Grade 3: – Quarter 2

Italicized benchmarks are taught and assessed in more than one quarter

HCPS III Language Arts Benchmarks:

  • LA.3.1.2: Use common word parts and structures to read new words
  • LA.3.4.7: Differentiate between own information and information from other sources
  • LA.3.5.2: Organize information by introducing it, elaborating on it, and drawing a conclusion about it
  • LA.3.5.4: Use specific verbs and adverbs to describe people, places, things, or events
  • LA.3.6.5: Vary expression, level, pacing, and intonation according to content and purpose
  • LA.3.6.7: Adjust dialect (e.g., standard English, Hawaiian Creole, colloquialisms) to grade-appropriate audience, purpose, and situation

LA.3.1.3: Use new grade-appropriate vocabulary, including homophones and homographs, introduced in stories, informational texts, word study, and reading

LA.3.2.1: Describe how the organizational structures of informational and literary texts reflect their different purposes

LA.3.2.2: Confirm or revise predictions after locating evidence in the text

LA.3.2.3: Identify the main idea or problem and solution in a text

LA.3.4.1: Write in a variety of grade-appropriate formats for a variety of purposes and audiences, such as:

  • stories with a beginning, middle, and end and poems with sensory details
  • short pieces on content area topics
  • pieces related to completing tasks
  • friendly letters
  • responses to literature
  • pieces to reflect on learning and to solve problems

LA.3.4.3: Spell grade-appropriate high-frequency words, irregular plurals; common homophones; and words that have blends, contractions, and orthographic patterns

HCPS III Mathematics Benchmarks:

  • MA.3.2.1: Recognize situations involving multiplication and division of whole numbers and represent the situation with number sentence
  • MA.3.2.2: Select and apply various meanings and representations of multiplication and division
  • MA.3.2.3: Demonstrate that multiplication and division of whole number can undo each other
  • MA.3.3.1: Recall multiplication facts from 0 x 0 to 10 x 10
  • MA.3.3.3: Estimate the results of whole-number computations
  • MA.3.9.2: Use patterns to solve problem situations involving related quantities in which one quantity changes as the other changes
  • MA.3.10.1: Model situations that involve multiplication and division of whole numbers using objects/pictures and number sentences
  • MA.3.10.2: Identify situations involving change and describe the change numerically and verbally

HCPS III Science Benchmarks:

  • SC.3.8.2: Describe how the water cycle is related to weather and climate
  • SC.3.8.1: Describe different Earth materials (e.g., rocks, minerals, sand, soil) and explain their formation and composition

SC.3.1.1: Pose a question and develop a hypothesis based on observations

SC.3.1.2: Safely collect and analyze data to answer a question

SC.3.2.1: Describe ways technologies in fields such as agriculture, information, manufacturing, or communication

have influenced society

HCPS III Social Studies Benchmarks:

  • SS.3.7.1: Use geographic representations (e.g., maps, globes, graphs, charts, models) to organize and analyze geographic information
  • SS.3.7.2: Compare the physical and human characteristics of different communities and regions
  • SS.3.7.3: Describe the physical and human characteristics that make different regions unique
  • SS.3.7.4: Examine the ways in which people modify the physical environment and the effects of these changes
  • SS.3.7.5: Examine the economic and geographic factors that influence why people migrate and where they settle

HCPS III Fine Arts Benchmarks:

Visual Arts

FA.3.1.3: Use observational skills in creating an original work of art


FA.3.2.3: Identify simple musical forms and melodic or rhythmic ostinato (repeated) pattern

FA.3.2.4: Identify the basic instruments of the orchestra by sight, sound, and category (e.g., brass, woodwind, percussion, strings)


FA.3.3.3: Use the elements of theatre to create a critique of a theatrical performance


FA.3.4.1: Apply dance elements to create a simple movement sequence

HCPS III Health Benchmarks:

Topic: Healthy Eating & Physical Activity

  • HE.3-5.1.2: Describe the importance of physical activity and exercise as part of a healthy lifestyle

HE.3-5.2.1: Explain where health information can be found in the home, school, and community

HE.3-5.2.2: Identify the characteristics of valid health information, products, and services

Topic: Mental & Emotional Health

  • HE.3-5.3.1: Use appropriate strategies for dealing with emotional and stressful situations

HCPS III Physical Education Benchmarks:

PE.3-5.1.1: Use locomotor and non-locomotor skills in a mature (proper) form

PE.3-5.1.2: Use manipulative skills in a mature (proper) form

PE.3-5.1.3: Use combinations of mature (proper) movement forms, including locomotor, non-locomotor, and manipulative skills

PE.3-5.2.1: Apply movement tactics in simple and modified activities

PE.3-5.2.2: Identify procedures for safe participation in physical activities

PE.3-5.3.1: Participate regularly in physical activities that contribute to an active lifestyle and bring personal enjoyment

PE.3-5.3.2: Describe health-related benefits of regular participation in physical activities

PE.3-5.4.1: Identify the components of health-related physical fitness

PE.3-5.4.2: Use appropriate methods to monitor physiological changes before, during, and after physical activity

PE.3-5.4.3: Describe ways in which moderate to vigorous physical activities can improve the health-related components of fitness

HCPS III World Languages Benchmarks:

WL.IE.3.2.1 Recognize the meaning of key words or phrases from a variety of developmentally appropriate written or oral materials

WL.IE.3.4.1 Describe mutual contributors of products and practices of the culture being studies and own culture

HCPS III Career and Technical Education Benchmarks:

CTE.3.1.1: Describe how different careers may require different skills, knowledge, and attitudes