Minutes from the Trust Wide Patient & Carer Experience Group (TWP&CEG)

Tuesday 5th September, 11:00AM –2:00PM

Large Boardroom, Eastern & Coastal Area Offices, Canterbury


Janet Lloyd(JL)Patient, Public and Community Involvement Manager

Lucie Duncan (LD)Community Recovery Care Group, Allied Health Professions Lead

Yasmin Ishaq (YI)Peer Supported Open Dialogue Service Lead

Dawn Hyde (DH1)Carer & KMPT Volunteer

David Hough (DH2)Swale User Representation Forum (SURF)

Maria Palmieri (MP)Senior Performance Officer

Kathryn Ayles (KA1) Care Group Lead for Allied Health Professions

Janine Hudson (JH)Senior Practitioner

Maria Stafford (MS)Senior Matron Acute Care Group

Heather Newnham (HN)Associate Hospital Managers

Mike Curtin (MC)CPA Compliance and Development Manager

Portia Aveling (PA)Single Point of Access Service Manager

Fiona Morrissey (FM)Patient Experience Data Analyst

Louise Jessup (LJ)Peer Support Lead

Audrey Quansahabakah (AQA)Equality and Diversity Manager

Graham Blackman (GB)CRCG OP Service Manager


Kamila Lobuzinska (KL)Patient, Public and Community Involvement Administrator


Mary Mumvuri (MM)Executive Director of Nursing and Quality

Nick Dent (ND)Patient Experience Team Manager

Mick Smart (MS)Modern Matron / Service Manager Continuing Care

Jane Knox (JK)ICT Communications & Engagement Lead

Pamela Wooding (PW) KMPT Recovery Practice Lead

Helen Collins (HC)Voluntary Services Manager

Kelly August (KA2)Assistant Director, Communications and Public Relations

Hannah Smith (HS)Deputy Director Quality and Safety

Tumi Banda (TB)Interim Lead Nurse – Quality and Practice

Brian Nyarumbu (BN)Acute Service Manager, Priority House

Guy Powell (GP)Service Manager, Acute Care Group

David Stedman (DS)Chaplain

Reference: Agenda item:
TWP&CEG17/18-33 Welcome and introduction

33.1The chairman welcomed members of the meeting

TWP&CEG17/18-34 Apologies for absence

34.1Apologies for absence were received as noted above

TWP&CEG 17/18-35 Minutes of the previous meeting

35.1The minutes of the last meeting were approved

TWP&CEG17/18-36 Matters arising and Outstanding Actions from the Last Meeting

36.1 Outstanding actions from the last meeting are as follows;

  • November 16/17-76 - Reception areas –JL to work with KA2 on this - ongoing
  • March 16/17-96–Care plans–The pilot in Folkestone where our care plans are used in primary care – LD will feedback the outcome - ongoing
  • March 16/17-133 – Service Group Action plan - MM suggested creating the Service line highlights report; JL talked about the meeting with Care Group leads to discuss their action plans, the National Patient Survey results will be published in a few months; ACTION JL to review the Care Group Action plans with HS and Care group leads
  • March 16/17-118 - Patient Experience Report
  • Complaints about waiting lists; discussion around eligibility criteria of people coming to our services; what’s happening across the country and internally? Problems with primary and secondary care, where does the IAPT sit? Ongoing work on PD pathway; MM suggested a ‘deep dive’ on a list of people waiting for our services - to identify issues; how many people with PD?ND will have an appointment with MM - ongoing
  • Medical complaints – involving doctors; Catherine Kinane has agreed that service managers can investigate consultants; this is not happening; to have a clear message across the Trust; on-going, this issue continues to be a challenge, Janet Lloyd follows it up with Catherine Kinane who will take it forward
  • March 16/17-119 - Advance Care Plan Report – on the agenda
  • May 16/17-5 - Agenda planning for the next meeting – Peer Supported Open Dialogue will be presented by Yasmin Ishaq – on the agenda
  • May 17/18-6 - Carers and Service Users Update - DH1 and DH2 suggested reviewing payments for the Service User and the Carer representatives attending this meeting; can this not to beconsideredas just a meeting? ACTION JL to follow it up with MM
  • May 17/18-7 - Older Adults and Younger Adults Carers Survey reports; To produce a report and attach it to the action plan – GB, Older People Care Group action plan is embedded to the National Patient Survey Action Plan
  • May 17/18-17- STEPPS programme: What’s happening to 15 STEPPS programme? MS, people who run this meeting left the organisation ACTION JL to ask TB if the Trust will continue with this programme
  • July 17/18-20 – None of service line leads were available for the whole meeting; decision has been made to organise another meeting in August to discuss the service line action plans and learning from Friends and Family Test – completed
  • July 17/18-22 Single Point of Access – on the agenda
  • July 17/18-31 Complaints policy; Complaints policy; Lori Eden had some comments; Janet Lloyd suggested sending this to Nick Dent who would communicate with Mary Mumvuri; ongoing

