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Reference: AMA/GenSec
Date: 25 Sep 15


Present / Col P Edwards MBE
Lt Col E A Dallyn MBE
Maj T Shipley
Maj J Howell-Walmsley MBE
Maj C Wright
Capt P Snow
Capt R Lang
Capt D Edkins
WO2 D Cross / Chairman
General Secretary
Vice-Chair Mountaineering
Sports Climbing
Web Master
Apologies / Lt Col P Skinsley
Maj K Edwards (Retd)
Maj I Thompson
SSgt Brains / Vice-Chair Climbing
JSMTC/Ski Mountaineering
(a) / Discussion and Decisions
Chairs Opening Remarks /
  • External view of the AMA is generally good.
  • Update on engagement with the ACSB; whilst not likely to get more funding, believe have safeguarded the AMA’s current position.
  • The current line is that we are likely to be able to retain duty statusfor AMA Meets, however need to follow JSP 419 (less Sports Climbing which falls under different rules). This position is slightly different than the policy for RAF and RN, however we need to ensure that the guidance is clear to Meet Leaders. Details are held within the AMA Safety Management Procedures.
  • DDH responsibility still falls within the chain of command, which is either the CO of the event organiser or the individual attendees CoC; it has not been possible to transfer the responsibilities of DDH to the AMA Committee.

Office Update /
  • The Membership Secretary (Emma Pritchard) isgenerally settling in well, however was unable to attend the Committee meeting.
  • Membership currently stands at 2447. Some inflow and outflow, but remaining generally consistent.
  • Slight concern that a number leave soon after they have applied and received an AT grant. The general view was that the balance of investment into those that leave versus capturing new joiners is still worth it; however will request Membership Secretary to monitor.
  • It would be requested that the Membership Secretary takes on the responsibility to manage an AMA diary/FoE to ensure central co-ordination of events. Need to ensure it is both available and kept up to date on line for a single source of information; predominantly through the AMA Website, with updates provided through Facebook as appropriate. Sports Climbing already has a FoE on-line.
  • Committee to identify any other areas where the Membership Secretary could take work off the Committee to thus ensure we are maximising the opportunity of having a manned AMA office e.g. communications with members.

Treasurer /
  • The AMA Budget was presented to show money spent this year and the remainder forecasted to be spent in 2015. Areas of note:
  • Mountaineering: Investment Income – Treasurer currently put against ‘other’; should be c£13,000, however currently only received c£2.5k. Whilst it looks like will be £10k overspent, this should be offset by the investment income once received.
  • Need to confirm if any outstanding financial issues from Ex ALPINE ARC, or if now closed.
  • Climbing: The £10k grant from the ACSB should offset predicted overspend once received.
  • Gift Aid: We are now in a positionthat the right names areregistered with HMRC to process Gift Aid; therefore can now submit 2013/2014 claims - expected to be c£15k.
  • Secretariat: Overspent, but should now settle down assuming maintain a consistent level with Emma in post.
  • In summary; once get Investment Income and ASCB money, accounts should roughly balance. Bank Acct balance currently sits at approx. £155k.
  • Auditing: 2014 accounts in the process of being audited; the Treasurer will aim to get 2015 accounts audited as soon as applicable. This will allow us to claim the £10k from the ACSB.
  • Majority of payments now done through digital banking. Discussed whether to stay with RBS v adv of moving to another bank; on balance, seen as best to leave as is for now unless a good reason to change.
  • Discussion raised over the amount spent to Motif8; need to check that not paid them twice (hence why highlighted in yellow) and ensure that not providing excessive ‘freebies’ unless justified.
  • Climbing strip needed to be bought in advance; some of which has gone through the AMA account, however should be reimbursed over the next few weeks.
  • Need to ensure that the eqpt purchased is accounted for (which is ongoing) and managed appropriately; need to do so through the AMA Committee for transparency and accountability. Action already in hand.
Budget for 2016
  • Forecasted Income 2016:
  • Reduce Team Army to £2K
  • ASCB: c£7k (however was not on forecast for 2015).
  • Assume Gift Aid of £7.5k and Subs of £37k.
  • Need to review opportunity to apply for Army Sports Lottery Grant.
  • Expenditure: Proposed a balanced budget for 2016to be presented to the AGM – details will be attached to the AMA AGM Minutes once confirmed by the Membership.
  • Discussion on whether to retain subs at the same or change. At some point the AMA will need to raise rates; discussion included on doing it in small increments v a step change to something like £20. Currently at the same rate as the other Services, therefore proposition to the AMA AGM will be to keep as the same for now.

