MINUTES - Network for Improving Complex Care (NICC)

Time: / 10:00am – 12:00 followed by lunch / Date: 09/08/2016
Venue: / PCP Office, 42-44 Fowler Street, Moe / Chair: Cherie Howe
Members Attending: Present- √, Absent – AB, Apology – A, Maternity Leave - ML
Adrian Terranova (QSS) / AB / Kathryn Foale (MI Fellowship) / AB
Amanda Proposch (GPHN) / AB / Kerri White (MIND) / AB
Amy Tarant (BBSC) / A / Kay Jellis (LCC) / AB
Annette Wheatland (SCC) / A / Kim Krieger (MIND) / AB
Beckea Jones (LCC) / √ / Kristen Jeffery (Quantum) / AB
Belinda Forester (BBSC) / AB / Kenna McDonald (DHHS – Aged Care) / A
Beryl Raufer (Vision Australia) / A / Petra Bovery–Spencer (LCHS) / A
Bosede Adetifa (LRH) / √ / Leah Samson (LCHS) / AB
Brooke Campbell (DHHS) / AB / Louse Cristofaro (DHHS) / A
Cherie Howe (CWGPCP) / √ / Nicolina Lowe (LCHS) / AB
Christine May (YSAS) / AB / Raye Beeching (SCC) / AB
Debbie Knight (ICG) / AB / Paul Higgins (LRH) / AB
Delores O’Dowd (LRH) / A / Sally Tatnell (GeoGroup) / AB
Denise Lurati (DEET) / √ / Shilo Wilson (ICG) / AB
Elizabeth Urquhart (QSS) / A / Sue Smith (Continuity of Care Mgr (WGHG) / A
Farhat Firdous (MIFellowship) / AB / Tania Ryan (Diversity Advisor, HACC, LCHS) / √
Fiona Jackson (Vision Australia) / AB / Theresa Mullucks (LCC) / AB
Heidi Gratton (Well Ways Australia – Mental Health) / AB / Dr Uma Ali (RDAC) / Mins
Helen Rawlings (LRH) MH / AB / Richard Adams (WGHG – HACC consult) / Mins
Jessica Desira (Geo Group) / AB
Julie Bond (Geo Group) / AB
Karina Crutch (WGHG) / A / Jeannette Douglas (GPHN) / Guest
Karyn Thomas (LCHS) / AB / Paul McDonald (GPHN) / Guest
Liz Meggetto (CWGPCP) / √ / Sarah Zerbib (Vision2020) / Guest
Topic / Owner / Discuss or Inform / Outcome / Come prepared by / Time
Welcome / Cherie / 5 mins
Previous Minutes & Actions / Cherie / - / 5 mins
Actions from the previous meeting were reviewed:
Ø  Members are encouraged to contact Sharon if they have any questions or queries regarding the Youth in Search programs on or 0414 324 121; www.youthinsearch.org.au
Ø  To refer to the program, you can complete the Pre-Program Referral Form on the website: www.youthinsearch.org.au/pre-program-referral
Ø  Cherie to send out changed Terms of Reference to network members for comment. To be ratified at the August meeting.
Ø  Liz will look at how PCP can continue to encourage member organisations to engage in the use of shared care plans, and consider whether training can be offered to clinicians on how best to use it.
Ø  Network members to disseminate information within their workplace about the upcoming training.
Ø  Cherie to arrange GPHN to present at the next NICC meeting regarding their HealthPathways project.
Guest Speaker 1: Jeanette Douglas GPHN
Jeanette presented on the Gippsland PHN ‘HealthPathways’, which brings together GP’s, specialists, nurses and allied health professionals to develop information regarding the assessment, management and referral of common medical conditions. These localised pathways are accessed through an online portal, and are designed to be accessed by practitioners at the point of care. Liz Meggetto will be working with the GPHN and Jeanette to assist with the localising of information for referrals for Central West Gippsland, and around 40 pathways for our area are expected to be localised by December of this year.
