Minutes for LAC – IASSIST 2003

Tuesday March 18, 2003, 9:30 – 11:00, U of O

In Attendance – Susan (Chair), Marie, Nancy, Wendy, Marilyn, Ernie, Anne, Mike Jane

Regrets – Yvette, Sage

1. Approval of Agenda

- Susan distributed the agenda and it was approved.

2. Minutes from Last mtg

- There were minor amendments to be made to the minutes from March 11 mtg. Susan will make them.

3. Action Items

- Jane had a page per person for action items. Everyone was asked to review their page, check off those items which were done and make any changes to the page, e.g. add items, make a note if certain items should be added to someone else’s list, ... These sheets were then passed back to Jane who will update the lists so we can keep on top of what should be done.

- Jane will pass these action item lists to Susan who will put them on the LAC Archives webpage.

4. Registration

4.1 Status Report, Mtg with Convention Services, Live

- Registration will be up and running tomorrow – Wednesday. A line was added to the form as per Yvette’s request – “Will you be attending the Welcome Reception?”

- Updates will be relatively easy to make to the forms.

- Ernie mentioned that we need to hammer on everyone about early registration. Nancy will send out the new url when it is ready (for registration).

- Convention Services is ready to accept payment for our conference.

- FoI – Marie clarified that FoI do not register themselves. Ernie will pass their info on to Marie who will register them. Therefore, we will have the info on them for the program and the nametags, … but they will not be charged for the conference.

- Workshop Presenters - Wendy will email Bo, who will tell the workshop presenters to send their info to Marie so she can register them.

- Plenaries – Ernie will give their info to Marie.

- If there are any last minute special guests, we are to let Marie know.

- Mike will draft an announcement about registration going live and about the program being up on the web, which Anne will translate, and then Mike will send it out for all to see.

4.2 Vince to go live: registration

- Vince is eager and waiting for the word from Susan/Nancy.

4.3 Program Schedule from Chuck

- Susan handed out the latest version of the Conference program from Chuck. Vince has taken down the old schedule and will shortly replace it with the new one. The poster session page needs to be ‘prettied up’ so Susan will ask Vince to do this.

4.4 Sending mailout #3: communicating that registration is live

- Jane passed around a handout from the Conference handbook detailing what should be included in mailout #3

5. Related web information – the Schedule

- Susan noted that the new schedule is quite heavy and there are several new changes to be made re: facilities and catering over the next two weeks.

- Anne noticed that the registration desk is now open only at 8:00. Susan confirmed this but said that we will be there at 7:30 setting up so when we are flooded with registrants at 8:00, we will be ready.

5.1 Wednesday Changes

5.1.1 Plenaries

- As there is only 1 speaker, the plenaries will be changed to 1 hr.

5.1.2 Concurrent Sessions

- There is a bit of wiggle room here for talking, questions, coffee

5.1.3. Lunch hrs

- On Wednesday and Friday there will be 1 hr and 15 min for the buffet lunch. This should be sufficient time.

5.1.4 DDI Alliance

- Ann Green will be chairing this mtg, which will be on Wednesday at the end of the day. Susan will reserve the room with a view at the top of the Arts bldg. If Ann wants it to be catered, local arrangements will look into arranging it.

- Mike asked what this mtg was for, so Ernie explained the background of it. He mentioned that this mtg is to update people on what is up with DDI.

5.2 Thursday Changes

5.2.1 Poster Sessions

- Susan passed her concern onto Chuck about fewer people attending the poster sessions since they have been moved from Wednesday afternoon to Thursday afternoon. Chuck has no concerns about this matter.

- Susan also has a concern that, with the new schedule, there is not sufficient time for presenters from the poster session to take everything down, get it back to their rooms, and then get ready for the boat cruise on time. Wendy suggested cutting the poster sessions by 15 minutes. This was agreed on by all. Susan will make this change on the schedule.

- Susan expressed her concern that we will be able to get an appropriate room for the poster sessions.

- Susan will let Bill know that the poster sessions have been changed to Thursday.

6. Internet Poster Sessions

6.1 Outlets and Setup Assistance

- Bill still has to choose between 2 presentations. He should have the final decision made soon.

- There will be 16 internet outlets, hopefully.

6.2 Technical Details

- In late March/early April we want to start testing the connections and see what we can set up in advance.

- Susan is concerned that we will not be able to supply laptops or monitors to those who need them. Chuck suggested giving out the names for computer rental places. Susan said that the library network could supply 2 laptops.

- Wendy has offered the use of her laptop. Susan and Nancy want to start testing them shortly, so Jane will pick up Wendy’s on the way to the B and B mtg so Wendy can get it back on Tuesday.

- Jane mentioned that the Carleton U library used to have one available for staff if they were going to a conference. Jane will look into this and whether or not the laptop has an ethernet connection. If possible she will get it for Monday.

- Bill had some question about the IP addresses. Susan will get back to him late next week with an answer. Susan will also mention to him that the presenters are responsible for getting to the session early enough to get everything set up, tested and running.

6.3 Setup Assistance and Baffles

- Susan is looking into renting baffles from Convention Services. We will need about 7 of them because it is a big room.

- Mike asked if it was a bright room because we want to be able to see the screens. Marie assured him that it would be fine.

6.4 Poster session to boat cruise

- Ernie inquired if there were carts available for moving equipment after the Poster Sessions. Susan will look into this. Marie wondered if we would be able to get transportation for people to get their stuff moved to the Unicentre. Jane offered the Frymobile.

- Ernie also suggested that we make sure there are extra extension cords and cables available for the Poster Sessions. Susan will ask ? about this and about Ethernet connections.

