PRESENT:Cllr P. Davies (Mayor)

“ E.J. Breeze

“ Mrs J. Crisp

“ Mrs C. Edwardes

“ Mrs L. Evans

“ Lady Hooson

“ Mrs A.M. Jones

“ P. Rees

“ J. Whittal Williams

2 Members of School Council

2Members of the Press

6 Members of the public

Town Clerk

386/01 INFORMATION FROM MS LYNDA COOKE RE MANAGEMENT OF ALLT GOCH WOODS. (10 minutes) Ms Cooke distributed leaflets explaining a proposal for a 5 year plan. Ian Russell gave a brief outline and stressed his offer to take Councillors to a wood in North Wales to explain how squirrels could be safely managed. Cllr Davies thanked Ms Cooke and Mr Russell for their presentations and Cllr Rees stated the importance of the Allt Goch sub committee meetings.

386/02APOLOGIES Apologies were received from Cllrs Mrs S. Mills, Mrs P. Smith, G. Rowlands, Mrs A. Morgan and G. Morgan


There were no Declaration of Interest Forms completed

386/04MINUTES The following minutes were read and confirmed:-

Minutes of Council Meeting held on 28.07.14True Record Unanimously agreed

Environment and Planning Panel meeting held on 08.09.14 Unanimously agreed

Town Hall and Finance Panel meeting held on 08.09.14Unanimously agreed

Meeting to discuss Biomass Boiler held on 14.08.14 Unanimously agreed

Meeting to discuss Biomass Boiler held on 19.08.14 Unanimously agreed

Allt Goch committee management meetings held on 31.07.14 and 28.08.14 unanimously agreed


a)Letter from Wales Rally GB - Received

b)Letter from PCC – Sustainable Library Service –Received. Cllr Davies read out a further letter received from PCC which explained that they are still proposing to reduce opening hours.

c)Newsletter from SARPA (Shrewsbury Aberystwyth Rail Passengers Assoc) - Received. It was agreed to pass on to Council representative, Cllr Mills

d)Letter from Post Office Re Modernisation Received Concern was expressed that the closure had not been well advertised. Press were asked to advertise the fact that the Post Office will be closed for 10 days

e)Information from Mynydd Y Gwynt Re Notice of acceptance of an application for a Development Consent Order by the Planning Inspectorate (on behalf of the Secretary of State) Received

f)Invitation from St John Wales to Vintage Fete and request for funding – it was agreed to pass on to October Finance Panel meeting

g)Letter from Mid Wales Orienteering Club and Powys Sports Development asking permission to use Allt Goch for Orienteering day on Friday 10th October 2014 – Permission was unanimously granted. Clerk explained that she has received a copy of the Insurance policy from PCC

h)Request for funding from Shelter Cymru – Pass on to October Finance Panel meeting

i)List of 8 motions to be put forward at OVW AGM on 4th October - Received

j)E mail from SI Jason Walters (Llanidloes Army Cadets)– Received It was agreed to discuss further at the next Environment panel meeting

k)Information from Siroli Project – rebranded Severn Valley Effect– Received

l)Notification of PCC Budget Conversation to be held on 13th October– Received

386/06TO RECEIVE INFORMATION FROM STUDENT COUNCIL Hannah Wilden and Joe Jones asked Council if they wished any information to be passed on to the School. Councillors asked that the issue of rubbish from School to Co op could be looked at. Clerk asked that thanks be passed on to the students who painted the bus shelter in the Gro during the summer holidays

386/07TO DISCUSS FUTURE MANAGEMENT OF ALLT GOCH (Cllr Rees) Cllr Rees stated that the Vine project is going well and making a positive difference in the wood, with the new Toilet being a significant help. Cllr Rees asked for clarification that the wood is anAmenity Wood and not a commercial wood. Clerk confirmed that the wood is an Amenity wood.

386/08TO RECEIVE ISSUES ARRISING REPORT FROM BDO (External Auditors) and sign and date Annual Return for Audit 31.03.14 This item was dealt with at a meeting held on Thursday 25th September which was called especially to deal with this item. Minutes of the meeting were agreed upon. Councillors thought the issues raised in the report were very minor and pedantic.

