December PTA Minutes
Attendees:Irene Mayzel, Karla Berggren, Lynn Perry Parker, Tracy Jeffcott, Nancy Gauthier, Raymond Gauthier, Natalie Childs, Jennifer Young, Christina Halpern, Sheila Olano, Jan Spencer, Reema Guegel, Phil Page, Kim Testa, Kelley Wynne, Cindy Griffiths, Matthew Morris, Bill Murphy, Zoya Gleizer, Bonnie Dougherty, Arrel Olano, Karen Johnson, Rita Cornish, Vincent Mickens, Kerry Dalton, Melinda Kelley, Sharri Freedman.
7:33 p.m. Call to Order
Minutes: Motion to Approve Minutes. Motion Passed.
Treasurers Report:
PTA Budget summary was passed out and discussed. Rita mentioned that her term is up this year, so we will be looking for a new treasurer. If you are interested, let Rita know. Cultural Arts committee might need more money. May need more for next year, as well when we consider next years budget. Would like $200 for this year. Mrs. Dougherty indicated we do not need a show for all grades at the same time. We will just focus on this year. Motion to increase budget $200, Motion passed.
Reema Guegel mentioned that we are doing ok with fund-raising. So far, $3200 with 60 families contributing. An update will be coming home. We have some other small fund raisers going on. Thyme Out can offer us a discount with $ back to the school. It is something to consider. In January, we may discuss a strategy for next year.
After School Clubs: So far we have been told that no funds can pay teachers. We are looking into whether we can pay into the extracurricular fund and then use those funds to pay the teachers. We are waiting for a resolution before we move forward. Ms. Jeffcott has sent a note to teachers and is waiting for a response.
Principals Report: Mrs. Dougherty thanked us for the money we give so she can purchase items for the school. The new mat in the front was ½ PTA funds and ½ ICB funds. It looks great. The mural will be next. ELMO’s (new overhead projectors)
were purchased. 1 for every team. Training will be in January.16 Atomic clocks. Getting ready for MSA, Terra Nova etc. The evening Principal Chat was well attended. A few more are in the works. There have been budget cuts. What this means is we may have slightly larger class sizes next year.
How can we support our teachers. Ms. Jeffcott indicated that food is always appreciated, but sometimes send healthier fare. She will survey the teachers and let us know if there are other things that would be appreciated. Suzanne Smith is planning a Holiday Breakfast on December 18th. Mrs. Dougherty is having a lunch for the staff.
School Photography: Issue was raised that pictures are not very good. Mrs. Dougherty was not aware of this. She would like to meet with Blanton. Would like to have some parent input.
MCCPTA,-Vincent Mickens: Meeting on internet safety was very informative. He handed out some information. Inauguration Day was a big discussion topic. It was heated. Board of Ed will decide in early December.
Thank you to Cindy Griffiths for International Night
Reema and Jan for Pizza Bingo
Jennifer Young for Books and Bagels
all of the hard working people who put together the directory
Kelley Wynne and her team for the book fair
Skate Night is December 6th from 6:30-8:00 p.m.
Motion to Adjourn-Meeting Adjourned at 8:45. Holiday party to follow.