7. Conference Evaluations

- Mike mentioned that he has received the electronic version of the sample evaluations in the conference handbook from Jane. And he sent an email out to the ‘confplan listserv’ asking people for their suggestions but has received no replies. None of us on the LAC have received this email so Mike will look into this. He would like people’s comments as soon as possible so he can start working on the forms.

- Mike clarified that it is 2 evaluation forms that he will be drafting – 1 for workshops and 1 for the conference as a whole.

- Marie asked if we were going to do ‘circles’ or ‘write-ins’ on the forms. Everyone wants to do circles with a space for comments if people want to add some.

- Mike asked who would be doing the analysis of the comments – there were no volunteers.

8. Future Business

8.1 FoI (Friends of IASSIST)

– Anne is making up the invoices for FoI and inquired whom the cheques are to be made out to. Susan replied ‘IASSIST 2003’.

8.2 Conference Bank account at Carleton U

- Ernie mentioned that the names on the acct would have to be changed – Jane taken off and Anne put on.

- Wendy is to make an appointment at the bank for Ernie and Anne to make the changes.

8.3 The Maps Webpage

- Ernie suggested that directions should be given for the Tuesday and Thursday evening social events for those who want to drive or take a cab. Susan agreed that this was a good idea and a mention should be made of this in the FAQ. This detailed info should go on the maps webpage and in the registration pkg. Jane will pass this info on to Sage.

8.4 The Business mtg

- Jane contacted Ann Green re: minutes from last year’s mtg and an agenda to be put in the registration pkg. Ann said that it was a good idea and requested that Jane remind her in a month.

8.5 Roundtable Lunches

- Wendy said that the only day available to do this is on the Friday. Susan said it is not necessary to put it in the schedule. We will put a notice on the bulletin board near the registration desk and if people want to organize one they can put up a notice on the bulletin board for others to sign if they are interested in joining. We will also ask Ann Green to make an announcement in the Welcoming Address on Wednesday am.

8.6 IASSIST Executive Mtg – Sunday

- Ernie mentioned that it would be good if we could have the registration pkg ready for those attending the mtg on Sunday. This should encompass 15-25 people. Susan will get a list of names from Ann Green and have their bags ready for them. Marie mentioned that we will be doing signage around U of O on Sunday afternoon, so we will give them their bags at that time.

8.7 Local Arrangements

- Susan will look into the possibility of us reserving the registration rooms for the Monday and Tuesday after the conference so we don’t have to empty them out on the Friday when everything is over and we are EXHAUSTICATED.

- Ernie inquired as to who was allocating rooms for the sessions. Susan mentioned that these details are being taken care of at the B and B mtg.

- Ernie inquired what was happening with printing. Susan mentioned that she has a quote from Sage for StatCan, and one from Nancy for U of O. The B and B group is looking into this and will report to the LAC. Susan also mentioned that deadlines need to be publicized for program/presenters for printing.

8.8 Poster Sessions

- Susan suggested that one of the buses come to the New Residence to pick up people on the Thursday after the Poster sessions. Wendy said that this shouldn’t be a problem and will make this arrangement at the appropriate time. It will not be necessary to have one bus go to the New Residence on the Tuesday.

- Wendy mentioned that she has told Bill to tell his presenters to have a ‘canned’ version of their presentation just in case the internet connection isn’t working. (She requested that Jane put this on her action list.)

8.9 Restaurants

- Marie gave her list to Wendy.

- Wendy has given special compensation to Jane because she lives out of town – she only has to give one name.

- Wendy mentioned that the restaurants don’t have to be in the market area. She also reminded everyone to email her their list this week.

- Wendy will bring the list next week.

8.10 Mailout to CAPDU re: this conference

- Sage is working on this.

8.11 SSHRC Grant

- Susan said that she will not be resubmitting the SSHRC grant as we wouldn’t find out until June whether or not our proposal is accepted. Chuck said that this is too late to help his students. Susan mentioned that this is also too late to help the South American who was interested in coming to the conference. She or substitute will put a suggestion in the Conference Handbook that the program committee get involved in this process sooner than they did this year.

- Wendy had a suggestion regarding 4 grad students who want to come to the conference. They are students of Chuck and Elizabeth Hamilton. Wendy suggested that we waive their conference fees ($150 per student) and if they want to come on the boat cruise, they pay for it. This was agreed on by all. Marie asked that these students contact her to register. Who will tell the students this? Wendy said that waiving the fees for these 4 students would soften the blow of not receiving assistance from SSHRC.

8.12 Free Conference Registrations

- Marie asked that everyone send her the names of those people who will be receiving free conference registrations and the reason they will be free. She asked that everyone do this as soon as possible.

8.13 Promo Material from FoI

- There was some discussion about where we were going to put the promo material from the FoI – in the conference bags or on the tables for participants to pick up themselves. Wendy will ask the FoI which they prefer to do.

- Ernie will ask Anne to put a line in the FoI blurb about promo material.

- Susan or substitute will ask Manon for extra tables to be available around the registration desk for FoI to use.

- Ernie will make sure that the FoI who will be taking advantage of the tables know that they have to do the setup and take down of the displays themselves.

9. Non-IASSIST stuff

9.1 CCHS

- Mike will talk to Michel Seguin about his CCHS presentation. As far as Mike knows, it is to be a 3 hr presentation so it should start at 1:00 on Sunday May 25th . Susan said that this info should go in the CAPDU mailout.

- Mike and Michel will get together and draft a blurb for the presentation and have it translated. It only has to be a few lines.

9.2 CAPDU and DLI

- Ernie asked who was looking after the CAPDU and DLI stuff. Wendy will mention it to Bo and see if he will.