Minutes for the Meeting of thePage 1 of 10
City of Syracuse Planning Commission
April 27, 2015
Minutes of the Meeting of the
City of Syracuse Planning Commission
City Hall, Syracuse, New York
April 27, 2015
- Summary of cases discussed herein
SR-11-20 M2 / SR-14-09 M1 / R-15-21 / SP-15-03 / SP-15-04 / SP-95-30 M1
AS-15-13 / R-15-22 / R-15-23 / R-15-24 / S-15-01 / 3S-15-02
SP-89-32 M1 / SP-14-15 M1 / R-15-19 / SP-15-02 / PR-15-11 / Z-2782
PR-15-10 / PR-14-35 M2 / Z-2449 M1 / Z-2521 M1 / Z-2769 M1
- Attendance
Members PresentStaff Present
Mr. Steve Kulick Ms. Heather Lamendola
Ms. Rebecca Livengood Ms. Meghan Ryan
Ms. Linda Henley Mr. Jeff Harrop
Ms. Christine Capella-Peters
- Meeting called to order at 6:01 p.m.
- Approval of Minutes
Minutes from the April 6, 2015 Regular Meeting and the April 15, 2015, Special Meeting of the City Planning Commission were not available for approval.
- Public Hearings
1)SR-11-20 M2 (Continuation from 4/6/15-SK, RL, LH, CCP)
Site Plan Review Modification
Modify Site Plan and Floor Plans
450 West Kirkpatrick Street
Salt City Enterprises, LLC (owner/applicant)
Lakefront, T-5
Mr. Len Montreal, of Salt City Enterprises, LLC, at 906 Spencer Street, spoke to the Commission about the proposal, which was a continuation of a Public Hearing opened on April 6, 2015, and consists of modifying the site plan, floor plans, and elevations for a Site Plan Review for a mixed-use building on property situated at 450 West Kirkpatrick Street, in order to comply with requirements and comments from the City of Syracuse Department of Engineering and the Division of Code Enforcement.
No one spoke in favor of or in opposition to the proposal.
After further discussion and review, Ms. Linda Henley made a motion to approve the request with a negative SEQR declaration and granting three waivers from Part B, Section IX of the City of Syracuse Zoning Rules and Regulations, as amended, with regard to the parking, sign, and exterior lighting requirements. Ms. Rebecca Livengood seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
2)SR-14-09 M1
Site Plan Review-New Construction
Construct an Apartment Building with Retail
720 Van Rensselaer Street
City of Syracuse (owner)
COR Inner Harbor Company, LLC (applicant)
Lakefront, T-5
Ms. Kate Johnson, of COR Inner Harbor Company, LLC, at 540 Towne Drive, Fayetteville, NY, spoke to the Commission about the proposal, which consists of modifying the building and site plans for a previously-approved Site Plan Review in order to construct two mixed-use buildings separated by an alley on existing Lot B2-4 situated at 720 Van Rensselaer Street.
No one spoke in favor of or in opposition to the proposal.
After further discussion and review, Ms. Linda Henley made a motion to approve the request with a negative SEQR declaration and granting four waivers from Part B, Section IX of the City of Syracuse Zoning Rules and Regulations, as amended, with regard to the building type, building number, parking, and sign requirements, with the stipulation that signage be limited to one sign per tenant. Ms. Rebecca Livengood seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Divide One Property into Three New Lots
701 Van Rensselaer Street
City of Syracuse (owner)
COR Inner Harbor Company, LLC (applicant)
Lakefront, T-5
Ms. Kate Johnson, of COR Inner Harbor Company, LLC, at 540 Towne Drive, Fayetteville, NY, spoke to the Commission about the proposal, which consists of dividing one property situated at 701 Van Rensselaer Street into three new Lots.
No one spoke in favor of or in opposition to the proposal.
No action was taken on the request pending review and recommendation from the Onondaga County Planning Board pursuant to GML §239-l and n.
Special Permit-Parking Lot
701 Van Rensselaer Street
City of Syracuse (owner)
COR Inner Harbor Company, LLC (applicant)
Lakefront, T-5
Ms. Kate Johnson, of COR Inner Harbor Company, LLC, at 540 Towne Drive, Fayetteville, NY, spoke to the Commission about the proposal, which consists of constructing a surface parking lot with 146 parking spaces on property situated at 701 Van Rensselaer Street.
