Minutes for the Cochrane Skin Group/French Satellite Group teleconference February 25th2014

Present: Finola Delamere, Laurence Le Cleach, Laura Prescott, Hywel Williams, Olivier Chosidow (Chair), Sebastien Barbarot,Khaled Ezzedine, Giao Do Pham

  1. Progress on agreed titles for Cochrane Skin Group (CSG) reviews
  • Laurence Le Cleach (LLC) updated us on the progress of the following titles:
  • Systemic pharmacological treatments for plaque psoriasis (a network meta-analysis)
  • Antistreptococcal interventions for guttate and chronic plaque psoriasis
  • Intervention for guttate psoriasis
  • Intervention for chronic palmoplantar pustulosis
  • Intervention for necrotizing fasciitis
  • Intervention for toxic epidermal necrolysis
  1. The French Cochrane Skin Group satellite website
  • Laurence wonders if we can get a Cochrane website. Laura is to ask Martin how we do this. Currently, information is posted on the mini site of the French Society of Dermatology, so there is a lack of visibility.
  1. 5th issue of the letter for dermatologists
  • LLC asked the CSG for items of interest for dermatologists from the last 3 months. Hywel Williams (HW) mentioned Cochrane clustering (with the Wounds Group and Oral Health Group) and asked if Laurence had interactions with these areas – the CSG will send the cluster document to the Satellite Group, as well as the business plan. Olivier Chosidow (OC) said summarising CSG reviews isn’t attractive to dermatologists, so thought about pulling reviews from other relevant groups. HW asked if there’s a journal in which we could get a slot for the CSG reviews. OC said this was done already with his Society’s journal (Annales de Dermatologie et Venereologie), whichhas a section on evidence-based dermatology and a Satellite Group corner. Laurence’s summaries aren’t systematically published in this section. HW suggested that they recruit a junior Cochrane Summary Editor. Finola Delamere (FD) suggested they co-publish with an analysis. OC asked the CSG to send him something to show him how contracts work in terms of co-publication.

HW wondered if it was attractive for them to translate part of our newsletters. Laura Prescott (LP) is to send a draft copy to LLC and OC to see if they want to take any items of for inclusion in her newsletter. Sebastien Barbarot (SB) suggested linking Laurence’s and the Society’s newsletter. We need to make it more sustainable.

  1. SFD grant
  • Khaled Ezzedine (KE) reported that there are two grants for dermatologists from French-speaking countries(i.e., from Egypt or Africa)available from the French Society of Dermatology to produce systematic reviews on topics relevant to their country’s public health and attend courses. No money has been found yet, but the principle has been accepted by the French Society of Dermatology. People will apply for the scheme and stay in France. One year to do a review isn’t enough time, so realistically, they’d be just setting them off, with the idea that they’d go home and get other local people on board with a view to setting up a local network. HW asked KE to send us a paragraph (checked by OC first) that we can add to our website to highlight it.

Summary of action points

  • LP is to ask Martin how we get a Cochrane website for the Satellite Group. ACTIONED
  • The CSG is to send the cluster document to the Satellite Group, as well as the business plan. NOT ACTIONED
  • LP is to send OC something to show how contracts work in terms of co-publication.NOT ACTIONED
  • LP is to send a draft copy to LLC and OC to see if they want to take any items of for inclusion in her newsletter.NOT ACTIONED
  • KE to send us a paragraph (checked by OC first) that we can add to our website to highlight the grants.NOT ACTIONED