4th 9 Weeks Syllabus 2016 AP English Language and Composition
Mr. Helminiak and Ms. Sample
Objectives: For complete description, refer to the AP College Board Language and Composition curricular requirements. [Buzz phrases: 1. “write in several forms” 2. “revise and edit work” 3. write “in an informal context” 4. “writing assignments that are based on” diverse literature 5. discussion of non-fiction/fiction readings 6. “analyze […] graphics and visual images” 7. “research skills” 8. “cite sources” 9. revision work]
Major Readings: In Cold Blood by Truman Capote
Writing Focus: AP Synthesis and Research Paper
Summative Assessments: 1. Synthesis Timed Writing 2. In Cold Blood Sections I and II
3. Synthesis Research Paper 4. In Cold Blood Sections III and IV
Categories Weights: Summative 75% Formative 25%
Extra Credit: 1. Completed Vocabulary Workbook Units 13-15 for 5 summative points added to a summative grade. The workbook pages must be 100% complete within 80% total accuracy. They will not be accepted late. You must present your workbook in class on 5/9 to earn credit. If you will will be absent on this day, please turn your in your pages to your teacher in advance of your absence.
*Note: workbook pages must be 100% complete and completed within 80% accuracy to get the extra credit.*
2. Read and test over Zoo Story by Edward Albee for +5 on any summative. Testing will be offered after school only on Tuesday 5/24, Wednesday 5/25, and Thursday 5/26.
In Cold Blood assignment, sections I and II (pp. 3 - 155) due by 4/13-4/14
2nd reading check on Sections III and IV (The rest of the book) by 5/18-5/19
M 3/21 Review In Cold Blood Background Information presentation and Truman Capote interview video clips
T 3/22 Range finders for 2010 B Daylights Savings Time and 2011 B Green Living
(Note: It is too late to make these prompts up. You must go with the pass you have written!)
W/Th 3/23-3/24 Finish Range finders as needed and review Synthesis strategies
Synthesis Timed Writing #3 peer score practice (summative)
F 3/25 Holiday
M 3/28 Close Reading from Section I of In Cold Blood “The Last to See Them Alive” and ICB related AP multiple choice practice
T 3/29 EOC Testing for Grade 9 Meet periods 1 (97 min), 3 (111 min), 5th ( 91 min), and 7th (54 min)
View plagiarism video refresher and sign honesty contracts. Plagiarism Quiz. (formative)
A&E Documentary on In Cold Blood
W 3/30 Meet All Periods (Normal Monday /Tuesday/Friday Bell schedule)
AP Exam Multiple choice practice (formative)
Th 3/31 EOC Testing for Grade 10—No late arrival Meet periods 2 (97 min), 6 (111 min), 4 (2 hours 45 min total time), and 7 (54 min)
View plagiarism video refresher and sign honesty contracts
TED Lecture
F 4/1 Vocabulary Unit 13 Quiz (formative)
M 4/4 THE PRACTICE TEST: Argument Timed Writing
T 4/5 THE PRACTICE TEST: AP Multiple Choice (formative)
W/Th 4/6-4/7 THE PRACTICE TEST: Synthesis Timed Writing
F 4/8 PEP Rally Schedule—End of 3 Weeks Progress Report Grading Period
Coffee House Friday: Room 2607 6:50-7:15 am Mr. Havranek speaks on Gaming Theory. Please come and get coffee and breakfast!
**Bring your LOC to class** Close reading Corn-Pone Opinions Mark Twain LOC pp. 717-720
Saturday APRIL 9th FREE PRACTICE AP English Lang EXAM 7:30-11:30 am Blue House II Rooms 2606, 2607, 2608
M 4/11 THE PRACTICE TEST: Rhetorical Analysis Timed Writing
W/Th 4/13-4/14 Ms. Sample’s 40th Birthday is Wednesday 4/13. Bring chocolate and coffee.
First reading check – In Cold Blood sections 1 and II (summative)
In Cold Blood discussion
HW: In Cold Blood Sections III and IV (The rest of the novel) due 5/18-5/19
F 4/15 Synthesis Research Paper assignment
View strong example of student Synthesis Research Paper
2 sources for this paper and The Works Cited page is due on 4/22 in class.
The Synthesis Research paper is due in class on 4/29 in hard copy form. The electronic copy must be turned in to turnitin.com now later than 5/2 at 7:15 am regardless of whether or not you are on campus this day. Absences do not extend deadlines for this assignment. Papers that are late 1 minute through one day will lose 20 points. Papers that are two days late will lose 40 points, three days lose 60 points, four days late lose 20 points. Papers later than four days past the due date will not be accepted. Computer/internet malfunctions are not acceptable excuses. Emergencies such as funerals and hospital stays require documentation.
Finish scoring Practice Test as needed
M 4/18 Library Day: Meet directly in the library (All classes both Sample and Heminiak)
*Note: 4/18-4/21 is all of the class time we have allotted for computer use for the Synthesis Research Paper. If you do not have access to a computer with a keyboard at home, you should plan to not only find two sources, but also write your paper during these days. We will not give you a pass to use the computers during class time after these days, but the library is open for student use during the lunch periods. You must have a pass from your lunch period teacher to go to the library during lunches*
T 4/19 Review MLA formatting and discuss techniques for the evaluation of research sources.