No one spoke in favor of or in opposition to the proposal.
After further discussion and review, Ms. Rebecca Livengood made a motion to approve the request with a negative SEQR declaration and granting three waivers from Part B, Section IX of the City of Syracuse Zoning Rules and Regulations, as amended, with regard to the bicycle parking, tree, and landscape strip width requirements. Ms. Linda Henley seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Special Permit-Restaurant
2743 Erie Boulevard East
Han Garam, Inc. (owner)
Jong Hee Hong (applicant)
Industrial, Class A
Mr. Tom Robertson, at 333 East Onondaga Street, Suite 200, spoke to the Commission about the proposal, which consists of establishing a Restaurant on property situated at 2743 Erie Boulevard East.
No one spoke in favor of or in opposition to the proposal.
After further discussion and review, Ms. Linda Henley made a motion to approve the request with a negative SEQR declaration and granting four waivers from Part C, Section IV, Article 2-8.1 of the City of Syracuse Zoning Rules and Regulations, as amended, with regard to the parking, driveway location, driveway opening, and arterial lot width requirements. Ms. Rebecca Livengoodseconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
6)SP-95-30 M1
Special Permit Modification-Gasoline Station
Modify Signage
356 North Midler Avenue
Jan Nastri and Robert Abbott (owners)
Mirabito Holdings, Inc. (applicant)
Industrial, Class A
Mr. Petro Vamvakaris, of TJ Sign Solutions at 24-26 Broad Street, Binghamton, NY, spoke to the Commission about the proposal, which consists of modifying the signage to an existing Special Permit for a Gasoline Station on property situated at 356 North Midler Avenue in order to reflect a change in brand name.
No one spoke in favor of or in opposition to the proposal.
After further discussion and review, Ms. Linda Henley made a motion to approve the request with a negative SEQR declaration and granting a waiver from Part C, Section IV, Article 2-1 of the City of Syracuse Zoning Rules and Regulations, as amended, with regard to the sign requirements. Ms. Rebecca Livengoodseconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Administrative Permit – Off-Premise Advertising Sign
300 Burnet Avenue
Milton Associates, LP (owner)
Lang Media Properties, Inc. (applicant)
Industrial, Class A
At the request of the applicant’s representative, Mr. Michael A. Fogel, of Brown, Sharlow, Duke and Fogel, P.C. at 621 West Genesee Street, the Commission agreed to reschedule the Public Hearing for this proposal to May 18, 2015.
Combine Two Properties into One New Lot
405-409 and 411 Fitch Street
Ronald S. Naples/The Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation (owners/applicants)
Residential, Class A
At the recommendation from Staff, the Commission agreed to cancel the Public Hearing for this proposal as the request is inappropriate at this time.
Combine Two Properties into One New Lot
2311 and 2313 Lodi Street
Giovani and Frank Canzano/
The Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation (owners/applicants)
Business, Class A
Mr. Michael LaFlair, of the Northeast Housing Development Association at 101 Gertrude Avenue, spoke to the Commission about the proposal, which consists of combining two properties situated at 2311 and 2313 Lodi Street into one new Lot.
No one spoke in favor of or in opposition to the proposal.
After further discussion and review, Ms. Rebecca Livengood made a motion to approve the request with a negative SEQR declaration. Ms. Linda Henleyseconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Combine Two Properties into One New Lot
203 and 207-233 East Water Street
Grange Realty Associates, LLC/Erie Water Street Associates, LLC (owner/applicant)
Central Business District, Office and Service
Mr. Anthony Catsimatides, at 451 South Warren Street, spoke to the Commission about the proposal, which consists of combining two properties situated at 203 and 207-233 East Water Street into one new Lot.
No one spoke in favor of or in opposition to the proposal.
After further discussion and review, whereupon the Commission agreed that the request was a Type I SEQR action, Ms. Christine Capella-Peters made a motion for the City Planning Commission’s intent to act as Lead Agency. Ms. Rebecca Livengood seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. No action will be taken on the request pending SEQR coordination and review.
Closure of the 0-99 Block of Centennial Drive to Vehicular Traffic
City of Syracuse (owner)
City of Syracuse Department of Public Works (petitioner)
At the request of the petitioner, this proposal was withdrawn with no action taken.