Mountaineering, inc Meets and Grants /
  • Current wider moves to establish an Army Ski Mountaineering/Racing Association. Maj Shannahan has requested to bring it under the umbrella of the AMA as it is not currently clear under what rules they sit under therefore being treated differently within different parts of the Army. Gen Barrons had offered to be the Patron of Ski-Mountaineering; keen to ensure we take the opportunity to bring ski-mountaineering into the fold and also see if Gen Barrons willing to remain a Patron of this element within the AMA.
  • The Streather Award; discussed specific nomination (details not included as part of these minutes). Details to be staffed off-line and discussed with the President.
  • Planning for 2016 ongoing; option of 2 expeditions being planned – one to somewhere in Asia and one to South America. Leaders identified: Capt Lang and WO2 Whale.
  • Meets: Last meet was the Portland Meet. Lakes Meet did not end up happening.
  • Next meet due is mid Oct; Wye Valley newcomers meet.
  • Scrambling Meet planned for the weekend of 12-14 Nov.
  • Chair requested Meets member to ensure all Meet leads read the Safety Duty Framework and adhere to it. Can still bring in external instructors as long as have appropriate insurance.
  • Grants: No major issues;

Sports Climbing /
  • Pete Skinsley now taken over as CO. Range of Sports Climbing tasks delegated out and being planned for 2016
  • Details for 2016 are being provided for to update the website

Journal/Website /
  • Journal: Next edition due in Dec. Looking for photos and articles.
  • Web: Looking at changing the calendar; otherwise generally going well.

Future Events / Presidents Dinner Fri 13 Nov: Being run by Mike Dudley at RMAS; Old College Dining Room. Need to take as an opportunity to thank sponsors and anyone else wish to influence. Location should be targeted to what trying to achieve from the President’s Dinner. Opportunity to award the Streather Award and recognise other achievements.
Future AGM Weekend: Intent for 2016 is to make it a 4 day Meet: Wed eve to Sun eve. Hold the AGM and social on the Thu and ensure all include something for all disciplines, for example, sports climbing, skills weekend, speakers etc to try and make a broader activity weekend and use as an opportunity to foster closer relationships with JSMTC. Dave Cross to lead. Target date for 2016 is Wed 21- Sun 25 Sep 16. The aim is to see if get more attendance by targeting a weekday and making the weekend optional for those that wish to stay.
Future Committee / Committee:Majority of current Committee have volunteered to continue to remain in post and no other volunteers come forward. Changes to be proposed at the AGM are:
Ski Mountaineering: Intent is for Lt Col Pete Davis (RAMC)to take over from SSgt Brandt.
Recruiting: Maj Phil Carrotte – standing down as based in Germany; need to look for someone to take on the role. In the event of no other volunteers, Maj Chris Wright happy to take it on, at least in the short term. This may include production of some marketing information/greater exploitation of social media etc. Task placed on the Journal Editor to see what Crest still has from previous times to see if anything we can reuse.
Mountaineering Advisor: SSgt Brandt to take over from WO2 Si Naylor
Of wider interest, the Team Manager for UK Armed Forces Climbing Team is Major Tom Odling.
  • Discussion on whether to reinvestigate option of reinvigorating JSAM. JSMTC intent is planning to drop the name of JSAM and focus on providing an Alpine Concentration. This included discussion on whether we could get Tania Oakes to assist with the organisation. Capt Lang offered to lead, as long as an AMA activity. Intent is that people have some qualifications already to develop experience. Discussion and details to follow.
  • Discussed ways of trying to capture which Corps/Arms are for comparison/future targeting; including option of capturing as a field on the Membership Database.

  • Date of Next Committee Meeting: Fri 13 Nov at RMAS at 1430hrs.

Original Signed


Lt Col

General Secretary

Army Mountaineering Association

AMA Committee Members / Info:
AMA Website