Library Day (Sample’s Classes) Blue House I Computer Labs (Helminiak); Meet directly in your assigned Location
W/Th 4/20-4/21 Library Day (Sample’s Classes) Blue House I Computer Labs (Helminiak); Meet directly in your assigned Location
F 4/22 Vocab Quiz Unit 14 (formative)
2 Sources and Works Cited for the Synthesis Research Paper due in class. (formative)
*Make sure you save a copy of your sources for yourself so that you may continue working on the paper. Do not wait for us to return the graded copies of your sources to work on the paper. Normal late work penalties apply for this assignment.*
M 4/25 Classic Essay on the Death Penalty and In Cold Blood close reading *Please Bring your copy of the novel that day*
T 4/26 Death Penalty Non-Fiction Silent Conversation
W/Th 4/27-4/28 Argument Timed Writing: (formative)
TED David R. Dow “Lessons from Death Row Inmates” TED Lecture general analysis questions due in class on 5/2.
HW: Print a copy of “The Scarlet Ibis” and bring it to class (copy posted to website)
F 4/29 End of 2nd 3 Weeks Progress Report Grading Period
Read together and discuss “The Scarlet Ibis”
M 5/2 EOC Modified Schedule/AP Chem Test am
Turn in Synthesis research paper (summative)
Turn in TED Lecture general analysis questions for “Lessons From Death Row Inmates” (formative)
Finish reading and discussing “The Scarlet Ibis”
T 5/3 EOC US History Modified Schedule In Cold Blood multiple choice practice
W 5/4 EOC Modified Schedule In Cold Blood multiple choice practice
Th 5/5 EOC Modified Schedule In Cold Blood multiple choice practice (formative)
F 5/6 EOC Modified Schedule Meet all periods—normal Monday/Tuesday bell schedule (No advisory)/APUSH test in am
RSA Animate: Sir Ken Robinson Changing Paradigms *Please Bring Your Vocab Workbook to class*
M 5/9 Vocab Unit 15 quiz (formative)
*Vocabulary Workbooks due in class on this day for extra credit. Vocabulary units 13 through 15 must be 100% completed within 80% accuracy. This extra credit opportunity is worth up to 5 summative points to be added to a test grade. We will be done with the Vocabulary Workbook this day*
HW: A Rose for Emily by William Falkner (copy posted to website)
T 5/10 AP exam review
W 5/11 **AP English Language and Composition Exam 5/11 7:30-11:30 a.m.—That’s us!**
Th 5/12 Discuss A Rose for Emily by William Falkner
F 5/13 Coffee House Friday: Room 2607 6:50-7:15 am Mr. Havranek speaks on Gaming Theory. Please come and get coffee and breakfast!
Start close reading together The Life You Save May be Your Own by Flannery O’Connor
M 5/16 Finish reading and discussing The Life You Save May be Your Own by Flannery O’Connor
T 5/17 TED: Billy Collins plus poetry practice.
W/Th 5/18- 19 In Cold Blood sections III and IV plus all short pieces (summative)
*Please bring your copy of ICB to turn in this day. It is imperative we get them back as soon as possible.*
In Class Poetry as Argument Analysis (formative)
F 5/20 *Bring your LOC book to class this day* Read together George Orwell’s Shooting an Elephant pp. 979-984
M 5/23 Short Piece Quiz “The Scarlet Ibis,” “A Rose for Emily,” “The Life You Save May be Your Own,” and “Shooting an Elephant”(formative)
T 5/24 Capote Staring Phillip Seymour Hoffman—*You will have a visual Rhetorical Analysis assignment over the film to work on in class while viewing
this film. It is due no later than your class on 5/27 for a formative grade. You may not turn this assignment in late. You will need to view the film on your own to complete this assignment if you are absent on 5/24,5/25,5/26 or 5/27*
W/Th 5/25-26 Continue Capote and Exam Review
*make sure you get the summer reading guide for the 12th grade AP class and 12th grade Dual Credit before you leave for the year!*
Sticker celebration day—purchase one pack of stickers to bequeath to next year’s students. Pick cool ones gatos!
*Review sheet for final exam posted to website no later than 4:00 this day (Note: the final will include a full length AP Argument essay)
F 5/27 Finish Capote—Capote Visual Rhetoric Analysis due (formative)
M 5/30 Memorial Day—No School
T5/31- Th 6/2 Final Exams
From the AP Course Policy guide: “Students are responsible for every assignment on the syllabus, whether they are reminded in class or not. Missed quizzes and tests will be made up on the day of return during class time unless otherwise discussed and planned with the teacher. Students are responsible for scheduling time after school to make up a timed writing within 2 days of an absence. AP English does not provide opportunities for re-testing. Late work will be accepted 1 day late for a maximum grade of 80; 2 days late for a maximum grade of 60; 3 days late for a maximum grade of 40. No work will be accepted for credit after three days. Please be aware that each day of the week counts, regardless of whether or not the day falls on a block schedule. Students are expected to follow their grades using Home Access Support and communicate any concerns to their parents. Likewise, students should see the teacher regarding any questions or concerns. Check AP English Language and Composition web page for syllabi, and some short pieces as noted.
Graded Assignments: Last date accepted/ made up: