Minutes from Melbourne at Bailiwyck
Homeowners Association Annual Meeting
Date: Tuesday, February 4, 2014 @ 7:00 p.m. (rescheduled from snow date January 28, 2014)
Location: Church of Christ in Fort Mill, SC
Board Members:
Carrie Quinlan (President)—present
Brad Witzel (Treasurer)—present
Tara Miller (Board Member)—present
Jay Winters (Architectural Review Committee Chairperson)—not present
Terry Dukes (Finance Committee Chairperson)—present
Minutes Submitted by: Tara Miller
Residents received the meeting agenda, 2014 proposed budget and last year’s meeting minutes which included all committee reports. Dues were collected from those who had not yet paid.
The total number of homeowners present was 16 plus 9 proxies were handed in, therefore a quorum existed with 25 people (quorum is 23 = 25% of 89).
Carrie Quinlan, President, called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.
Old Business
- Minutes from 2013 annual HOA meeting were reviewed and approved.
- Leashing of animals: Neighbors request that Board continue to remind residents of pet ownership etiquette via newsletters and other communications. Some streets have issues with dogs running loose. The Board suggests that Animal Control be contacted in these instances and their number will be included in any warning letters that are issued.
Nominations/ Elections of New Board Members
Brad Witzel’s and Carrie Quinlan’s 2-year terms are up. Tara Miller’s term continues for 1 more year, leaving 2-3 vacancies on the board. Todd McDaniel and Angie Bagwell expressed interest in serving on the board and Carrie Quinlan was nominated to serve an additional 2-year term. No objections were made to these nominations and they were voted in as board members for a 2014-2016 term. Neighbors who serve on the board are appreciated because it saves residents the additional cost of having to hire a management company to perform HOA duties.
Committee Reports
- Treasurer’s Report /Finance Committee Report (Summarized by Brad Witzel and Terry Dukes…see attached report) A question was raised about the increase in the HOA fee from $170/year to $185/year. The reason the dues were increased for 2014 is that the association had been running on a planned deficit in order to reduce some of the savings that had accrued since the inception of the HOA. We are now moving towards a more balanced budget each year and dues are increasing modestly to keep pace with inflation and to avoid dipping into the fund reserve, which is currently at around $25,000.
- Architectural Review Committee Report (summarized Jay Winters, see attached document.)
- Social Committee Report: Tara Miller reported that the Social Committee held two neighborhood yard sales and a Father’s Day event at Baxter’s Bunch. Participation in those activities has been low, and interest in an adult dinner out was not sufficient. A neighborhood community service project was discussed, possibly partnering with other Pleasant Road neighborhoods, and welcome packages to new residents or meals/help for those dealing with illness would be nice. A neighborhood email directory was proposed. The idea of having one main neighborhood event a year was also discussed but volunteer participation for activities and food would be required. More info/plans will be presented in the newsletter.
New Business
- High Voltage Lighting at Entrance: Terry Dukes will research cost and timeframe for updating the lighting at the entrance to increase visibility.
- Empty Lot on Legacy: There is a concern that this has become a dumping ground for pet waste and trash. A reminder needs to be distributed that there are no dogs, children, or refuse permitting in this privately owned parcel of land. The condition of the lot must be maintained by its owner. As spring approaches, the board will keep in contact with him regarding weed control and pine straw. Late 2013 plans to build a house on that lot have fallen through.
- Mailboxes/Lampposts/Street Signs/Curbs: Question was raised about the need or possibility of repairing curbs and repainting mailbox bases and/or replacing/repairing fading lampposts and street signs. These were new approximately 7-8 years ago and are showing wear and age. Board will research cost of these repairs or upgrades and report back. There is the possibility that a special assessment to HOA dues will be required.
- Landscaping: Services provided at front entrance have been good. The sign to the entrance looked dirty today, could possibly use a power wash. Thank you to Carrie and Tom Quinlan and Terry Dukes for the holiday decorations.
- Solicitation: Advertising materials should not be distributed to mailboxes or newspaper tubes and vendors should not be going door-to-door.
- Yard Signs: No yard signs are allowed except the small security signs, and a For Sale sign for homes on the market. The signs from Black Pest should be removed from all yards. A reminder will be posted in the next newsletter.
- Contact Listing/Neighborhood Directory: Carrie Quinlan will begin an email gathering campaign in the neighborhood to increase communication among neighbors in the event of news or community needs.
- Newsletter/Website: It was requested that the next newsletter nclude a parking reminder for Melbourne Drive, especially. It was suggested that the Resources section of the HOA website be updated to include vendors with whom neighbors have had good business experiences.
Meeting was adjourned.
2014 Annual HOA Meeting MinutesPage 1