TWP&CEG 17/18-37 Learning from Friends and Family Test

37.1 Acute – MS, issues had been raised via concerns, complaints and the F&F test that service users and carers were unhappy about patients being moved from ward to ward during an inpatient stay, the practice is kept to a minimum however it is occasionally unavoidable, in these circumstances a letter is now shared with the service user and (where appropriate) the carer informing them about the reason for the transfer in order to promote understanding and reduce anxiety

37.2 Older People – GB, ‘you said we did’ boards have now been introduced across the care group for both for service users and staff; drinks are now provided in all of the community teams reception areas

37.3 Forensic and Specialist Services – KA1 they look at the themes in the quarterly report; nothing to report today

37.4Community Recovery Care group – LD, as a result of feedback from service users and carers there is ongoing work to improve communication

TWP&CEG 17/18-38 Patient Experience Report

38.1 Friends & Family Test, Acute Inpatient Experience Survey and NHS Choices was presented by FM; FFT responses have gone up; one of the Patient experience priorities for 2017/2018 is to create a standardised Patient Experience feedback - Patient Reportable Experience Measure (PREM), it will contain FFT question;

  • JL, complaints report on hold at the moment as there are no resources in the team to produce this
  • Kinda magic survey – process will continue but there will be a discussion around its format

TWP&CEG17/18-39 Service User and Carer update

39.1 DH2 has been involved in the Smoke Free Steering group; the policy is currently under review, reviewed soon; discussion around e-cigarettes and changes in the policy

39.2 DH1, stated that there has been very positive feedback about Triangle of Care from carers; and she is due to accompany Lisa Medhurst, will go to Sussex to talk about their work and the implementation of the Triangle of Care within Acute Care group; discussion about the ongoing work that KMPT are doingwith the police around the understanding of mental health and training with the Custody Liaison Service

TWP&CEG17/18-40 Voluntary Services Update

40.1The update on Voluntary Services was given by JL;KMPT currently has 195 active volunteers across all mental health sites carrying out a verity of roles form ‘Meeting and greeting’ at community hubs to ward befriending.

TWP&CEG 17/18-41 Peer Support Update

41.1 Update was given by LJ; there are currently 23 Peer Support workers in the Trust and there is currently an ongoing evaluation of the Peer Support Service; due to difficulties in engaging service users in completing a survey the Peer Support Leads supported by the Expert by Experience Research Group plan to organise coffee mornings where people will be encouraged to complete the survey and take part in a group discussion relating to their experience of working with peers.

TWP&CEG 17/18-42 PREM/PROM Update

42.1 Update was given by LD; PREM task and finish group agreed the questions; these were presented to PCC and CCC for their feedback; decision has been made to create two versions of the questionnaire: one for inpatient and onefor community; the PREM questionnaire will go to OP for their feedback;onging work on guidance; it was very successful work by the Care group leads and PET team

TWP&CEG 17/18-43 Any Other Business

43.1Peer Supported Open Dialogue – update was given by YI; the service is operational for seven months and it works with 65 individual families and their network; a positive feedback from family members received; YI would like to revisit this group and present some outcomes and measures

43.2 Single Point of Access – updatewas given by PA, the service has been operational for a year; it’s under a review at the moment; a business case for more long term staff; they are waiting for an agreement to have a different telephone system with the Trust; once the telephone system is in place they will advertise the text message number; they work closely with the Open Dialogue team; they handle lots of telephone calls from GP surgeries, police, NHS 111, council etc.

43.3 Accessible Information Policy – AQA, the process demands to bring this document back for ratification; it has been virtually agreed; discussion around people with a hearing problem under our services; there will be an article about it

In Connectedmagazine

43.4 Advance Care Plan Report the update was given by MC; he is happy to revisit this group with an update; review of care plans, regular audits and a 121 meeting to staff offered; services are setting up improvement priorities

  • JL asked how public these audits are. She mentioned care plan issues raised by Carer’s groups; LD these can be shared ; it would be nice to show the Improvement plan to carers

43.5 PPC and CCC; JL talked about KL’s paper with issues raised during these meetings; there is a big concern around our discharge process

43.6 LD will be leaving the Trust on 10th November; she will be missed!

43.7 HN, asked who is in charge of care coordination social workers in east Kent – LD suggested contacting Stephanie Clark

TWP&CEG17/18-44 Date of next TWPEG meetings

44.1 The next meeting to be held from 11:00am to 2:00pm on Tuesday, 7th November in Large Boardroom, Eastern & Coastal Area Offices, Littlebourne Road, Canterbury, Kent CT1 1AZ.

45.2 A quorum shall be six members. Two out of the four Service Line Representatives need to be available. Service Line leads to ensure that representation is provided in their absence.