Attendees: 1. Gene Bielenberg
2. Joe Bonaiuto
3. Judy Coffey
4. Marcy and Steve Dawkins
5. Marcy Dergan
6. Darwin Fager
7. Ray Fugger
8. Bob Gaddie, Sr.
9. Jerry Golmanavich
10. Betty Golmanavich
11. Deb Grady
12. Dick Maxwell
13. Cathy Maxwell
14. Harvey Palmer
15. Bill Peters
16. Bob Wolkins
For committee reports only the numbers as shown above will be used
The meeting started at 8:50 a.m. at Maple Ridge Center. First was the Pledge of Allegiance
Gene Bielenberg listed bereavements:
Freda Cate
Donald Hunt
Ruth Jurgens
Harold McEvoy
William Plymale
Harold Soukup
Anthony Visocky
Jackson Boeder
Roy Dohse
(Followed by a moment of silence)
A motion was passed to waive the reading of the minutes from last month
President Fager opened the meeting by reading a Thank You received by the Hug-a-Bears. He then mentioned that Judy would like stuff for the newsletter. Joe Bonaiuto mentioned buying one copy of the Pioneer book/CD for $115 from the mother ship. A motion was made, seconded and approved. At this month’s Qwest Pioneer luncheon on the 17th Jerry and Betty will talk about Santa Goodwill tours
Committee Reports:
UNO Scholarship (6) - Darwin announced the Heartland Council UNO Scholarship open to any student (Heartland Council officers excluded).
Hooks and Needles (10) - Next meeting will be February 26th at 1:30 p.m.
Hug-a-Bears (4) In Hibernation. This project is waiting for blankets and noses.
Participation hours (12) December were 2562 for a Cum Total of 59,830.
Membership (1) We have 3 Regular Members, 3100 Life Members and 74 Associate Members
Project Connect (9) - Nothing to report
Luncheon (3) - Dana is leaving the Community Center. The next luncheon is scheduled for April 20th. There will be no dessert, but there will be a food drive. Packaged non-perishable meals are nice.
Driving for the Blind (6) - 46 hours; 19 people served; 450 miles
Newsletter Website (8) Read 16 ways to improve your life
Ring Bellers (15) - Totals are due to come out Monday
Turkey fest – Nothing to report
Angel Tree (11) - We received a Thank You letter from Douglas County
Adopt-a-Family (12) This year’s date is the same as our December luncheon
Bikes for Romania (16) - 4 volunteers 240 hours A new Pioneer banner will be made in Romania
This year’s Paint-a-Thon is scheduled for the 3rd Saturday in August
Meeting Adjourned at 9:50
Jerry Golmanavich