Minutes Goring Primary School PTA Meeting 22/04/15


Daren Bigmore

Angela Wheatcroft

Tim Monk

Miss Chester

Nick Slade

Anna Roberts

Anna Leyland


Mairead Herlity, Chris Murphy and Anna Roberts

Confirmation of Committee members

Current Committee

Daren Bigmore [treasurer]

Angela Wheatcroft [ head teacher]

Miss Chester [ teacher]

Nick Slade [ 10K subcommittee]

Anna Roberts [ fete committee]

Anna Leyland [chairperson]

Mairead Herlihy [events]

Chris Murphy [events]

Minutes of last meeting

Minutes agreed by committee

Update by Tim Monk that the swimming pool repairs are nearly complete and within budget

Future funding priorities

Update from Mrs Wheatcroft

A projected 5 year spending plan was shown to the committee. The importance of supporting IT spending was explained, as there is no government funding for this.

Mrs Wheatcroft suggested that the school would benefit from a projector and sound system for the small hall.

Upgrading playground equipment and playground markings could be considered as a future project.

Treasurer’s update – Daren Bigmore

Draft accounts showing the current and 2015 projected financial position were presented to the meeting by Daren Bigmore (Treasurer).

The accounts showed projected income for the year of £27,000, and provisional outgoings of £17,000. The provisional outgoings included:

IT Equipment / 10,000
Forest school / 2,000
Sports coaching / 1,000
Minibus/trips/other / 4,000

It was further noted that there were reserves brought forward from 2014 of £26,000. Of these, £20,000 was set aside to cover the major cost of repairing the school’s swimming pool, leaving up to £6,000 of further funds available to spend in the future.

The actual cost of repairing the swimming pool was discussed, and it was determined – based on the work currently being undertaken – that the actual repair was likely to cost about £18,000. This would leave an excess of £2,000 from reserves which could potentially be spent elsewhere.

The projected income for 2015 was discussed. Principally based on updates from Nick Slade concerning the likely proceeds from this year’s 10k, it was determined that total income for 2015 was could be nearer to £30,000 than the £27,000 originally presented (projected income from the 10k was almost £20,000).

It was agreed that given the higher than planned expected income for 2015, and final confirmation of the actual financial obligation concerning swimming pool repairs, that there was capacity to substantially increase expenditure for 2015.

The committee approved the five year spending proposal presented by Mrs Wheatcroft, based on the assumption that the PTA community could provide funding of up to £25,000 each year for the next five years. For 2015 this plan included £12,000 for ICT equipment, £1,500 for library books and £2,500 for musical instruments.

Given the absence of any critical upcoming capital projects, the committee agreed to keep reserves at a prudent minimum for the next few years, and to increase spending plans to ensure that all funds raised were broadly spent within the same year.

The committee agreed to the 2015 spending proposal, and further agreed to provide £5,000 to fund a new projector and sound system for the small hall.

The provision of PTA funding for sports activities and equipment was discussed. Mrs Wheatcroft explained that although the school placed a high priority on sports provision, the school had recently been awarded a sports funding grant from the government which now provided substantial ring-fenced funds. These funds could only be spent on sports activities. It was therefore felt that PTA funding was most efficiently prioritised on other areas.

10K Update – Nick Slade

Nick confirmed the success of this year’s 10K and are still waiting to receive further sponsorship money.

He is happy to continue as Chair of the 10K and has a good number of committee members for next year.

Fete Update

Anna Roberts had informed the committee that the fete plans are in hand and that they will be seeking new helpers for next year.

Future events

Julia Benning has suggested a fundraising dinner at the Crooked Billet where her brother is the head chef.