Outcome: Network members valued Jeanette’s presentation, and look forward to the roll out of the Gippsland ‘HealthPathways’ portal in December 2016.
·  Members are encouraged to contact Jeanette Douglas at if they have any questions or queries regarding the GPHN ‘HealthPathways’ or for more information you can go to www.healthpathwayscommunity.org or http://www.gphn.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Fact-Sheet1.pdf
·  Members are reminded to update their details on the National Health Services Directory to ensure they do not miss being part of the referral pathways.
Guest Speaker 2: Sarah Zerbib of Vision 2020 Australia
Vision 2020 Australia is a national peak body for preventative eye care, funded by Victorian Department of Health. It works through an integrated health promotion program to ensure that community members have regular eye tests, to reduce avoidable loss of vision. They offer training sessions, tools to use for referrals, facts sheets, video’s explaining eye tests, and printed materials. Vision 2020 Australia targets communities through their local papers, radio and social media sites across Victorian regions to try to increase the rate of people over the age of 40 presenting for eye tests.
Outcome: Sarah’s presentation was valued by network members
·  Members are encouraged to contact Sarah if they want further information on .
·  Sue Smith raised the issue of Vision 2020 Australia needing to also target hospitals, to ensure eye testing is included on assessment forms for their clients. Sarah and Sue to speak regarding avenues for this to occur at West Gippsland Health Care Group.

Topic / Owner / Discuss or Inform / Outcome / Come prepared by / Time
Change of name for NICC / Cherie / Discuss / To be discussed at the November meeting / Members to come back to the next meeting with possible suggestions for a name change for the Network for Improving Complex Care group / 5 min
·  As we now have many new members in the NICC group, this item will be put forward to the next meeting. The suggestion of Complex Care Network has been suggested.
Topic / Owner / Discuss or Inform / Outcome / Come prepared by / Time
GP Feedback forms: RAHS at WGHG / Sue Smith / Discuss and update / Network Members encouraged to look at how they are providing GP Feedback in their organisations / Bringing any feedback forms you utilize in your services / 10 min
·  Sue reported that the West Gippsland Healthcare Group (WGHG) has experienced a good uptake of GP feedback forms across the organisation. Based on a Plan Do Study Act project in 2011-2012 with Liz Meggetto from CWGPCP, the WGHG asked local referring GP’s what they wanted as feedback from their departments.
·  The WGHG form is set up as template to populate GP addresses, and is used across HARP, TCP and RIR, Community Health and SACC.
·  Referrals are flagged to send the feedback electronically, but this can only happen if the referral came electronically from the GP initially. They are currently being faxed to GP’s, but Sue is hoping to use the electronic HL7 pathway in the near future. This is more secure than fax or email.
·  Liz reported that in Latrobe there are almost 300 electronic referrals sent each month, with Baw Baw sending around 30.
·  WGHG have developed shared consent with Baw Baw Shire HACC programs which has been very beneficial for clients. They reduce duplication of service provision, emergency department presentations and duplication of the clients story to multiple practitioners.
·  Liz also highlighted that the WGHG GP feedback program meets 13 requirements for mandatory State Department requirements.
·  GP’s have responded well to the feedback forms and have established good relationships with the referring practitioners in WGHG.
Outcome: Sue’s presentation was valued by network members
·  Members are encouraged to contact Sue on if they would like any further information on the WGHG Feedback Forms
Terms of Reference Review / All / Discuss and update / Cherie to send out the ToR for comment, to be discussed at the next meeting / -  / 5 mins
To be held over to the next meeting
·  Cherie to send out Terms of Reference to network members for comment, as we have had a number of new members join the group. To be discussed at the November meeting.
·  Liz also requested feedback from members for possible topics for next year’s four meetings. We are keen to have feedback on how we can make meetings more relevant. Cherie and Liz will also offer some ideas for members to consider at the November meeting.

What’s new with S2S?
