/ International
OFFICERS’ MEETING: 26 OCTOBER2016, 17:00 EDT / 14:00 PT


Agenda item: /
  1. Minutes from last Officer meeting

Updates / Review of notes.
Agenda item: /
  1. IBC Matters
  2. Victoria 2016
  3. Audio/Video recording capture / prep
  4. Scholar One / App review (James, Peter, Al)
  5. Barcelona 2018
  6. IPC - Call for Invited Sessions
  7. Education Committee –Call for Short Courses
  8. LOC – Conference management
  9. Seoul 2020
  10. Venue contract

Updates / Peter noted that all photos have been posted online from IBC2016. Staff will prepare an e-mail announcing this next week. Meanwhile, all text to accompany the IBC 2016 videos have been forwarded to our web partner, YGS.
In addition, Peter has been in touch again this week with both the Education Committee and International Program Committee Chairs (Pascale, Charmaine) regarding preparing and promoting the Call for Invited Sessions / Short Courses. The deadline to submit materials for the next Biometric Bulletin is November 21st.
There are no updates yet from the IBC2020 organizing committee regarding a draft venue contract.
Comments / Elizabeth indicated that she may need a bit more time for her President’s Message for this issue of the Biometric Bulletin.
In reviewing the contract status for IBC 2018, it was discovered that we may not yet have secured a contract from a conference management firm. Grupo Pacifico was favoured by the Local Organizing Committee.
ACTIONS / Melanie in James’s office will reach out and schedule a conference call (or Skype call) between James, Peter and Al to discuss Scholar One and the Event Mobi conference app.
Peter is to follow up with the LOC Chair regarding securing a contract with Grupo Pacifico, understanding that an Officer will need to review and sign the contract.
Agenda item: /
  1. Executive Board Follow-up
  2. Wiley and Springer contracts
  3. Biometrics Executive Editor search document
  4. November, 2016 Executive Board Meeting
  5. May, 2017Executive Board Meeting
  6. P&P Manual, adjustments to language for November EB Meeting
  7. Timing of orientation teleconference between Officers & newly-elected Directors

Updates / Peter delivered the Springer contract comments from Bob Weill.
Additional changes (mostly minor) were made to the Executive Board agenda.
Comments / The expectation is that the Springer contract will be ready for review by the Executive Board on November 10th. The group is much more concerned about the Wiley contract at this point. Wiley has suggested that a contract revision could be ready prior to November 10th, though no additional news has been received from Wiley in the last week.
Elizabeth asked that we schedule the orientation with new Officers and Directors for after the 1st of January.
It was noted that Andrea is expected to be at the next in-person Executive Board meeting.
ActionS / Adjusted language for the Policies and Procedures document will be forwarded to Peter by Elizabeth for inclusion in the next P&P draft, to be reviewed by the Executive Board in two weeks. Peter is also to find the ISI Liaison language from John Hinde and include with the next draft.
Peter is to begin uploading files to the Board Room for the next EB meeting as soon as possible.
Peter is also to confirm with the rest of the 2017 Executive Board the Officers’ desire to hold our next face-to-face Executive Board meeting in Thessaloniki, Greece on 8 May, 2017. Assuming that there are no significant conflicts, meeting arrangements will proceed.
Peter is to solicit the new Officers and Directors for questions that they would like to have answered prior to the scheduled orientation session.
Peter is to set up a test of the Commpartners (virtual Executive Board meeting) system with Elizabeth next week.
Agenda item: /
  1. Regional Matters
  2. Representative Council
  3. Network foundational documents

Comments / John and James are discussing a template for the network foundational documents, and may base the template in part on the South Asian network information received prior to the IBC in Victoria.
Agenda item: /
  1. Committee Matters
  2. Awards Fund Committee
  3. Committee on Communications
  4. Conference Advisory Committee
  5. Editorial Advisory Committee
  6. Education Committee
  7. Budget and Finance Committee

Update / Peter has reached out to Pascale regarding the Education Committee minutes, and is waiting for a response to make sure she is OK with the minutes as presented.
Comments / James will provide the budget summary and report shortly, now that the September financial statement has been received.
Agenda item: /
  1. IBO Matters
  2. MB Financial accounts
  3. Check card application

Update / The MB Financial new account paperwork has been forwarded to the International Business Office, and will soon be returned to MB Financial for processing. Randy, Brad and Peter will be signatories on the new accounts (checking, money market).
ActionS / Once the new MB Financial accounts have been established, Peter is to proceed with the application for a Visa debit card.


Next call will be 2November at 17:00 EDT / 14:00 Pacific.


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