SC Meeting Minutes February 11, 2016Page 1.


Thursday February 11, 20167:00 PMColbert School

School Committee Present:Cyril Chafe/Thomas Devin/Lisa Fiske Heger/George Kokoros/Kate Naughton/David Ringius/Mayor Joseph Sullivan

Administration:Superintendent of Schools – Dr. Frank Hackett (Absent)

Assistant Superintendent of Schools – Ms. Jennifer Fay-Beers

Business Manager – Mr. Ed Cronin

Student Representative:Edmond Bousaleh

Recorder:Diane Intravaia


Ms. Fiske Heger called the meeting to order at 7:08 pm and acknowledged State Representative Mark Cusak and Town Councilor Michael Owens attendance at the meeting. Ms. Fiske Heger noted Dr. Hackett is absent from this evening’s meeting due to a scheduling conflict. The School Committee Meeting had to be rescheduled as a result of incremental weather earlier in the week and Dr. Hackett was already scheduled to attend the National Superintendent’s Conference out of state this evening.

  1. Consideration of Approval of Minutes: Open Session- January 25, 2016

VOTED UNANIMOUSLY: Upon a motion by Mr. Devinand seconded by Ms. Naughton to approve the minutes for the Open Session ofJanuary 25,2016.


Mr. Chafe/Mr. Devin/Ms. Fiske Heger/Mr. Kokoros/

Ms. Naughton/Mr. Ringius/Mayor Sullivan

  1. Communications and Commendations:
  2. School Newsletters, February 2016; BHS Activity Bulletin – Feb. 1-5, 2016
  3. SEPAC Meeting Minutes – December 17, 2015 BPS
  1. Old Business: Consideration of Approval to Provide Notice to the Massachusetts School Building Authority of the Braintree Public Schools Intent to Expand the East Middle School Project to Include Grade 5 Students

Ms. Fiske Heger read the specific motion to be discussed: To Provide Notice to the Massachusetts School Building Authority of the Braintree Public Schools to increase the scope of the feasibility study and schematic design to include a more extensive investigation that includes possible addition/renovation options for the East Middle School Project.

Ms. Fiske Heger asked if there were any comments from the School Committee members.

Mr. Devin noted the School Building Committee met just prior to the School Committee meeting and unanimously voted in support of the feasibility study to expand the scope of the East Middle School Project to include the educational component.

Mr. Ringius noted he has appreciated the emails, phone calls and discussions he has been able to have with a number of community members regarding this topic. He encourages the community to continue to talk to School Committee Members, Town Council Members, Mayor Sullivan, elected officials, etc., because it is healthy to have community involvement. The Public Forum on February 1st regarding Dr. Hackett’s proposal was helpful on many levels. Mr. Ringius wanted to emphasize Braintree is one community. He recognizes with any change comes apprehension and a bit of fear along with the possibility of some redistricting. Mr. Ringius expressed in order to get to the communities’ desired goal of making a positive change for the children of Braintree we need to work together as one collective voice as one community. In addition, he stressed each of the School Committee Members are parents and has had a child go through the Braintree Public Schools. He in particular has a 1st grader at Hollis that may be directly affected by the proposed changes. In addition, Mr. Ringius is a homeowner in the Hollis district that could possibly be affected if redistricting becomes necessary. Lastly, he wanted to be sure the community realizes this is not a rushed decision, there have been many options, plans, meetings and discussions over the years regarding Space Needs concerns. Finally we have an action plan and hopefully the MSBA support and Mr. Ringius feels it is time to make a decision and move forward. He understands the apprehension and the fear however he feels this is a good plan that will open up classrooms in the elementary schools. Mr. Ringius stated he is in support of the motion. The vote tonight is the first step in the process to see if the MSBA will come along in the process with Braintree in expanding the scope of the East Middle School Project.

Mr. Devin noted he has come a long way in the past 4 years with regards to looking at the Space Needs issue. There has been an exhausting effort over the years to explore the numerous ideas to address this issue. He feels Dr. Hackett’s proposal is the best. He does not feel the proposal is perfect but feels it will do a lot of good towards finally addressing the Space Needs issue. Mr. Devin stated he does not feel Braintree has the luxury of inaction at this point. He made note of the apprehension the community had with regards to the opening of the Monatiquot School Kindergarten Center but also noted its success at the same time. Mr. Devin stated he is in support of the motion and also noted there are still many details to work out as the entire plan evolves over time.