-  S2S traffic report
-  Updates to S2S
-  eCare Planning Module / Liz / Inform / Network members will be informed on CWG S2S use and updates to S2S / -  / 5 mins
The CWGPCP tracks the usage of S2S referrals as an indicator of good healthcare service provision for consumers. It has been used in Gippsland since 2006. Liz reported the following:
·  We are no longer seeing a rise in traffic numbers for S2S due to having saturated the market of users.
·  We have 1000 less referrals this quarter than last year, however Liz reported that S2S usage has plateaued due to the introduction of the My Aged Care platform, and the shift to ACSO as a central intake point for Alcohol and Drug treatment. Referrals are coming out from these two organisations as S2S referrals, but are not going in any longer via S2s.
·  Sue Smith reported that her staff are having to duplicate referrals in My Aged Care which will impact on Post Acute Care, as no money is allocated for the time needed for this. Activity based funding from State is now difficult to account for. Also, referrals in MAC can be printed off but there is no feedback from My Aged Care referrals available. Paul McDonald queried if this feedback has been provided to the Assistant Secretary of My Aged Care at the Federal level, however NICC members indicated that they did not have access to contacts at this level.
·  S2S e-care planning – My Aged Care has changed demand, but ACSO have indicated an interest in e-care planning due to the complexity of their clients. These can also be shared electronically with GP’s in Argus.
Outcome: Network members have information on S2S usage. If you are having any problems with S2S, email:
·  If your organisation would like to have training on e-care planning, please email Liz on .
·  Paul McDonald to discuss with Sue Smith on how feedback regarding duplication of data entry for My Aged Care can be provided to the Assistant Secretary of My Aged Care.
How is the GP e-referral (Argus/S2S) project progressing? / Liz / Inform / Network members are informed of the current progress of the GP e-referral project. / - / 5
Liz provided NICC members with the following information regarding the project:
·  Argus /S2s is well received by Latrobe and Baw Baw GP’s, however progress is currently paused while GPHN undertake a Gippsland referral mapping project.
·  The GPHN’s now have a dedicated worker to up skill GP’s and their electronic pathways. Liz is working closely with Henry Yu to continue this project.
Outcome: Network members are updated about the GP e-referral project
Is there any upcoming training, workshops or forums of interest? / All / Discuss / Network members will know about upcoming training and forum opportunities / Bring along any info you have about upcoming training. / 10 mins
Network members are encouraged to sign up for the CWGPCP Newsletter where we advertise local, state-wide and national training opportunities. Click here to sign up.
Network members are encouraged to forward any training that they come across and would like to share with others to Cherie Howe, for dissemination.
·  Strengthening Disability Advocacy Conference- Thursday 1st and Friday 2nd September, Melbourne
·  How to Win Grants webinar - Thursday 8th September
·  Motor Neurone Disease 101webinar -Thursday 15th September
·  Multicultural Sexual Health Network Forum -Sexual health in the La Trobe Valley -Tuesday 20th September, Moe
·  APNA Foundations of GeneralPractice Nursing Workshop - Friday7th and Saturday 8th October, Melbourne
·  The National Disability Service is offering some heavily subsidized workshops for agencies who are intending to (or even thinking about) delivering services under the NDIS. Click here to view the training calendar.
·  Eating forIndependenceNutrition Care of Older PeopleLiving in the Community
Outcome: Network members shared information regarding upcoming training and forum opportunities in the area.
Actions: Network members to disseminate information within their workplace about the upcoming training.
What is happening within your agency? / All / Discuss / Network members provide updates on projects happening within their workplaces. / Bring along any info to share about your service or projects within your agency. / 30 mins
Sue Smith has met with GPHN to talk about WGHG with ‘HealthPathways’, and they are looking at HARP, HITH and RIR.
Sue’s staff are undertaking cross-department training in the different paperwork and processes required for care coordination, education, palliative care, acute high dependency and aged care. Staff are being trained to work across all departments to ensure continuity of care for patients when staff numbers are low.
Kate Palmer has been appointed as the Community Health Manager for Community Services.