Graphic Design and Illustration

Rachel Anderson

Room 159

Course Content and Instructional Philosophy

Graphic Design and Illustration is a hands-on, project based class. Principles of visual art and design will emphasized with various computer programs including Adobe Photoshop Elements.


1)  Spiral Notebook

2)  Pencils

3)  2 Glue Sticks

4)  A flash drive

5)  Females - hand sanitizer / Males - Kleenex

Computer Lab and Project Room Rules

1. Be prepared for class when the bell rings with materials needed for the lesson.

2. Let the teacher teach. Let the learner learn.

3. SAFETY! Follow all safety instructions.

4. Respect the Equipment

5. Clean your area and return equipment before the bell rings.

6. Do not login on computers unless directed to.

7. Personal electronic devices (cell phones, laptops, IPads, etc.) will be used if needed for instruction. They should not be visible unless otherwise instructed.


60% Academic Achievement

40% Academic Practice

Absence Policy

You are responsible for all make-up work due to an absence. The needed notes and assignments will be on Google Classroom. It is your responsibility to review this information and ask any questions necessary.

If absent on a review day before a quiz or test, you will be required to take the quiz or test on the scheduled day.

ReTest Procedure

When a student makes a 69 or below on any test or project, the student will be given the opportunity to retest or modify the project.

The student is encouraged to attend and/or request a teacher-facilitated tutorial to review the concepts/objectives that the student did not master before taking a retest or modifying a project

The highest grade the student can earn on a retest/redo is a 70.

The opportunity to retest or redo a project will be arranged by the teacher. The teacher will administer the retest at a time determined by the teacher and communicated to the student.

Retests will be administered before or after school in the classroom. Arrangements for transportation must be made with a parent/guardian.

When a grade is impacted due to academic honesty, the student is not eligible for retesting.