Minutes from the August 3, 1999, Student Technology Fee Committee meeting are as follows:
In attendance: TiJean Rodriguez, Brad Bendily, Carlton "Cleve" Bankston, Devin Gregoire, Erin Buratt, Dr. Jill Landesburg, Dr. Mike Asoodeh, Mrs. Donna Methvien, and Ms. Clarissa Schiro. Rosalyn Chauvin and Sandy Miller were also present.
The minutes of the July 21st meeting were accepted with the following correction: The recommended amendment by Dr. Riggs’ to the Technology Fee Usage Agreement was incorrectly stated. The amendment was made as requested.
TiJean met with Dr. Moffett to discuss the Board Policy Guidelines. One of the issues discussed was the committee membership of the students being the majority. Dr. Moffett stated that he did not see a problem with that, and informed TiJean that he would send a memo to TiJean and Dr. Asoodeh stating that six students on the technology fee committee would be fine. Dr. Moffett asked TiJean about the possibility of adding someone from the Center for Faculty Excellence to the committee. TiJean discussed this with the committee. It was agreed that CFE should be contacted to attend only meetings referencing the purchase of items for the technology rich classrooms. However, it was agreed that they should not be a permanent part of the committee. After much discussion regarding the possibilities of adding another student to the committee to comply with the guidelines, it was decided that instead the committee would recommend having the STS and SPS Coordinator as non-voting members. This would make the committee a 5 to 4 ratio. The student representatives may later add one student to the committee as a non-voting member. This arrangement would allow for a new student member to become familiar with the technology fee process. Dr. Asoodeh made the motion to make this recommendation to Dr. Moffett. All voting members were in favor of the recommendation. Action Item: Dr. Asoodeh will contact Dr. Moffett to request approval of this recommendation.
Dr. Asoodeh submitted a copy of the revised Operating Lab Agreement for Restricted Labs and asked the group to review for any further changes. It was recommended that the location of the lab be indicated at the top of the form and that the signature section at the bottom of the form should be sectioned off or numbered. Action Item: Dr. Asoodeh will submit two separate revisions of the form to the committee for consideration. At the next meeting, the committee will decide on which form should be adopted.
Dr. Asoodeh provided the committee with a copy of all non-funded restricted lab requests for committee review.
The recommended adjustments were made to the STS Coordinator job description. TiJean stated that it was not recommended to change the job title to "Liaison". He requested that the job title remain "Coordinator". Action Item: Dr. Asoodeh will make the revision to the STS Coordinator job description, changing "Liaison" to "Coordinator".
Dr. Asoodeh will meet with Cleve Bankston and create a type of technology special projects form. They will have the form ready for the next meeting.
Dr. Asoodeh stated that he met with Dr. Head and Dr. Ragan to discuss the TEC Technology Proposal. He found out that neither Dr. Ragan nor Dr. Head was aware that the proposed lab would be restricted and open to students campus-wide. He stated that they were under the impression that they would have a larger classroom upstairs in TEC that could be divided into two classrooms. They would like to use the existing computers in the restricted lab and add computers to it to make a larger classroom that could hold up to forty students. This would eliminate the first floor lab. This large room could then be used as an open lab or be divided into two small classrooms. They would also like to have a destination system available in the room(s). Brad stated that the request for a moveable floor seems to be a little costly. Estimates for this project would need to be submitted to the committee before consideration can be given to this project. Dr. Asoodeh also stated that item # 3 of Phil’s email deals with the implementation of the StudentProductivityCenter in TEC 137. This will be a separate proposal and will be considered at a later date. Dr. Asoodeh stated that this proposal needs refinement before the committee can consider this recommendation. Action Item: Dr. Asoodeh and Brad Bendily will meet with Phil Calvin to refine the TEC proposal. They will present their findings at the next meeting.
Action Item: Clarissa and Brad will meet to discuss the feasibility of SPL housing the check-out equipment for the student body. Dr. Asoodeh will brief Mr. Gautier and Mrs. Adams and invite them to our next meeting to discuss issues on checking out items.
TiJean stated that Kay Adams is very interested in becoming more involved with the tech fee. He asked Dr. Asoodeh if she could be added to the email list. The committee discussed ways of getting the Technology Fee Committee meeting minutes to the public. Rosalyn Chauvin suggested that the minutes be posted on the web for everyone to access. Everyone was in agreement with this suggestion. Action Item: Rosalyn Chauvin will begin putting the Technology Fee Committee meeting minutes on the web.
Action Item: Sub-committee consisting of Donna Methvien, Devin Gregoire, Erin Buratt, and Clarissa Schiro will begin working on plans for STF Lab publicity. Erin reported that the sub-committee has been unable to meet. They will report to the committee at the next meeting. However, sticker labels have been made and placed on all the computers purchased by the technology fee.
Donna Methvien had the architect come to look at McClimans 116 (the proposed storage area for technology supplies, equipment, etc.) and give us a price on the project. We received a price quote of $5318 to make the necessary renovations. Dr. Asoodeh asked the committee if they are willing to fund this project. TiJean reviewed the technology fee guidelines and stated that there is nothing in the guidelines prohibiting the funding of this project. Brad made the motion that the committee fund the storage area project. Erin seconded the motion. The committee was asked to place their votes. The committee recommendation passed with a vote of 7 to 1 with 2 voting members absent. The recommendation passed and will be sent to Dr. Moffett for approval.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:05 p.m. with the time of the next meeting to be announced.