SNCC Members Present
James MacPherson, Paul Davies, David Rennie, John Murray, Frances Matheson
Highland Council Members Present
Cllr Jim Crawford, Cllr Carolyn Caddick
PC Ian Blackburnpresent
Jenny Stewart, EwenHardie, Sally Moore, William MacQueen, Cllr Thomas Prag, Cllr Roy Pedersen, Cllr Margaret Davidson, Cllr Drew Hendry, PC Matthew McCann.
- Approval of minutes of 23 January 2012
Proposed: John Murray
Seconded: Paul Davies
- Matters Arising from minutes
- Apologies from Frances as she thought she had put a notice of the meeting in the Inverness Courier using their online ‘what’s on’ system but it didn’t seem to work.
- Grit bins – did everyone get back to Paul?
- Financial Report
Update from Jenny Stewart. There is no change to the status of the account, in that there have been no pay-ins.
Signatories: A visit to the Bank revealed that we had been given the wrong forms. The new form is now completed, and a further visit to the Bank with further evidence should result in the form being "sent away" for processing.
Photocopier: I have made a couple of attempts to contact Danwood regarding the alternatives to their proposal, and have now left a message on their answering machine. I will write to them today, and hopefully will have a written reply soon.
Doug Meiklejohnupdated the CC with regards to the possibility of having an electronic keypad fitted at Farr hall. This idea was rejected at a recent Farr hall committee meeting as it was felt the hall access wouldn’t be controlled enough. It was felt that there were enough keys to access Farr hall.
- Community Policing Report
Update from PC Ian Blackburn.
A letter from the community council isto be addressed to the Chief Constable regarding the intimidating letters received by objectors to the proposed Dalvourn wind turbine. It was agreed that one letter and supporting documents would be sent to the Chief Constable and another sent directly to PC Matthew McCann.
It was requested by a member of the community in attendance that it would be useful for stats from the police on reports of any traveller campsin our area going back three years. This data may be useful if the travellers’ camp at Auchnahillian goes forward for planning.
It was requested by a member of the community in attendance for the police to provide the community with facts and figures of how many accidents and incidents have occurred on the A9 stretch of road between the junction for Daviot West and the turning for the B851. These stats may be useful for the Daviot wind farm letter of objection.
It was highlighted to PC Ian Blackburn that people are using a grass verge at the junction from the B851 to the A9 as an ‘unofficial parking bay’. It was felt that this parking is very dangerous as it restricts a driver’s view when pulling out onto the A9.
Action: PC Ian Blackburn to take the above points raised and discuss with PC Matthew McCann so he can update the CC at the next meeting.
Action: Frances Matheson to liaise with PC Matthew McCann prior to the CC letter of objection for Daviot wind farm being submitted to the council to see if the stats on road accidents on the A9 at Daviot can be used in the CC objection letter.
- Daviot Wind Farm update
From Cllr Margaret Davidson:
- Right to appeal. All applicants for wind farms have the right to appeal; below 50 MW the application is dealt with by the Highland Council as a major application. Appeal is to the Scottish Government reporters. They then decide how the appeal will be dealt with e.g. in the case of Moy the reporter is to decide whether he will convene meeting on certain issues or whether he will conduct the appeal by written submissions.
- The Photomontages. The application for Daviot wind farm has submitted a Volume 4 of Photomontages which the planning officer is content is of the required Highland Council standard(which is high).
- The works on site…the planning officer and enforcement officer have already planned a site visit next week to discuss the works. They are indeed extensive and he may be in breach of planning regulations. I’ll ask after their visit what their conclusion is.
Frances is still working on the CC objection letter and thanked those people within the community who have sent in their objection letters.
Action: Letter to be finalised and submitted before deadline of 17th February.
Cllr Jim Crawford highlighted that it would be beneficial for all those objecting to the wind farm to write to their local Councillors to represent their views at the planning meeting when it occurs.
Action: Frances to write to all Councillorson behalf of the Strathnairn CC sending them a copy of the CC objection letter and asking them to represent the CC views.
Paul Davies updated the CC on seeking legal advice on the proposed community benefit offer from West Coast Energy (WCE). Paul met with David Eason from Munro and Noble where he was advised that the CC can accept in principle or a solicitor can accept on our behalf. When accepting in principle they advised that we state ‘pending receipt of legal contract’. Will discuss further as a CC in due course.
Paul also advised that he was meeting with Simon Green from WCE this week to discuss the finer detail of the offer. Paul will update the CC on the outcome of the meeting at the March CC meeting.
- Moy Wind Farm update
A member from the community in attendance brought to the CC’s attention that the Scottish Government website reference for the Moy wind farm is:
The member of community in attendance mentioned that a site visit was planned for the 29 March 2012.
Action: CC to keep informed of any updates and progress with this.
- Dumnaglass Wind Farm update
RES have accepted the figures in principle. A representative from RES would like to attend a future CC meeting. Jimmy and Paul to lead on this.
- Kyllachy Wind Farm update
Paul Davies mentioned that there will be a RWE meeting on the 24 February. He will update the CC at the next meeting on the outcome.