Mayor Sullivan stated in 2nd the motion he is also in support of the motion. He noted the decision the School Committee is making is one of great value educationally for our community. He feels we are leveraging the MSBA in a positive fashion. The Mayor underlined this will be a process and we all need to understand the process in terms of its complexity of not only how we arrived to this plan but also the steps we need to take for the plan to be successful. There will be ongoing conversations, ongoing discussions as well as ongoing decisions that will need to be made both at the School Committee level, the Town Council level, and for Mayor Sullivan’s office as the process is worked through. Mayor Sullivan is supportive of the next step and believes it is a positive one for Braintree. He believes over the next couple years as the proposal is implemented there will be many community discussions and the educational program in Braintree will continue to be a strong one with the level of excellence we want for our children, schools and our community.

Ms. Fiske Heger noted she is also in support of this motion. She feels the beauty of this plan is we have time to find solutions to the outstanding questions with the help of a transition team which will be created, school administration, teachers and the support and input from parents. Ms. Fiske Heger feels this is an opportunity to address the Space Needs issues as well as expand the curriculum for the 5th graders.

VOTED UNANIMOUSLY: Upon a motion by Mr. Devin and seconded by Mayor SullivanTo Provide Notice to the Massachusetts School Building Authority of the Braintree Public Schools to increase the scope of the feasibility study and schematic design to include a more extensive investigation that includes possible addition/renovation options for the East Middle School Project.


Mr. Chafe/Mr. Devin/Ms. Fiske Heger/Mr. Kokoros/

Ms. Naughton/Mr. Ringius/Mayor Sullivan

  1. Petersen Project Update, Mayor Sullivan

Mayor Sullivan stated there was a Public meeting, organized by Councilman George Kokoros on Wednesday February 10thregarding the Petersen Pool Project. Approximately 100 people attended the meeting including, Anderson Road residents, a variety of youth organization representations, principles on the project, etc. A formal process will commence onFebruary 23rdwith the Zoning Board of Appeals on the Petersen Pool Project. Additionally, on March 8th the project will go before the Planning Board. The Zoning Board of Appeals and the Planning Board are the two oversight boards which look at a variety of topics related to the project such as, traffic, parking, operations of the facilities, etc. The building is a 157,000 square feet and will cost an estimated $22 million and will be privately funded. It will include 2 ice skating rinks, a pool and an indoor athletic field. Mr. Chafe was also in attendance at the meeting and felt the overall feeling was positive but noted there are a few outstanding questions about traffic and water related issues.

  1. Subcommittee Updates

Mr. Kokoros stated the Budget Subcommittee continues to roll the numbers up. He noted the committee is using a slightly different process this year. Instead of rolling everything in and cutting back as needed, they are starting with a baseline and then building different levels of service on top, therefore allowing multiple views of each step along the way. In addition, the committee has broken Capital into parts; Technology and Facilities. The first budget presentation for the School Committee will be on the 22nd. The committee will continue to stay on track for the Annual Town Meeting on May 2nd.

Ms. Fiske Heger provided a brief update on the new Policies Subcommittee which was created this year. The first meeting is on Thursday February 25that 6:00 at the Colbert School. The first task is to inventory all the current policies that are required by the Massachusetts Association of School Committees. Going forward the policies will be reviewed for any potential updates as well as establishing any new policies in the future.


Ms. Jennifer Dolan and Ms. Erica Archibald came forward to discuss the potential screening of a documentary called “Beyond Measure”. Ms. Dolan feels it is important to discuss what is going on inside the schools relative to the curriculum, stresses and pressures surrounding standardized testing due to the high achievement society we currently live in. A previous documentary “A Race to No Where” outlined the problem and the director and producer Vicki Abeles quickly realized furtherdiscussionwas needed on the topic, so she directed and produced a second documentary called “Beyond Measure”. Ms. Archibald was able to secure funding through her employer, Thayer Academy. The special screening is Tuesday, March 1, 2016 from 6:30 – 8:30 at Thayer Academy, Hale Theater. Tickets are free but you must pre-register.


VOTED UNANIMOUSLY: Upon a motion by Ms. Naughton and seconded by Mr. Ringiusto adjourn.


Mr. Chafe/Mr. Devin/ Ms. Fiske Heger/Mr. Kokoros/

Ms. Naughton/Mr. Ringius/Mayor Sullivan

Time: 7:32 P.M.

George Kokoros

Recording Secretary