Grade 3: – Quarter 2
Italicized benchmarks are taught and assessed in more than one quarter
HCPS III Language Arts Benchmarks:
- LA.3.1.2: Use common word parts and structures to read new words
- LA.3.4.7: Differentiate between own information and information from other sources
- LA.3.5.2: Organize information by introducing it, elaborating on it, and drawing a conclusion about it
- LA.3.5.4: Use specific verbs and adverbs to describe people, places, things, or events
- LA.3.6.5: Vary expression, level, pacing, and intonation according to content and purpose
- LA.3.6.7: Adjust dialect (e.g., standard English, Hawaiian Creole, colloquialisms) to grade-appropriate audience, purpose, and situation
LA.3.1.3: Use new grade-appropriate vocabulary, including homophones and homographs, introduced in stories, informational texts, word study, and reading
LA.3.2.1: Describe how the organizational structures of informational and literary texts reflect their different purposes
LA.3.2.2: Confirm or revise predictions after locating evidence in the text
LA.3.2.3: Identify the main idea or problem and solution in a text
LA.3.4.1: Write in a variety of grade-appropriate formats for a variety of purposes and audiences, such as:
- stories with a beginning, middle, and end and poems with sensory details
- short pieces on content area topics
- pieces related to completing tasks
- friendly letters
- responses to literature
- pieces to reflect on learning and to solve problems
LA.3.4.3: Spell grade-appropriate high-frequency words, irregular plurals; common homophones; and words that have blends, contractions, and orthographic patterns
HCPS III Mathematics Benchmarks:
- MA.3.2.1: Recognize situations involving multiplication and division of whole numbers and represent the situation with number sentence
- MA.3.2.2: Select and apply various meanings and representations of multiplication and division
- MA.3.2.3: Demonstrate that multiplication and division of whole number can undo each other
- MA.3.3.1: Recall multiplication facts from 0 x 0 to 10 x 10
- MA.3.3.3: Estimate the results of whole-number computations
- MA.3.9.2: Use patterns to solve problem situations involving related quantities in which one quantity changes as the other changes
- MA.3.10.1: Model situations that involve multiplication and division of whole numbers using objects/pictures and number sentences
- MA.3.10.2: Identify situations involving change and describe the change numerically and verbally
HCPS III Science Benchmarks:
- SC.3.8.2: Describe how the water cycle is related to weather and climate
- SC.3.8.1: Describe different Earth materials (e.g., rocks, minerals, sand, soil) and explain their formation and composition
SC.3.1.1: Pose a question and develop a hypothesis based on observations
SC.3.1.2: Safely collect and analyze data to answer a question
SC.3.2.1: Describe ways technologies in fields such as agriculture, information, manufacturing, or communication
have influenced society
HCPS III Social Studies Benchmarks:
- SS.3.7.1: Use geographic representations (e.g., maps, globes, graphs, charts, models) to organize and analyze geographic information
- SS.3.7.2: Compare the physical and human characteristics of different communities and regions
- SS.3.7.3: Describe the physical and human characteristics that make different regions unique
- SS.3.7.4: Examine the ways in which people modify the physical environment and the effects of these changes
- SS.3.7.5: Examine the economic and geographic factors that influence why people migrate and where they settle
HCPS III Fine Arts Benchmarks:
Visual Arts
FA.3.1.3: Use observational skills in creating an original work of art
FA.3.2.3: Identify simple musical forms and melodic or rhythmic ostinato (repeated) pattern
FA.3.2.4: Identify the basic instruments of the orchestra by sight, sound, and category (e.g., brass, woodwind, percussion, strings)
FA.3.3.3: Use the elements of theatre to create a critique of a theatrical performance
FA.3.4.1: Apply dance elements to create a simple movement sequence
HCPS III Health Benchmarks:
Topic: Healthy Eating & Physical Activity
- HE.3-5.1.2: Describe the importance of physical activity and exercise as part of a healthy lifestyle
HE.3-5.2.1: Explain where health information can be found in the home, school, and community
HE.3-5.2.2: Identify the characteristics of valid health information, products, and services
Topic: Mental & Emotional Health
- HE.3-5.3.1: Use appropriate strategies for dealing with emotional and stressful situations
HCPS III Physical Education Benchmarks:
PE.3-5.1.1: Use locomotor and non-locomotor skills in a mature (proper) form
PE.3-5.1.2: Use manipulative skills in a mature (proper) form
PE.3-5.1.3: Use combinations of mature (proper) movement forms, including locomotor, non-locomotor, and manipulative skills
PE.3-5.2.1: Apply movement tactics in simple and modified activities
PE.3-5.2.2: Identify procedures for safe participation in physical activities
PE.3-5.3.1: Participate regularly in physical activities that contribute to an active lifestyle and bring personal enjoyment
PE.3-5.3.2: Describe health-related benefits of regular participation in physical activities
PE.3-5.4.1: Identify the components of health-related physical fitness
PE.3-5.4.2: Use appropriate methods to monitor physiological changes before, during, and after physical activity
PE.3-5.4.3: Describe ways in which moderate to vigorous physical activities can improve the health-related components of fitness
HCPS III World Languages Benchmarks:
WL.IE.3.2.1 Recognize the meaning of key words or phrases from a variety of developmentally appropriate written or oral materials
WL.IE.3.4.1 Describe mutual contributors of products and practices of the culture being studies and own culture
HCPS III Career and Technical Education Benchmarks:
CTE.3.1.1: Describe how different careers may require different skills, knowledge, and attitudes