Minutes - General Meeting June 8th, 2017

Garden Valley Chamber of Commerce

P.O. Box 10

Garden Valley, ID 83622


Dinner sandwiches provided by Terrace Lakes Resort Restaurant.

Call to Order by President Diane Caughlin at 1810 Crouch Community Hall

Selected Delegates-

Toni Palmiotto spoke about advertising on the Chamber Map. There are still 8 openings to fill before the map can go t print.

Diane Caughlin brought up that there is a need more sponsors for fireworks.

New Business-

. Sponsorship needed for a variety of events and fireworks. Different events have different costs of sponsorship.

. Porta Potties for the 4th, the Chamber will no longer order individuals porta potties for the 4th, as it has been a problem in the past collecting payment. Individual businesses can order the extras from Goff’s, who is one of our members. Please talk to Misty at Goff's.

. Solar Glasses are available to Chamber members for $1.00, otherwise if you’re not a member, they are $2.00 each. We have already SOLD OUT of the first 1000. We have more ordered 1000 more and coming soon. You can purchase your glasses from Tami at Garden Valley Properties.

. Need sponsors for Soap Box Derby Cars. Talk to Jason Sawin, if interested, Idaho X-Sports 462-2555. Jason said might have a Terrace Lakes sponsored car. If they come through on this, then would be 4 cars and that would keep the race going and be exciting to watch. Jason said he emailed Bill Jones of the county road department for marking the striping for the race. Scott Leslie will build a start ramp with a good slope and allow a good start.

Old Business-Reports from POC’s (person in charge)!

This is the list of this year’s schedule of events promoted by the Chamber:

. July 1st-Music in the Park. Noon to 7pm with Julie Hutchcroft, POC. “Program Sponsors” for Music in the Park are Uncle Billy Bob’s, GV Properties, Allred’s Adventures, Idaho X Sports, Sun Country Salon, Hellbent for Leather Photos, Boise County Connection, Kathy Kildow/The Pad Adult Day Care Center and Jamie Anderson Family. A banner is good to have or the Emcees would talk about the businesses in between music sets if a written explanation is given to them. Or the business owner can talk about their own business. Juie was not sure what vendors Darl would be having there, including beer vendors, so at this point she is letting people know they can bring their own cooler of beverages.

Darl Allred is setting up vendors and games in the park the same day. He was unavailable to be at the meeting for a progress report, but Julies is confident that he is handling things well before the event.

. July (4th)-Independence Day Celebration: John Cottingham & Diane Caughlin, POC planned to meet the next day with the committee to discuss progress of events since there was much less attendance at the quarterly meeting and those present were already part of the 4th of July committee.

. St. Baldrick’s event, July 29: Cindy Petit is POC - 970-376-0027 or This event is to raise money for childhood cancer research and in its 12th year. The event is from 1-5pm in Weilmunster Park. Cindy explained that people come and raise money to shave their head bald. This can provide great photo opportunities and friendly competition. The GGVCC will be a sponsor of this fundraiser. For additional information go to Cindy explained that the St. Baldrick’s Foundation has lots of publicity materials and sign up information on the website. Statistics of how the money is used for the research is also on the very transparent organization. Cindy has had years of experience operating this fundraiser in her former state of Colorado.

. August (21st)-Solar Eclipse Event at Idaho X-Sports-Jason Sawin, POC. X-Sports will hold a concert the night before the solar eclipse, Sunday evening on August 20th, at their summer location. Commitments have been made to perform by Wade Huston and the Claim Jumper band and Middlefork Revival and maybe another group.

Jason is working on the reservation system with Kelly for parking, viewing sites and camping on various properties. He can have reservations at possibly the front part of Southfork Landing. There will other places to have sites. He will have 15 spots for camping at the Adventure Park.

There will be a meeting about solar eclipse planning and training at the Crouch Community Hall at 7pm by the IOEM (Idaho Office of Emergency Management. Idaho Department of Commerce website has good info for the IOEM meetings. Jason says it would be good to have food and water for people potentially stuck in traffic and discussed ways and how people could get involved. This could be selling water or creating care packages. It was discussed to contact the Outreach Center as a staging area to be able to have food and water and even things like diapers and bandaids available. They could potentially raise money doing this on the 21st of August. Jason said the GV Fire District is working hard to get an extra ambulance and EMT’s for the eclipse event, knowing that there will be thousands of people passing through the area and more likelihood of emergencies events happening.

. September 23rd-Music in the Park, with Joni Harms as the anchor band. Julie Hutchcroft POC - Joni Harms, and other music artists are planned all weekend which coincides with the James Castle weekend. This will be a growing festival weekend. Looking to Greg Simione for getting details on events including living history people to do demonstrations.

. October-Trunk or Treat last Saturday of the Month, Larry & Julie Sirhall, POC’s - No Report

. December-Christmas Lighting Competition, sponsored by Idaho Power, Tami Smith, POC. No Report.

. December 31st Lantern Lighting, Diane Caughlin, POC. No Report.

Reports of Officers

. Secretary-Minutes will be on the website for review Motion made to accept the minutes by John Cottingham and seconded by Vandye Forrester. Unanimously approved by all attendees.

. Treasurer’s report will be posted online, same as above.

NOTE: Please check the website to update your webpage on the website. Send anything you would like to be changed or updated to . You information will be passed on to the webmaster for updating. This is up to each member to update their own correct information.

Member updates and networking at the end of the meeting.

Next quarterly meeting is September 14, 2017 at the Crouch Community Hall at 6:00 pm.

Adjournment 1900 .

Working Together to: strengthen economic development by supporting local businesses and four season

recreational activities, resulting in extended overnight visitation through the promotion of travel and

tourism. Advocate for a positive, proactive and progressive community to ensure the pristine quality of

life in Garden Valley”.