386/09TO DISCUSS CASH POINT FURTHER TO CLOSURE OF NAT WEST BANKCllr Davies stated that queues from Barclays Bank cash point are getting out of hand during the weekends. Clerk was asked to obtain costings for a standalone cash point similar to that in Presteigne by next Finance Panel meeting

386/10TO DISCUSS PROPOSED CLOSURE OF PUBLIC TOILETS ON GROA Letter received from PCC had been received just prior to the meeting, therefore it was agreed to pass on to the next Finance Panel meeting. A letter was also received from a resident expressing concern at the proposed closure of the Toilets

386/11TO DISCUSS LETTING OF UNIT AT REAR OF TOWN HALL Clerk explained that she has spoken to Charles Cowan regarding the problem of water getting into the building and he says it is caused from a down pipe on the outside. He will seek permission for access on to Edward Hamers land and try to resolve the issue as soon as possible.Councillors agreed that the best way forward with Richard Osbourne would be to meet him on a Saturday as he is unable to meet during the week, and have a lease drawn up with a much reduced rent and the cost of any alterations to the interior of the building to be met by him.

386/12TO DISCUSS BIOMASS BOILER QUOTATIONS Cllr Davies stated that thestairwell is included, as is the top floor and newly refurbished units at the rear of the Town Hall. Pellets will cost approx the same as the current gas bills, ie approx £9,000 per annum.Approx £12,000 per annum will be claimed back on RHI. Cllr Edwardes expressed concern that we are 5 Councillors down this evening. Cllr Davies stated that we do need to make a decision. A vote was taken and3 Councillors (Cllrs Breeze, Lady Hooson and Cllr Edwardes) voted for Mark Bufton and 4 Councillors (Cllr Davies, Rees, Crisp and Evans) voted for IEC Connect. There were 2 abstentions (Cllrs Jones and Whittal Williams). Clerk will contact IEC Connect and request that the project is started as soon as possible

386/13TO DISCUSS LOCAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN Councillors commented on the plans which they saw at the Library and were generally happy with the changes to the LDP


There were no applications to discuss.

Cllr Davies read out a notice of the “Appeal and Hearing” of the application for the 66 pitch touring caravan park, whichwill take place on 7th October at 10.00 am.


JULY 2014

Chq No

100102JCR Plumbing(Vict Ave Toilets)410.00

100103Sarpa (membership) 8.00

100104JDH Business Services842.40

100105Petty Cash 79.34

100106Inland Revenue859.08

100107PC Q 18.37

100108Sign o Matic (car park sign) 78.47

100109First Responders (Defibrilator)900.00

100110Petty Cash 75.93

100111Void 00.00

100112Simon Owen (Vict Ave Toilets)470.00

100113Wynnstay Group 69.06

100114R.W. Smith(Vict Ave Toilets)200.00

100115Tir Coed (Camb Mountains award) 3,000.00

100116Powys Safety Solutions (1st Aid)144.00

Total£ 7,154.65


100117Inland Revenue843.08

100118Sonia Pritchard (Travel) 45.00

100119Zurich Insurance 3,005.43

100120Simon Edmunds (Allt Goch)418.00

100121Petty Cash 82.01

100122Border Janitorial Supplies (De humidifiers) 432.00

100123Wynnstay 21.79

100124PC Q 22.87


100126Mr Simon Edmunds (Well Lane)249.00

100127Petty Cash 88.55

100128Land Registry 36.00

100129Viking (stationery)121.72

100130OGW 1,320.00

Total£ 6,832.22

Further to questions regarding cheque 100122 Border Janitorial Supplies (de humidifiers) it was agreed that a site meeting with Charles Cowan should take place to discuss a snagging list.

386/16COUNCILLORS QUESTIONS Cllr Davies mentioned that the Old Market Hall has been hit many times in the last couple of months and we as a Council should be doing something about it. It was agreed that we should ask Adrian Jervis to attend a meeting to discuss again.

Cllr Davies and Cllr Jones informed Councillors of an incident which they witnessed in the Town on the evening of Sunday 28th September. Clerk was asked to request details of the Police responses to the incident which was thought to have taken 40 minutes.


Panel Meetings 13th October

Full Council 27th October

Pursuant to Section 1 (2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 it is resolved that because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, the public and press leave the meeting during consideration of the following item:-


Clerk left the meeting for discussion of the pension plan. Confidential notes taken by Cllr Jones are filed accordingly

Meeting closed at 8.50pm