Minutes for the Dudley LOC Committee Meeting held at 6.30p.m. on Monday 15thMay 2017
RussellsHallHospital, Education Centre
Committee in Attendance
Shamina Asif (Chair), David Wright (Treasurer),Charles Barlow (Vice Chair), Kay Reeves,
Gurdeep Dhosanjh, Hussnan Ejaz
Also in attendance
Mark Tuffin,Navneet Gupta
- Apologies
Peter BainbridgePaul Sidhu,Jasheen Mangat,Rosie Birhah, Nicky Ferguson, Sonia Tyrell
2.Declarations of Interest
Shamina is now head of Clinical Services for CrossEyes.
3. Minutes of Previous Meeting
The minutes were then agreed as anaccurate record. Proposed by SA and seconded by KR.
4. Matters Arising
Matters Arising are dealt with in the following minutes aside from:
(11.) Shamina reported that Claire Roberts has no budget to pay RB therefore the LOC to pay this time and that any work done in the future that is not solely Dudley LOC related should not be funded by Dudley LOC. If any other organisation like LEHN needs help, then these matters are to be discussed in the LOC meeting.
5. Correspondence
PS joined the meeting via telephone at this point, though he wasn’t able to hear everything.
PS circulated Hot Briefs plus any other correspondence received prior to this meeting.
6. HLO Update
Michelle Dyoss has left and SA reported that Shelagh Mclery has taken over her position. SA has a meeting on 16th May to familiarise Shelagh with what is expected by the LOC. SA is aware that 4 practices are awaiting sign off but at present has no figures available for the performance of current HLO practices.
A company called Solutions for Health has asked SA if they can speak to Dudley LOC. The Committee agreed that a representative from this company could be invited to attend the next LOC meeting.
Going forward SA has suggested that future contracts regarding HLO practices should be negotiated with the Regional Company as opposed to individually. CB agreed, however, there could be some issues with the use of Pharma Outcomes regarding payments. SA also asked the Committee if they would consider paying Michelle Dyoss who is now an independent Consultant as the LPC do. The Committee decided to wait for the outcome of the meeting on 16th May before deciding, but said it was the responsibility of the new person in role to take on the job that Michelle had left.
On 31st May and 28th June there is an NHS Health Checks course organised by Dudley Public Health
7. Service Specs for IOP, MECS and Cataract
CB reported that Walsall and Wolverhampton have merged and as far as the Business Service Specifications are concerned the CCG still has guidelines inconsistencies.
SA, CB AND Richard Rawlinson have worked together to produce service specifications that have been submitted to CCG. There have been a few things that have been changed where repeat IOP’s do not need to be done on the same day and that referrals will not be accepted from other optical practices.
It may also be worth having the contracts whereby an optical practice signs up to all three practices rather than picking and choosing.
Dr. Gupta suggested that fields should be compulsory if the patient is having repeat Goldmann done. However CB said that in the specification it states ‘if the practitioner is happy with all other tests and are sure the patient hasn’t gone signs of glaucoma’. Best practice is to do visual fields however CB said we couldn’t stipulate this in the contract as no other specifications do and again there would be cross border issues.
SA has a meeting on 18th May and it is her understanding that they are keen to proceed with no Post-Op Cataract scheme at present. SA also confirmed that triages resulting in visits to A&E would have a £5 fee payable. SA will distribute the Service Specifications after the meeting on 18th and is still awaiting a date for the OSCE’s.
8. Update on interest shown to shadow ARC Clinic
PS confirmed via a telephone link that 14 replies had been received and that SA is to send the names to Claire at the hospital.
9. CET plans for next year
RB submitted a written reply that confirmed 26th June for the Dry Eye Lecture and a Dudley CET day with Sandwell on Monday 18th September. RB is currently organising speakers, she needs to let us know what topics will be covered.
CB suggested at the last LOC lecture that retraining on Goldman could be useful and 10 out of the 25 attendees agreed.
It was agreed that Peer discussion will not be repeated unless the content is different. Maybe it would be better for delegates to wait till the next peer discussion taking place in September. The committee agreed.
Already discussed in Item 7 above.
11. Business Plan 2017/18
PS emailed the Business Plan to CB. It has the same template as previous years. SA is to add the HLO details and then return to PS.
Action SA
11.1 – Budget – (PS to insert DW figures/report). CET costs are reduced as there will only one day and DW will inform SA when she gets close to the limit of her HLO budget.
SA is not entirely happy with the value for money from LOCSU as they have failed to give adequate support. CB suggested that SA brings the matter up with LOCSU and report back.
PS to check Facebook and Twitter.
12 . Authorisation to act and email conversations
Agreed unanimously.
13. Authorisation to act on ROC
Agreed unanimously.
No questions were forthcoming on CB’s report on the Regional Company.
CBhas agreed to attend the Eyecare Pathway Quality Standards Workshop on behalf of Dudley LOC.
CB asked if any Optician had been affected by the recent NHS cyber attack. None was reported.
15.Date of Next Meeting
The AGM is on 26th June
The next LOC meeting is Monday 4th September at 6.30pm.
The meeting closed at8.15pm.