Three-Mile Limit Subdivision Review-Town of Onondaga
Divide One Property into Three New Lots
3754 Howlett Hill Road
John and Ann Slycox (owner/applicant)
Ms. Heather Lamendola, Zoning Administrator for the City of Syracuse, spoke to the Commission about the proposal, which consists of dividing one property situated at 3754 Howlett Hill Road in the Town of Onondaga into three new Lots.
No one spoke in favor of or in opposition to the proposal.
After further discussion and review, Ms. Rebecca Livengood made a motion to approve the request with a negative SEQR declaration. Ms. Linda Henley seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
- Minor Modifications
1)SP-89-32 M1
Special Permit Modification-Boys and Girls Club
Modify Site Plan, Floor Plan, Façade, and Signage
201 Shonnard Street
Boys and Girls Clubs of Syracuse, Inc. (owner/applicant)
Residential, Class B
Ms. Heather Lamendola, Zoning Administrator for the City of Syracuse, spoke to the Commission about the proposal.
After review and discussion,Ms. Linda Henley made a motion to approve the request with a negative SEQR declaration, and granting 18 months to complete all construction, improvements and additions relating to this Special Permit, including those activities required in order to comply with any conditions of this approval. Mr. Rebecca Livengood seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
- Modification Considerations
1)SP-14-15 M1
Special Permit Modification-Restaurant
Modify Signage
407 North Geddes Street (aka 1011-1055 West Genesee Street)
1001 West Genesee Street, LLC (owner)
Allied Sign Company (applicant)
Business, Class A
Ms. Heather Lamendola, Zoning Administrator for the City of Syracuse, spoke to the Commission about the proposal.
After review and discussion, whereupon the Commission noted the existing signage in addition to the proposals deviation from the sign requirements, the Commission agreed to authorize the proposal for a Public Hearing on May 18, 2015.
- Old Business
Combine Eleven Properties into Three New Lots
325, 327, 329, 331-335, 359, and 387 East Brighton Avenue, 307 East Brighton Avenue (Rear), 101, 103 and 105 Thurber Street (Rear), and 113 Roney Lane (Rear)
Lauren Tawill, Tri-Value Development, LLC, Mark and Rose Stefanski, and
Cosimo Zavaglia (owners)
Innovative Acquisition Group, LLC (applicant)
Residential, Class B-1, Residential, Class C, and Industrial, Class A
After discussion and review, Ms. Christine Capella-Peters made a motion to approve the request with a negative SEQR declaration. Ms. Rebecca Livengood seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Special Permit-Apartment Building
Construct an Apartment Building and Associated Parking
325-387 East Brighton Avenue and 101-105 Thurber Street (Rear)
Lauren Tawill (owner)
Innovative Acquisition Group, LLC (applicant)
Residential, Class C and Industrial, Class A
After discussion and review, Ms. Christine Capella-Peters made a motion to approve the request with a negative SEQR declaration with the following conditions:
- The applicant shall coordinate with and through the City of Syracuse Department of Public Works to implement the signal timing adjustments as recommended in the Traffic Impact Study, dated December 2014, prepared by CHA.
- The applicant shall install sidewalks to City standards along the portion of the project which fronts on East Brighton Avenue.
- Access to or from the site via Stevens Place shall be restricted to emergency access and emergency vehicles only.
- The applicant shall obtain approval of the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan by the City Engineer prior to the issuance of any demolition or building permits.
- The applicant shall provide additional landscaping to address stormwater management and erosion concerns.
Ms. Linda Henley seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Project Site Review-New Construction
Construct an Apartment Building and Associated Parking
307 East Brighton Avenue (Rear)
Tri-Value Development, LLC (owner)
Innovative Acquisition Group, LLC (applicant)
Residential, Class B-1 and Industrial, Class A
After discussion and review, Ms. Linda Henley made a motion to approve the request with a negative SEQR declaration with the following conditions;
- The applicant shall coordinate with and through the City of Syracuse Department of Public Works to implement the signal timing adjustments as recommended in the Traffic Impact Study, dated December 2014, prepared by CHA, in order to optimize the signal timing at the two study area signalized intersections.
- The applicant shall install sidewalks to City standards along the portion of the project which fronts on East Brighton Avenue.
- Access to or from the site via Stevens Place shall be restricted to emergency access and emergency vehicles only.
