. Punter seconded the proposal which was carried. (Vote 6 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstention)
898.To discuss and if appropriate agreed the design, production and distribution of a Holsworthy publicity leaflet subject to budget/ funding being identified.
TheMayor had obtained some information from a Company whocould produce a leaflet to publicise Holsworthy which can be used to market what Holsworthy has to offer including the Wednesday Market. The Company can offer a comprehensive network for leaflet distribution including stands and outlets in 98% of hotels, holiday parks, campsites, pubs, supermarkets, leisure centers, Tourist Information Centers and attractions etc. as well as many other venues throughout the South West with full coverage of Devon and Cornwall.After discussion, it was agreed that the design and production of the leaflet be funded, with a further discussion to be held regarding the level and areas for the leaflet to be distributed. The content for the leaflet to be decided by the Communications Committee.
Cllr. Smith proposed that the Council fund the design and production of a Holsworthy publicity leaflet up to a cost of £1700. Cllr. Sanders seconded the proposal which was carried. (Vote 6 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstention)
899.To discuss and if appropriate agree a contribution of up to £100 towards the improved provision of free Wi-Fi in the Square.
It was agreed by all that the improved provision of free WiFi in the Square would be good for businesses and is utilised by many within the Community it should be supported.
Cllr. Heaven proposed that a contribution of up to £100 be made towards the improved provision of free Wi-Fi in the Square.Cllr. Hutchings seconded the proposal which was carried. (Vote 6 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstention)
900. Town Clerk’s Report – to receive a report from the TC for information only.
The TC confirmed that she has finally received confirmation from Linden Homes that a RoSPA Inspection Report will be obtained for the Play Equipment in Station Close. The TC has informed Linden Homes that any findings in the RoSPA Safety Inspection Report of equipment that is faulty or unsafe would need to be rectified before the Council would be prepared to take ownership of the site.
At the previous Full Council Meeting in April there had been a discussion on the Community Unity Project. The TC informed members that she will seek further information on the project as it is suggested that Holsworthy will be used as a pilot district, and she will report back to all Cllrs with further information.
901. Close
TheChairperson closed the meeting at 11.03am
Signed……………………………………………………………………Date ………………………….
Appendix 1
Date / Pay To / Voucher / Gross / Nett / VAT / Reason / Allocation
06/04/17 / NEST / Internet / £147.01 / £147.01 / March Pension Contributions VS, KP / Salaries
06/04/17 / SW Locksmiths / Internet / £29.99 / £29.99 / Replacement Lock / Office
10/04/17 / Gradwell / Direct Debit / £16.18 / £13.49 / £2.69 / Telephone Calls / Office
19/04/17 / Tamar Trading / Internet / £15.84 / £13.20 / £2.64 / Badock Garden - Sun Lounge / Parks
19/04/17 / Radio Silks Ltd / Internet / £1,200.00 / £1,200.00 / Market Manager - April / Market
19/04/17 / D.A.L.C / Internet / £603.80 / £526.00 / £77.80 / Annual Subscription / Office
19/04/17 / Plandscape / Internet / £244.96 / £204.13 / £40.83 / Maintenance - Badock Gardens / Parks
19/04/17 / Holsworthy Memorial Hall / Internet / £102.00 / £85.00 / £17.00 / Hire Memorial Hall - Annual Meeting 3.5.17 / Office
19/04/17 / Viking / Internet / £74.53 / £62.11 / £12.42 / Stationary / Office
19/04/17 / Viking / Internet / £72.18 / £60.15 / £12.03 / Frames and Stationary / Office
19/04/17 / Concorde / Internet / £166.38 / £138.65 / £27.73 / Photocopies / Office
19/04/17 / Acuiti Solutions Ltd / Internet / £180.00 / £150.00 / £30.00 / Broadband charges / Office
19/04/17 / Torridge District Council / Internet / £40.50 / £40.50 / Recharge of rental of Market Hall / Market Hall
19/04/17 / Plandscape / Internet / £534.28 / £445.23 / £89.05 / Maintenance -Stanhope Park / Parks
20/04/17 / SSE / 107384 / £30.30 / £30.30 / Electricity - Unmetered supply / Parks
20/04/17 / J Briggs / 107385 / £31.50 / £31.50 / Travel expenses / Cllr Expenses
24/04/17 / V.Saunders, K.Punter, G. Wilcox / Internet / £3,876.36 / £3,876.36 / Salaries - April / Salaries
TOTAL / £7,365.81 / £7,053.62 / £312.19
03.04.17 / Postage / £0.98 / £0.98
06.04.17 / Papers & milk / £4.44 / £4.44
06.04.17 / Stamps / 7.80. / £7.80
11.04.17 / Coffee & Milk / £4.08 / £4.08
13.04.17 / Newspapers / £1.85 / £1.85
18.04.17 / Milk / £1.09 / £1.09
20.04.17 / Newspapers / £1.85 / £1.85
TOTAL / £14.29
Date / Paid By / Council / Nett / VAT / Reason
03.04.17 / Cheque / £30.00 / £30.00 / Labour Party Chamber Bookings
03.04.17 / Cheque / £30.00 / £30.00 / Labour Party Chamber Bookings
06.04.17 / Cash / £223.00 / £223.00 / Market Takings
10.04.17 / Credit / £200.00 / £200.00 / Rent - Magpie/RBL
13.04.17 / Cash / £272.00 / £272.00 / Market Takings
13.04.17 / Cash / £60.00 / £60.00 / Project -Donation Hols Social Club Bingo-Defib
13.04.17 / Credit / £16,123.00 / £16,123.00 / Project -Pavilion - 2nd Claim Sport England
18.04.17 / Credit / £600.00 / £600.00 / Rent - Penroses Terrace
20.04.17 / Cash / £243.50 / £243.50 / Market Takings
24.04.17 / Credit / £53,110.00 / £53,110.00 / TDC 1st Precept Payment
TOTAL / £70,891.50 / £70,891.50
Appendix 2 Working Budget Sheet 2017/2018
Appendix 3
PROJECT EXPENDITUREAS AT 01.04.17 / Expenditure / Income / Reclaimed VAT / Date Rec'd / Remaining / Notes
PAVILION / £ 312,409.46
16,123.00 / 13.04.17 / 296,286.46
CCTV / £ 3,733.00
60.00 / 13.04.17 / 1,310.25