Lesson Plan:

Concrete Blue-Print Reading


Lesson Objective: / The purpose of this lesson is to help students become comfortable with the Centennial High School blue print set, we will use this blueprint set for the duration of this semester in estimating I. / Notes
  1. Explain difference between reading a book and reading a blue print set.

  1. Chapter information in a book can be traced to the index; the same principle applies in reading a blue prints.

  1. This exercise will help students navigate between the index and chapters in the Centennial High School blue print set

Introduction (Warm - Up) /
  1. Go over the slides of the previous week.

  1. Ask question: “How many of you have experience in estimating concrete”? If any let them share their experiences.

  1. Ask question: “How many of you have experience working with concrete in the industry”? If any let them share their experiences.

  1. Make transition into – Today we will look at quantifying concrete from blue-prints.

New Information: /
  1. Introduce tools to be used (scales and conversion sheets)

Introduce structural section in blue-prints and make sure they know why structural and not architectural section.
  1. Introduce slab on grade as per section A112 in blue prints

  1. Let them quantify room 403 on A112.

  1. Introduce steel reinforcement – show them on A112

Key Points (Reinforcement) /
  1. Be able to read gridline measurements (introduce vertical and horizontal gridline layout).

  1. Be able to quantify concrete for Centennial High School

  1. Be able to apply this exercise to similar scenarios.

Applying New Information: /
  1. Go over next weeks homework assignment

  1. Divide class into groups of three to work together

  1. Quick overview of math equations they will need in assignment ( two exercises on board)

Assessment: /
  1. At the end of class students must be able to navigate through a blue print set and quantify division three (concrete)

  1. Students must be able to go home and apply learned techniques to their homework assignment for next week.

Homework: /
  1. Distribute a concrete assignment worth 100 points to be turned in next week. This is viewed as an individual assignment to hand in at the beginning of next class

Closure: /
  1. Today we learned how to quantify concrete on blue-prints as it pertains to Centennial High School.

  1. We also talked about steel reinforcement

  1. This information will help you complete your homework successfully for next week.
  2. Are there any questions?

Needed Materials: /
  1. Power Point Presentation

  1. Measuring Scale

  1. Blue Print Set

  1. Printed homework