- The applicant shall obtain approval of the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan by the City Engineer prior to the issuance of any demolition or building permits.
- The applicant shall provide additional landscaping to address stormwater management and erosion concerns.
Ms. Rebecca Livengood seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Multi-Building Review
Construct an Apartment Building, a Clubhouse, and Associated Parking
113 Roney Lane (Rear)
Cosimo Zavaglia (owner)
Innovative Acquisition Group, LLC (applicant)
Residential, Class B-1
After discussion and review, Ms. Christine Capella-Peters made a motion to approve the request with a negative SEQR declaration with the following conditions;
- The applicant shall coordinate with and through the City of Syracuse Department of Public Works to implement the signal timing adjustments as recommended in the Traffic Impact Study, dated December 2014, prepared by CHA, in order to optimize the signal timing at the two study area signalized intersections.
- The applicant shall install sidewalks to City standards along the portion of the project which fronts on East Brighton Avenue.
- Access to or from the site via Stevens Place shall be restricted to emergency access and emergency vehicles only.
- The applicant shall obtain approval of the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan by the City Engineer prior to the issuance of any demolition or building permits.
- The applicant shall provide additional landscaping to address stormwater management and erosion concerns.
Ms. Rebecca Livengood seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Project Site Review-New Construction and Site Alterations
Construct an Addition and Alter the Site
1836 West Fayette Street
Rasselas Associates, LLC (owner)
Community Resources for Justice, Inc. (applicant)
Industrial, Class A
After discussion and review, Ms. Linda Henley made a motion to deny the request without prejudice. Ms. Rebecca Livengood seconded the motion. The motion passed with a vote of three to one, with Mr. Kulick voting against.
- New Business
1)PR-14-35 M2
Project Site Review Modification-New Construction-Building Addition
SEQR-Type I Action
204 and 208 (aka 200-202, 204-206, 208, 210-216 (214), 218, 222-226, 228-230 and 236-238) West Water Street
Syracuse SOMA Project, LLC (owner/applicant)
Central Business District, Office and Service (CBD-OS)
Ms. Heather Lamendola, Zoning Administrator for the City of Syracuse, spoke to the Commission about the proposal.
After discussion and review, Ms. Christine Capella-Peters made a motion for the City Planning Commission’s intent to act as Lead Agency for the SEQR process. Ms. Rebecca Livengood seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. No action will be taken on the request pending SEQR coordination and review.
2)Z-2449 M1
Project Plan Review Modification-Holden Observatory
Modify Site Plan
100 University Place (aka 140 Crouse Drive – Holden Observatory)
Syracuse University (owner/applicant)
Planned Institutional District
Ms. Heather Lamendola, Zoning Administrator for the City of Syracuse, spoke to the Commission about the proposal.
After discussion and review, Ms. Christine Capella-Peters made a motion to approve the request with a negative SEQR declaration, noting that the elevated ramp should blend in with the environment. Ms. Rebecca Livengood seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
3)Z-2521 M1
Project Plan Review Modification-Donovan McNabb Weight Room
Modify Signage
1301 East Colvin Street
Syracuse University (owner/applicant)
Planned Institutional District
Ms. Heather Lamendola, Zoning Administrator for the City of Syracuse, spoke to the Commission about the proposal.
After discussion and review, Ms. Rebecca Livengood made a motion to approve the request with a negative SEQR declaration. Ms. Christine Capella-Peters seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
4)Z-2769 M1
Project Plan Review Modification-Clifford J. Ensley Athletic Center
Modify Signage
1301 East Colvin Street
Syracuse University (owner/applicant)
Planned Institutional District
Ms. Heather Lamendola, Zoning Administrator for the City of Syracuse, spoke to the Commission about the proposal.
After discussion and review, Ms. Linda Henley made a motion to approve the request with a negative SEQR declaration. Ms. Rebecca Livengood seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
- Authorizations
Ms. Christine Capella-Peters made a motion to authorize those cases listed for Public Hearings on Monday, May 18, 2015, in addition to the continuation or rescheduling of R-15-21, AS-15-13, R-15-24, and SP-14-15 M1. Ms. Linda Henley seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
- Adjournment
Ms. Linda Henley made a motion to adjourn at 8:10 p.m. Ms. Christine Capella-Peters seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.