- Dalvourn Wind Turbine
Final copy of letters have been received by the CC.
Action: a letter to be written to the Chief Constable as agreed and copies of the letter evidence to be sent with this letter. A letter and the supplementary evidence to also be sent to PC Matthew McCann.
- Planning update
From David Rennie
- Planning reference: 12/00160/ADV, erecting of a sign with light for Daviot Farms at police station, war memorial on B9154. 2.5m high by 1m wide. The CC agreed to object to this planning application on the grounds that it was not in keeping with local plan. Action: David Rennie to object through planning on behalf of the CC.
- David brought to the CC’s attention a house extension that was in for planning. No one was concerned and no further action will be taken as a CC.
- Roads update
The CC asked MrPeter Christie to review the plans proposed for B851, his comments were:
I note that within the Strathnairn part of South Loch Ness the intention is to spend £1,089,000 on improving the B851 from the A9 to its junction with the B862. Of this the improvement of the junction with the B861 at Inverarnie at a cost of £45,000 will be funded exclusively by the Highland Council. The funding for the remaining £1,044,000 is allocated to HC/Developer.
I further note that Drg. 2 indicates an expenditure of £10,000 for Passing Place improvements to a small unclassified road at Fort Augustus but there is no reference to any project to replace the missing upstream parapet to the bridge just below the abandoned Farr water treatment plant
Since the Council have given us the Road Improvement Strategy for 2011/2013 I think that the CC should bring this oversight to their attention. I am sure that the Council are failing in their statutory responsibility in respect of owning a bridge that is not safe.
I consider that the "Typical Village Gateways" as merely cosmetic and a waste of resources. (£15k per gateway) You will remember the battle the CC had over the reinstatement of the speed bumps outside Farr Primary. History will repeat itself over the reinstatement of the chevrons and the like for the gateways. I have not included the cost of the gateways in the above figures.
The chair thanked Mr Peter Christie for his contribution. John Murray brought to the CC’s attention that it is likely that the village gateways will not be completed for the villages of Croachy and Farr.
Action: Frances to write to the Council roads department regarding the missing upstream parapet to the bridge on the Garbole road.
- Community Noticeboard
Work to improve the current noticeboard (JM & PD)
-Payment of the work recently carried out as paid to the value of £320 plus cement
Paul Davies spoke with the first contractor regarding the payment of gravel and he agreed that he would accept a contribution towards payment of the gravel rather than paying the full amount. Discussions took place and the CC agreed that they would offer to pay £50 towards the payment of gravel.
Action: Paul Davies to write to the contractor to verify if he will accept the value of £50 as payment.
- Community website / Social media
Paul Davies updated the CC that during other community meetings discussions have taken place and people are in agreement that Strathnairn community should look to develop its community website and social media space. Paul highlighted at this stage that work is underway to improve these communication medias and he will keep the CC informed as projects progress.
- Travellers’ camp at Auchnahillian
In the Highland Council’s Inner Moray Firth Local Development Plan the old lay-by on the B9154 (old A9) at Auchnahillin, Daviot East has beenshortlisted as a potential site fora travellers’ camp.
If this is approved, the Council plan to make the site freely accessible to travellers, and provide it with mains water and refuse bins - thereby in effect turning it into a permanent travellers’ site.
The Plan will be sent to the Strathnairn Community Council by late February/early March; at the same time a series of Public Exhibitions will be held (our nearest probably Culloden), and the Plan will be advertised in the local press (probably Inverness Courier), at which time every resident or visitor to the area should make it known the Community Council and Highland Council whether or not they support this proposal, and their reasons. If possibleother locations should be suggested or recommended as more suitable alternatives - Highland Council have also included sites at Stratton, Inverness, Torvean Quarry, and two at Dalcross Industrial Estate on the shortlist.
In the meantime, for more information please search for Inner Moray Firth Local Development Plan on Google or or telephone the Planning Dept on 01463 702506 and ask to speak to someone about the IMFLDP.
It was raised by a member of the community in attendance that when they reviewed the maps used by the HC for the Inner Moray Firth Local Development Plan, the map of Strathnairn was misrepresentative of our area.
Action: Frances to work with the HC to ensure that the correct map of Strathnairn is used.
- Lack of lights leading from the Daviot church car park across the road to Daviot hall. Cllr Jim Crawford and Cllr Carolyn Caddick will look to see how many lights could be installed. A member of the community in attendance also mentioned to the local Councillors present that the current light bulbs in the street lights at Daviot need replaced which may help with the issues in hand.
- A member of the community present highlighted the health and safety hazard of a lady and daughter and their horses on the road. The member of the community mentioned that it was a concern for their safety as they are very difficult to see in the dark on the road.
- David Rennie mentioned that it was brought to his attention that the Government has money aside for improving mobile phone signal to remote areas of Scotland. Action: David Rennie to find out who the CC would contact for further information.
- Date of the next meeting
Monday 26 March 2012, 7.30pm, Farr Community Hall
Action: Frances to book hall.
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